How to use the jack?

The jack is the simplest means for power lifting of various equipment, building structures and materials. However, its operation requires special attention both in terms of application technology and in terms of maintenance. How to use a jack? The question is controversial and requires consideration of specific conditions of use. Moreover, the type of construction of this tool will be of considerable importance for the answer.

General rules for working with the jack

Use of jacks

Each application of the jack is individual in its own way, there are many nuances that are taken into account in the course of work in specific conditions. But there are universal rules that should be guided in any circumstances:

  • Before starting work, it is necessary to compare the capacity indicator of the tool with the mass of the serviced object. An approximate calculation of the lifting points is also required, since it is not always possible to get by with one jack, even if it has sufficient traction. This will avoid a breakdown, for example, when lifting the log house to replace the crown.
  • It is important to maintain the stability of the reference point. For example, how to use the jack if there is no stable surface in the lifting zone? Sometimes it is possible to build an artificial platform with rigid scaffolds, but this option will also be appropriate only if the load matches the reliability of the base.
  • When the structure is fixed in the desired position, it is impossible to perform actions with the object that can violate the stability of the jack. Analysis of the established system always begins and ends only through the tool mechanism in the order specified by the instruction.

How to use a rack jack?

Use of a rack jack

The design in the form of a metal oblong strap in the initial state is installed between the reference point and the surface of the lifting object. Some models have a lift mode switch - it determines with what step the upward movement will be carried out. Further, using a special jack handle, movements are made up and down. In this case, it is very important to take the position correctly. Experienced motorists are advised to get up to the left of the tool and use your right hand to manipulate the edge of the handle. With the left hand, the rail itself is held, but from the side facing the object.

The question of how to use the jack so that during lifting it does not slip off the work surface is very important. To do this, initially push the upper reference point of the tool a little deeper. For example, in the case of the machine, the jack should provide support slightly along the diagonal line. As you ascend, this curve will level out, which will allow you to avoid natural beveling in relation to the deflected bottom of the car.

Rules for working with screw jacks

Screw jack

One of the simplest designs, having both disadvantages and advantages. Actually, the work technique can be attributed to the advantages of the tool. How to use a screw jack? First, a retaining ring is installed, which, in principle, will not allow changing the position of an object without operator intervention. Then the support is installed under the target surface, after which it is again checked and, if necessary, the locking block is adjusted.

Then, using the complete key, you can begin the process of unwinding the cylindrical support from the supporting structure by thread to the desired height. Everything is quite simple, but what are the disadvantages of such jacks? Firstly, in most cases they have a low lifting rod, and secondly, manufacturers often include metal elements (like an external cylinder) in the device, which reduces the reliability of the tool. Actually, their rated load capacity is not high - up to 3 tons on average.

How to use a hydraulic jack?

A wide group of lifting devices, the principle of which is based on the creation of pressure in the piston with technical fluid. Some models also operate due to the compressed air force activated by the plungers through manual force. Liquid rolling models can hold loads up to 4-5 tons, and those working on compressed air - up to 10 tons. How to use a rolling jack? First of all, the bypass valve is screwed - also a kind of blocking mechanism that performs the function of a stopper. Then the device is put in the destination for the subsequent rise.

Bottle jack

By the way, such models are called movable for the reason that they can be adjusted for cars with a small clearance - up to 15-20 cm. Next, the user begins to press the lever, and the hydraulic cylinder will gradually raise the pushing support. There are also modifications that produce tackle lifting simultaneously. In the process of pressing the lever, the platform of the jack starts under the machine and in parallel with this, the cylinder rises. The specific lifting tactics will depend on the design of the car.

How to work with pneumatic hydraulic jacks?

A complex multi-component unit, the feature of which is the need to connect a compressor station. It pumps compressed air, due to which the lift will be carried out. A dehumidifier is also introduced into the working infrastructure to allow condensate to drain. In the process, the operator will need to monitor the pressure indicator in the system - a manometer is used for this. How to use a jack of this type? From the owner is not required any power manipulation. It is enough to start the compressor unit and the lifting process will begin. When the optimum height is reached, the valve closes. Regulation is controlled by the user, changing the position of the valve or other valves as necessary. The organization of work with pneumohydraulic devices requires certain troubles, but then in the future, for a short period of time and with minimal effort, you can even lift trucks with buses.

Features of using a rhombic jack

Using a jack with a hook

This is a type of screw jacks, but due to a fundamentally different structural device, it can be placed in a separate category. If the simplest screw models use an elementary cylindrical base with a thread along which the rod rises and falls, then the rhombic models are formed by four rigid ribs fixed by a hinge system. Their ligament in the center is provided by clamps, due to which the angle between the lower and upper ribs changes and the mechanism is lifted. The force is transmitted from the hook. This is a metal bar that is usually supplied with the kit. How to use a jack with a hook? Usually, ears or rings mating with a screw mechanism are provided at the corners of the clamps. The owner only needs to pass a hook through the hole and make circular turns, while lifting the upper segments of the device.

Rules for the use of inflatable jacks

Air jack

A fairly rare type of jack, but such devices are in demand. The design provides for a rigid base and a pushing upper platform, as well as a dense, airtight bag for filling with gas-air mixtures. For example, many models of such jacks of domestic production work only from the exhaust pipe, filling with exhaust gases. How to use a jack of this type? It is enough to connect the tank nozzle to the exhaust pipe and open the valve. As it fills, the device will part two rigid support segments, raising and the target object. By the way, the lifting capacity of such jacks is small (2-3 tons), so they are more often used for cars. For this reason, many designs are designed to be connected to the exhaust pipe of the machine. However, it may be allowed and inflating from the compressor unit.

Jack Maintenance Tips

The tool requires regular cleaning of dirt. Particularly for rack and screw mechanisms, sand with solid particles is dangerous. Friction elements are periodically lubricated with machine oil, which restores the smoothness and ease of movement of functional organs. If you plan a long trip, then in advance you should check the design for the integrity of the body, the quality of bolted joints and the work of movable parts. Hydraulic models also need to be checked for leaks so that the working fluid remains at the proper level.


Using a rolling jack

Manual jacks, although they require some physical effort when used, quite effectively and reliably perform their tasks. Only constructions requiring the use of additional accessories or equipment can cause difficulties. For example, how to use rhombic jacks? They need a bar with a hook tip, which under heavy loads is deformed or even breaks (depends on the quality of the kit). The most problematic in this regard is a pneumatic-hydraulic jack, for which you need a compressor and connecting equipment. But then it is considered one of the most lifting and comfortable jacks in terms of physical handling.


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