Obtaining Russian citizenship: conditions and procedure for obtaining

Many foreigners are thinking about the possibility of obtaining Russian citizenship. Numerous changes are regularly introduced into this process, the purpose of which is to simplify this procedure. Some people can take advantage of the simplified process of obtaining citizenship, but they must meet certain requirements and conditions. You should understand where you need to apply, what documents are prepared, and why citizenship is generally required.

What is the design for?

Each foreigner who has obtained citizenship of the Russian Federation can count on different opportunities. These include the following:

  • live freely and legally in any region of the country;
  • conduct business on the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • work officially in any Russian company;
  • get an education at a university in the Russian Federation;
  • take out medical insurance;
  • get services in medical facilities.

There are several existing programs that allow you to obtain Russian citizenship with minimal effort, but for this, foreigners must meet certain requirements.

the right to obtain Russian citizenship

When can I arrange?

Every foreigner should know that obtaining citizenship of the Russian Federation is possible only under certain conditions. Without good reason, this is considered impossible.

Obtaining citizenship of the Russian Federation can be implemented in several ways, depending on the available grounds:

  • Filiation. She assumes that if the child has a mother or father who are Russian citizens, then citizenship of the Russian Federation is obtained automatically. It is citizenship upon birth is the most popular way to obtain this status.
  • Naturalization. Obtaining Russian citizenship in this way implies that a foreigner must not only be in a certain amount of time in the country, but also meet some other requirements.
  • Renewal of the status of a subject of the Russian Federation. Often people lose their citizenship. Most often this is due to the situation when the child’s parents change citizenship, therefore the baby becomes a citizen of another country. After reaching adulthood, he can obtain a Russian passport, and a simplified procedure is used for this.
  • The resettlement program of compatriots. This takes into account for what reason the status was initially lost.

The refusal of Russian citizenship must also be properly documented, for which a special application must be submitted to the FMS. The refusal is only voluntary, therefore, in no way will it force to force a person to abandon citizenship.

Main steps

Every citizen of another country has the opportunity to become a citizen of the Russian Federation. For this, the correct procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship must be observed. It consists of several successive steps. All actions should be carried out on time.

Obtaining citizenship of the Russian Federation consists in the implementation of procedures:

  • direct border crossing, for which a foreigner must have a visa or passport;
  • registration, for which it is first necessary to choose a room intended for a citizen;
  • a notice of the location of the alien must be transmitted to the FMS within a week after arrival in the Russian Federation;
  • a temporary stay in the country is drawn up;
  • after registration, it is necessary to obtain a RVP, and this document has a limited validity period, which can vary from 6 months to 2.5 years;
  • a citizen receives the status of a resident of the Russian Federation;
  • Permanent residence permit is issued in the country, which makes it possible to enjoy various advantages and rights;
  • resident status is valid for 5 years, but it can be renewed an unlimited number of times;
  • foreigners with a residence permit can permanently reside in the country or work, and additional permits, certificates or other papers are not required from them;
  • Further, documents are prepared for obtaining citizenship if a person has already lived in the country for more than five years with a resident status;
  • if a foreigner has a residence permit for a period of three years, then he can write an application for citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • if there are no obstacles to the granting of citizenship, the applicant receives permission;
  • other documents are attached to it, transferred further to the FMS;
  • on the basis of them a Russian passport is issued for the applicant, and the process does not take more than one month.

Thus, the process is considered quite long, since at least one year must pass from the moment of filing documents for citizenship. Obtaining Russian citizenship requires the preparation of numerous documentation and the implementation of many sequential actions.

obtaining citizenship of the Russian Federation

Difference between standard and simplified procedure

The process of obtaining citizenship of the Russian Federation can be performed according to a standard scheme or a simplified one. Simplified acquisition of Russian citizenship is permitted only through special programs. These include the relocation of compatriots. Under such conditions, the amount of time that will have to be spent on obtaining citizenship is significantly reduced.

The standard procedure requires the applicant to live in the Russian Federation for at least five years with the status of a resident of the Russian Federation. Obtaining Russian citizenship for children is also based on this principle. Additionally, the requirements are taken into account:

  • compliance with the laws of the Russian Federation;
  • knowledge of the Russian language;
  • availability of a permanent source of income;
  • renunciation of previous citizenship.

Documents for obtaining Russian citizenship must be submitted six months before the moment when the validity of the residence permit expires. At the same time, only an adult and capable person can engage in the process. For children, the process is carried out by parents or guardians.

Simplified procedure conditions

This process is available exclusively to people who fit the requirements of a resettlement program for compatriots or other programs. Obtaining Russian citizenship was greatly simplified for them. The process does not take much time and does not require the preparation of numerous papers.

The conditions for obtaining Russian citizenship under a simplified scheme are as follows:

  • documents can be prepared as early as three years after living in the country with resident status;
  • registration does not take a year, but 90 days.

Only some categories of applicants can use this simplified procedure. These include foreigners, taking into account the conditions:

  • relatives permanently reside in the Russian Federation;
  • ancestors were Russian citizens;
  • persons are native speakers of the Russian language;
  • citizens distinguished themselves in front of the country, therefore they have special merits.

To determine whether a particular foreigner can take advantage of the expedited procedure, it is recommended that you consult an experienced lawyer. Usually immigrants from the CIS countries can apply this scheme, as they are native speakers of the Russian language. This status is assigned after passing the commission, and written testing is also carried out.

What documents are needed to obtain Russian citizenship

Who else can use the simplified scheme?

Additionally, such an opportunity is offered to other persons under certain conditions. The right to obtain Russian citizenship under a simplified procedure is granted:

  • Individual entrepreneurs operating in the Russian Federation for more than three years, with annual revenues exceeding 10 million rubles .;
  • investors who have invested in a Russian company, but their share in the company's management capital should exceed 10%;
  • qualified specialists in significant areas working in a Russian company for more than three years;
  • graduates of Russian universities working in the Russian Federation for more than three years.

All of the above foreigners have the opportunity to take advantage of the simplified process of obtaining Russian citizenship.

Stages of the overall process

If it is impossible for a foreigner to use the simplified scheme, then he will have to perform the sequential steps of the standard procedure.

Each stage has its own nuances, so it is important to carefully understand the rules of the process.

obtaining Russian citizenship to children

Border crossing rules

Foreigners at the border must have a visa or passport. From residents of countries that are members of the Customs Union, their internal passport is required.

A migrant card is issued on the border with Russia, and a stamp is placed in the passport.

Sending Arrival Notification

Within the next 7 days from the moment of arrival in the country, the migrant must notify the FMS of his arrival. If he rents an apartment or remains to live with relatives, then he must deal with the process independently.

If a person stays to stay in a hotel or other similar institution, then it is the administration of this institution that is responsible for notifying the FMS, so they will send the document the next day after the arrival of a foreigner.

Obtaining a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation

RWP allows you to work in the country legally, enjoy numerous rights and many advantages. This permission is represented by a special stamp, which is affixed to the passport. If a person does not have the citizenship of any state, then the RVP is presented with a special certificate. On the basis of this permission, the opportunity is given to officially work in the country, to obtain patents or to conclude labor contracts. It is allowed to open an individual entrepreneur or company, as well as visit a clinic at the place of residence.

This permission is valid for three years. During this time, it is necessary to obtain the status of a resident of the Russian Federation, and also send an application for a residence permit (residence permit) to the FMS.

RWP is not required for citizens of Belarus and Turkmenistan, and this also applies to foreigners who are highly qualified professionals in significant areas. Therefore, they can immediately concentrate on obtaining a residence permit.

What documents for obtaining Russian citizenship

Registration of a residence permit

If, on the basis of a temporary permit, a migrant has lived in the country for more than one year, he can apply for a residence permit. If available, you can work in the Russian Federation legally for five years.

To obtain a residence permit, you need to prepare the documentation:

  • application in the prescribed form;
  • 4 photos;
  • passport of a foreign state;
  • temporary residence permit;
  • certificate indicating the income of the applicant;
  • a medical certificate containing information about the state of human health;
  • certificate or other documents indicating that the applicant speaks Russian.

For refugees, more simplified processing conditions are offered.

Preparation of documentation for obtaining citizenship of the Russian Federation

If a residence permit was issued, and there is also evidence that a person has lived in the Russian Federation for more than five years, then he can count on Russian citizenship. To do this, it is important to study what documents are needed to obtain Russian citizenship.

It is standardly required that a foreigner not only live in Russia, but also engage in labor or business activities. He must be fluent in the Russian language and abandon the citizenship of his state. Undertakes to comply with Russian law.

documents for obtaining Russian citizenship

What documents should be prepared for obtaining Russian citizenship? These include papers:

  • statement;
  • residence;
  • a certificate from a medical institution indicating the state of health of the applicant;
  • application for renunciation of existing foreign citizenship;
  • 4 photos that should be matte and color;
  • a certificate confirming that the applicant is fluent in the Russian language, and it costs about 5.5 thousand rubles, and it can also be replaced by a document proving the education in a Russian university;
  • if a foreigner entered into official relations with a Russian woman, then the certificate of marriage is required;
  • receipt of duty payment, which is equal to 2 thousand rubles.

Only copies of papers that are pre-certified by a notary are transmitted.

If you want to obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation for a child, then all the actions of the guardians. Moreover, the documents for obtaining Russian citizenship include permission from both parents. If the child is over 14 years old, then he must independently write his consent to the change of citizenship.

A certificate of knowledge of the Russian language from citizens of Belarus is not required, since in this country the official language is Russian. Therefore, documents may increase or decrease depending on various circumstances.

Process cost

For the change of citizenship will have to pay a fee, which is equal to 2 thousand rubles. In addition, 1 thousand rubles are paid for a temporary residence permit in the country, and 2 thousand rubles should be prepared for a residence permit.

If a person who does not have the citizenship of any country applies for the process, he is exempted from the need to pay a fee.

procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship

Thus, the registration of Russian citizenship is a specific and lengthy procedure. It may vary slightly depending on the state of the applicant. You will have to pay a state fee for the process. Some people can take advantage of the simplified process of obtaining Russian citizenship if they meet certain requirements and conditions. Even if the correct sequence of actions is followed, a refusal can be obtained for various reasons.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23333/

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