Fern "antlers". Platicerium: types, description, home care

Platicerium, or, as it is also called, "deer horns", is not very popular with flower growers, because this plant does not belong to the category of unpretentious. And only experienced plant growers can grow it. But if you make an effort and provide the fern proper care, it will become an adornment of the collection of home flowers.

Types of Platicerium

In the natural environment there are 18 species of this plant, but at home only such varieties of platycerium are grown:

  • Angolan. It is distinguished by solid sporiferous leaves of a triangular shape, up to 40 cm wide. They are expanded to the upper edge, which has notches and pubescence of orange color.
  • The platicerium is large. This large plant is found in the forests of Asia and Australia. The fern has dissected leaves at the ends, which reach up to 60 cm in width. Spore-shaped wye with a wedge-shaped form grow up to 2 meters in length.
  • Platicerium Hill. Outwardly resembles a large platycerium, but with more fragile and elegant leaves. Its straight veyi are shallowly dissected, and individual segments are pointed at the tips.
warm winter garden

All these species deserve attention, but nevertheless the most popular was the Platycerium deer antler variety. Details about it are described below.


The platicerium, or “deer horns” fern, belongs to the millipede family. This large epiphytic plant is found in the rainforests of Australia. It is distinguished by the presence of two types of wai: sterile and spore-bearing. The first, a little like cabbage leaves, round and wide, tightly grasp the trunk of a tree, for which the plant clings. They form a cap with a diameter of up to 1 meter, covering the root system. Over time, the remains of fallen leaves, corpses of insects and other debris accumulate in it, which serves as a kind of nutrient substrate for ferns.

how to propagate a deer antler plant

Large spore-bearing veyas extending up to two meters in length emerge from the center of the cap. They differ in a special curved shape, in fact, for which the plant received the second name "deer horns". It will not work to see how the plicerium blooms. This fern does not produce buds and propagates, like all representatives of its species, by spores.

Home Care

Platicerium is a plant that can hardly be called unpretentious. And to grow it at home, it will take a lot of effort and recreate an environment that is close to natural. Fern care is based on the following agricultural activities:

  • regular watering;
  • periodic top dressing;
  • transfer;
  • prevention of diseases and pests.

In addition, in order for the plant to feel comfortable, it needs to create a certain air humidity and maintain optimal temperature and lighting in the room. More details about these growing rules are described below.

how the platyserium blooms


Platicerium “deer horns” is a photophilous plant, but direct sunlight is contraindicated, because from them the leaves of the culture get a severe burn and fade. Therefore, to grow ferns, choose the east or west side of the room. The plant will take root in the north, but here he will need additional illumination with a phytolamp.

If you plan to grow fern exclusively in artificial light, then keep in mind that the level of illumination should reach at least 4300 lux. And the duration of the day should be at least 10 hours a day.


Fern "deer horns" refers to very thermophilic plants. And all year round it is advisable to maintain the indoor temperature within + 20 ... +25 ° C. The plant calmly tolerates heat even at +28 ° C, but the cold practically does not survive. Therefore, you must not allow the room temperature to fall below +15 ° C. And it is best to transfer the fern to the cold season in a warm winter garden, where it will receive enough heat and light.


Fern "deer horns" lives in tropical rainforests, respectively, the dry conditions of an ordinary apartment are not suitable for him. And to recreate the natural environment, it is advisable to put a special moisturizer next to the pot. If you do not have such a device, then at least install a flowerpot with a plant on a pallet filled with wet expanded clay or pebbles. But make sure that the water does not reach the drainage hole, otherwise the roots of the fern “suffocate”. Better yet, hang the plant over the aquarium.

In addition, do not forget to regularly spray the leaves of the platicerium from the spray gun. But use warm and necessarily filtered water for this. Otherwise, the leaf scales will become clogged with tiny particles, which will negatively affect the health of the fern.

Note that the surface of the plant is covered with velvety hairs that trap moisture from the air. And so as not to damage them, never wipe the fern leaves with a damp cloth. And if their surface is covered with dust, then remove dirt by abundant spraying. Or use a brush with soft bristles.

antler plant

Landing rules

Fern “deer horns” is desirable to grow on blocks, in plastic flower pots with slots, hanging baskets or wide clay flowerpots. When planting this plant, keep in mind that over time, its sterile wai will completely stick to the planting capacity, which will block access to the roots. Therefore, choose more voluminous flowerpots to provide sufficient space for the development and growth of the plant.

If you plan to plant fern in a pot or hanging basket, then prepare a slightly acidic loose soil, consisting of small pieces of bark, sphagnum moss and coarse peat. Be sure to add some charcoal to this mixture to prevent the development of rot. If you do not want to fool with the components, then purchase a ready-made substrate for ferns intended for orchids.

If you plan to grow a plant on blocks, then create a thick “pillow” of coarse-fiber peat and sphagnum moss around the root system. And then tie it to a block located vertically, such as a large piece of pine bark or a plastic grid. As they grow, the lower leaves will tightly clasp the structure, and the plant will be firmly fixed.

platicerium leaves


Platicerium “deer horns” is a hygrophilous plant that needs regular watering. Fern does not tolerate drying out of the soil, but stagnation of moisture at the roots is contraindicated. Therefore, watering should be treated responsibly. Moisten the soil as soon as its top coat dries. If sterile leaves blocked access to the roots and you can’t assess the condition of the substrate, it is better to skip watering and irrigate when the vayi plants are slightly wilted and wilted.

In any case, moisten the plant only with soft, filtered and settled water at room temperature. In addition, experienced gardeners recommend using the lower watering method when the pot or block is lowered into a container of water and left for 20-30 minutes. So, you will enable the fern to absorb the amount of moisture that it needs. After watering, do not rush to put the flowerpot in its usual place, but wait a few minutes for excess fluid to escape.

Top dressing

Fern "deer horns" responds well to the application of fertilizing. Therefore, it is advisable to fertilize the plant at least once a month. Spend this event after watering and use specialized preparations for ferns as top dressing. But give the platycerium only half the dose that is indicated on the package. In addition, experienced plant growers recommend using banana peels or boiled tea leaves for plant nutrition, which must be placed under a dome formed by sterile leaves.


This event can only be held for young plants. But adult specimens are not recommended to be transplanted, because as they grow their sterile leaves tightly cover the pot, because of which they can be easily damaged during the procedure. In addition, the event affects the decorative appearance of fern. After all, even if you manage to carefully separate the leaves from the flowerpot, then after transplanting they will no longer create a membrane dome that clings to the surface. Therefore, the platicerium is transplanted only in extreme cases.

Nevertheless, it is advisable to change the bottom layer of the soil, getting close to it from the bottom of the pot. To do this, even during planting, you need to make several slots in the bottom of the pot or basket.

platycerium olenorogy

How to propagate a deer antler plant

Propagate this capricious plant is almost impossible. At home, even in the presence of a warm conservatory, the platyserium rarely releases spores. Nevertheless, some gardeners manage to get root buds, from which rosettes of leaves are then formed. These children are later used for reproduction, planting their individual pots.

If your fern has released a similar bud, then do not rush to separate it, but wait until it gives root. And only then transplant it into a separate pot. At first, keep the baby under a cap of polyethylene to create wet conditions.

If you managed to get the spores, then sow them in the moist soil, consisting of peat and sphagnum. Before that, do not forget to sanitize the substrate. To do this, hold it over steam or calcine in the oven. After sowing, cover the container with glass or polyethylene and place in a warm place with diffused lighting. Ventilate the landing regularly and spray the ground with warm water from the spray gun.

Spores can germinate from two to six weeks. Keep young seedlings further under the glass and do not forget to moisten them. When the plants are strong enough, transplant them into individual containers.

platycerium home care

Diseases and Pests

Platycerium olenorogy is sick only with improper care. In most cases, gardeners encounter such problems:

  • Fern ferns turn pale and become lethargic. So the plant signals an excess of light. Move the pot to a shaded place and the fern will recover. In addition, leaves may turn pale due to lack of nutrients. In this case, feed the plant.
  • Dark dry spots appeared on vayayh. Such injuries are caused by burns. Do not forget that the platycerium does not tolerate direct sunlight.
  • The edges of the wai began to dry out. A similar phenomenon occurs when a fern is grown in a room with too dry air. Install a humidifier or a container of water near the plant and do not forget to regularly spray the leaves with warm water from the spray bottle.

Of the pests, ferns are annoyed by scale insects, spider mites and thrips. At the first signs of parasites, treat the plant with a systemic insecticide, such as Actelikom or Fitoverm. And if your pet was attacked by scale insects, then in addition to processing drugs, you will have to remove pests manually. To do this, use a cotton swab dipped in an alcohol solution.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23354/

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