Dishwasher: how it works, device

A dishwasher is not such a complicated technique as it might seem at first glance. Its design consists of several basic elements, and additional may vary, depending on the model. In any case, the impeccable cleanliness of the dishes and the time saved by the hostess - this is the result that any dishwasher provides. How this technique works from the inside, through what stages the dishes go through during the washing process, what problems may arise during work, and how to cope with them, are described in the article.

dishwasher how it works

Device dishwasher

Washing dishes is a complex process in which several elements are actively involved. The base for them is a metal case with good tightness, made of stainless alloy. It has thermal and sound insulation characteristics, is resistant to aggressive chemicals and temperature extremes.

  • Outside on the case you can see the control panel with a screen (if this model provides a screen), control buttons and a timer.
  • The key element responsible for the operation of the dishwasher is the electric motor.
  • The air duct is responsible for drying.
  • Dishes are laid in special baskets. For each type of dishes - cups, plates and cutlery - they are different.
  • The distribution of detergents and water inside the machine is carried out by rockers. Water flows under pressure through a system of pipes and nozzles.
  • Heating water to a set temperature provides a heater.
  • The pump is responsible for the water supply, and its volume is regulated by a special valve. Before you get directly into the machine, the water is cleaned and softened using a filter system.
  • Waste water is drained onto a drip pan at the bottom of the machine using a drainage device.
  • A drain hose is designed for draining, and a float regulator prevents leakage.
  • The stability of the dishwasher is guaranteed by the counterweight installed in it.
  • Containers for detergents, salt, emollients are located on the inside door.

Of these basic elements and consists of any dishwasher. How it works depends on the model, some additional functions also differ. For example, a heat exchanger is designed to reduce energy consumption during drying. There are also machines with sensors that sensitively control the degree of purity of the supplied water and sensors that check for the presence of the necessary detergents. And in models with a turbo-drying function, there are fans and additional heating elements.

how the dishwasher works

Principle of operation

Surely many wondered how the dishwasher works. Outside, everything is elementary. After the equipment is installed and connected, you can start to start. You put detergents and rinses in the cells and place the dishes on the shelves and in the drawers. Then select the desired program, press the start button and you can do your own thing.

But it’s outside, but how does the dishwasher work from the inside, and what happens in it after you press the button? First of all, the valve opens and water flows into a special container. It mixes with salt and detergent, while simultaneously heating to a predetermined temperature.

how the dishwasher works from the inside


The further principle of operation depends on the selected program. It can be standard or special, for example, for very dirty dishes, a pre-soak mode is required. After you have selected this mode, the circulation pump will supply water mixed with detergent in small portions. Thanks to this, the dirty dishes are sprayed for a certain time, to acidify the dried-out food residues.

Washing dishes

Washing also takes place with the participation of a circulation pump. He delivers pressurized water to a rotating sprinkler, which sprays it, washing the dishes. The spent liquid enters the filters, where, having passed the filtration procedure, again enters the secondary rinse tank. Here, more detergent is supplied to the water, so that dirt is removed from the dishes.

Rinse and Dry

After completion of the washing program, the signal from the control unit starts draining. Water is pumped into the sewer, and the tank is filled with clean water. It is supplied under pressure to the sprinklers, removing food and detergent residues. This process can be repeated several times to rinse more thoroughly. Then the water is pumped out again, and the drying process begins. In some models, it occurs naturally, in others, hot air is forcedly forced by fans.

how does the dishwasher work inside

How long does the whole process take?

It is difficult to say for sure how long the dishwasher has been operating. This is affected by the technical indicators of a particular model, as well as the selected washing program and the degree of contamination of the dishes. But in general, the washing process consists of specific steps.

The main wash is carried out within 15-25 minutes. During this time, water mixed with detergent is sprayed onto the dishes under pressure. Then rinsing takes place (15-20 minutes), the principle of which is the same, but without detergents, but with rinses or softening salt. The next step is drying, which also takes 15-20 minutes. On average, the entire cycle will take from 45 to 60 minutes.

There are other factors that affect the working time. For example, heavily soiled dishes, with burnt fat or old food debris, will take longer to wash. If the pre-soak mode is selected, this will also increase the cycle time. The brand also affects how long the dishwasher works: Bosch, Candy or Electrolux will show different results.


In general, the dishwasher does not spend much time. In addition, much less water is consumed than if you carried out this process manually. And achieving such perfect cleanliness with a hand wash is not easy. Moreover, mind you, with less detergents.

Problems in the operation of the machine, their causes and elimination

Now you know what happens after the dishwasher closes: how the mechanism for supplying water, draining, drying, and other nuances works. But, unfortunately, the work process is not always ideal and may be associated with some problems. What difficulties may arise in the operation of the dishwasher, and what are the ways to solve them?

Poorly washed dishes

It happens that the washing cycle is completed, but there are whitish stains on the dishes or it is poorly washed. This problem may occur due to improper adjustment of the amount of detergent. If it is too small, there will be dirty streaks on the dishes, if too much, your plates will be covered with white stains. Reduce or increase the dosage, and the problem will be solved.

Poor feed or drain

If the dishwasher does not work well, this may be due to clogged hoses or filters. Often the water supply is difficult or not carried out at all - in this case, check the nozzles, remove them and thoroughly clean them. If draining is difficult, the problem is clogged filters with food debris. Clean these parts regularly and you will get rid of the hassle.


Other problems

If observing how the dishwasher works, you notice too much foam in it, this is due to an excess of rinse aid. It must be loaded strictly to the norm, not more. Next time check the settings of the dispenser and, if necessary, increase the amount of powder - it has antifoam properties.

Sometimes difficulties in work may arise from the fact that the detergent has run out or its supply has been blocked, which means either the dishes in the baskets are not correctly placed or you have chosen the wrong mode.


Technical details

If everything is in order from the operational side, then the result of how the dishwasher works is inside. Among the most common technical problems are:

  • extraneous noise - sprays, pump or bearings are out of order;
  • no water is supplied - replace the exhaust valve;
  • mid-stop - the pump needs to be repaired or replaced (sometimes the problem can also be related to the water intake path or recirculation filters);
  • water does not heat up - the temperature sensor or the heater has failed;
  • the machine does not work and beats with electric current - an electrical circuit may break.

Now you know everything about how the dishwasher is arranged, how it works, and what problems can arise when washing dishes. Not every one of them can be handled independently. So it is better not to risk it and in case of a serious breakdown consult a specialist.


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