The Straw Golem at Taumcraft: What Is It?

Minecraft is still one of the most popular computer games in the world, largely due to the fact that incredible modifications, such as Taumcraft, are released to it. This modification adds incredible magical possibilities to the world, so you should definitely try installing it.

This article will not focus specifically on the modification itself, but about what it brings to the world of Minecraft. For example, the Straw Golem becomes available to you. What it is? Is it possible to create it yourself? What can he give you? The straw golem is a very useful mob, so you should definitely learn all about it.


straw golem

So, it's time to learn how to make a Straw Golem in Taumcraft. To create most creatures and cast spells, you will need carnal and spiritual substances called Victus and Animus, respectively. To create the Straw Golem, you need eight units of each substance. Secondly, you will need five sheaves of wheat. Why wheat? You will know about it when it comes to the purpose of this mob. Thirdly, you need one core of revitalization of golems of any type.

When you have everything you need, it remains to combine all the ingredients and use a magic wand (even a student’s wand will do). That's all, now you have your own Straw Golem in Taumcraft.

How does it function?

taumcraft straw golem

So you created the Straw Golem. What's next? Why do you need him at all? As soon as you create it, it will immediately begin to function, namely to scan the area for ripened wheat. Ordinary Straw golems in “Taumcraft 4.2” are seen at a distance of ten blocks, and can even see through the blocks, so you should count on this radius of action of your new mob.

In addition to wheat, your golem will study the territory for any ripened harvest, starting with potatoes and ending with sugarcane. But you should pay attention to the fact that this mob only breaks the ripened crop, and does not collect it. This means that wheat, potatoes, reeds, and all other products will remain on the ground and deteriorate in five minutes.

Features of use

straw golems taumcraft 4 2

As you already understood, the Straw Golem itself can also cause harm if you do not closely monitor it. However, you can go for a very interesting trick. The fact is that the Wooden Golem is harvesting, but cannot break it while it grows. Accordingly, if you combine these two golems in one team, you can achieve excellent results.

Types of Straw Golem

how to make a straw golem

The last thing you should pay attention to is that there are various kernels for reviving the golem, and if you use a regular core, you will get a standard golem. But there is also a quick, smart and receptive core, each of which gives your golem a bonus when creating. If you get a fast golem, then the speed of its movement will be twice as fast as that of a standard mob.

This is not to say that this is a great advantage precisely for this golem, therefore it is not recommended to use this core to create it. What happens if you use a smart core? Unfortunately, such a golem still cannot harvest. However, he can re-plant him if he discovers nearby objects necessary for this. Thus, you can establish a constant process of growing and harvesting.

Well, the last option is a Sensitive Straw Golem. Its radius of view increases from ten to sixteen blocks, which will also allow you to cover a large area. Accordingly, such a core can also be used to create Straw Golems.

But which is better: Smart Golem or Sensitive? Each of these mobs has its own advantages, so you should think carefully about what effect you expect. If you need your golem to process several fields at once, which are located at a distance of more than ten blocks from each other, then it is worth creating a Sensitive straw golem. But still, the Smart Golem, which can not only break the crop, but also sow the seeds again, looks much more preferable, since it will save a lot of your time. Therefore, in most cases, gamers choose this option.


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