How to get Russian Railways bonuses: step-by-step instructions

The age of high technology constantly dictates its own rules to man. We must be in touch every second, be able to get information with lightning speed, do several things at the same time and solve work issues, regardless of how far our business partner is from us. All this makes us adapt to a certain rhythm of life, where time is the greatest value. Fortunately, today many understand this, so they have long appreciated the introduction of new technologies in everyday life. For example, thanks to air communication, which is now established between almost all cities in the world, we can easily move around the planet.

However, it is not always advisable to travel by air, therefore, rail transport comes to the rescue. He, too, has noticeably changed over the past two decades, so every year enjoys increasing popularity among our compatriots. In addition, thanks to special bonus programs, it is possible not only to save significantly on the purchase of a ticket, but also to receive it for free. Want to know how to get the RZD-Bonus bonus card? You think how to register in the program? Or how to get Russian Railways bonuses for each trip? Then you need to familiarize yourself with our article, it contains useful information on all your questions.

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A few words about the bonus program

We think that every person who often travels by rail wants to know how to receive Russian Railways bonuses. After all, they give the client a lot of benefits. But why are such programs needed by the Russian railways? This question is often asked by travelers who are considering whether they should take care of receiving a bonus card.

In fact, Russian Railways are very interested in using their services as often as possible. At the same time, not only Russians, but also foreign citizens can receive bonuses. For the program, the citizenship of the client does not matter. The main thing is to accumulate the required number of bonuses. After that you can safely start planning almost any trip with an expectation of an award ticket.

With its program, Russian Railways encourages passengers to travel around the country using trains. After all, knowing how to receive Russian Railways bonuses, everyone will be happy to purchase tickets.

Main conditions for participation in the program

How to get Russian Railways bonuses? Believe me, everything is very simple. First of all, you must register in the program on the official website of the company. For this purpose, the client sets up a personal account and goes through several stages. After which he can consider himself a full-fledged participant in the bonus program.

However, keep in mind that points are awarded only if you travel by Russian Railways or choose holding partners for the trip.

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Program participants: requirements

Before proceeding to a detailed explanation of how to receive RZD bonuses for your trips, let's clarify who exactly can become a full-fledged participant in the program.

If you are already fourteen years old, and you managed to get a passport, then you can easily register on the website of Russian Railways. For a child who has not reached the age of fourteen, personal data is entered by his legal representatives. But keep in mind that in this case, points will be awarded for the trip to the child, and not to his parents.

To register as a participant, it is not necessary to have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. It is interesting that not only individuals have the opportunity to receive bonuses, but also companies. For them, this offer can be very beneficial, because with the help of points travel tickets to the place of business trip are paid to all employees of the organization.

RZD bonuses how to get

Program Registration Steps

If you often travel by train, then you should not think about how to get Russian Railways bonuses once again. Simply register once in the program and then enjoy all the benefits of its member. If you are ready, then let's proceed directly to the registration process.

First of all, you should find on the Internet the official website of Russian Railways and create your own personal account. In the process, a simple form will appear on your screen, which will need to be completed in several stages.

At the first stage, the clientโ€™s personal data is entered. The columns indicate the last name, first name and patronymic. Then enter the date and place of birth.

At the second stage, you must confirm your identity. This can be done using a document such as a passport or, for example, a driverโ€™s license.

At the third stage, a potential participant in the bonus program must fill in a column with contact details: phone, mail and email address.

The fourth stage is needed to maintain confidentiality. You must come up with a code word, phrase or question, which, if necessary, will appear on the computer screen.

At the final stage, the program will ask you to confirm the email address indicated earlier. For this purpose, a link will be sent to your mailbox, according to which you must go back to the site.

After all these manipulations, registration in the bonus program can be considered completed. The customer is immediately assigned a number of thirteen digits. It must be indicated every time you purchase tickets, regardless of how the purchase is made.

How to get points in the Russian Railways bonus immediately after registration? Is it possible? Of course available. As a gift, a new member of the program immediately becomes the owner of five hundred bonuses. And itโ€™s nice that you can use them already at the first ticket purchase.

Additional Information

Before spending bonuses, you need to learn a few important rules that will help you properly manage your points. Keep in mind that a personal thirteen-digit number is tied to a specific person who is registered on the site. It is forbidden to transfer it to anyone. But if you want to help another participant in the program and share your points, then the rules of Russian Railways is not prohibited.

You should not try to deceive the Russian railways and create several personal accounts. In this case, all your accounts will be instantly blocked, and you will not be able to use the already accumulated bonuses.

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How to get a RZD-bonus card on hand?

After registration in the bonus program, a special plastic card is issued to the client. It indicates the same number of thirteen digits that is assigned to the client at the final stage. This is notified to each participant in the program. Many of them immediately begin to worry about where to get the RZD-Bonus card and will ring all the contact phone numbers listed on the site.

However, you do not have to use a plastic card at all, because when buying train tickets, you just need to specify a personal number. The program will automatically find the client and take into account points when buying. But nevertheless, there is a category of passengers for whom it is very important to have some kind of document confirming their status. How to get a RZD-bonus card in the shortest possible time?

You will be surprised how simple it is. You must provide a mailing address during registration. It is on him that your card will be sent. The time it takes to reach the recipient depends only on the mail workers. But usually it does not take more than two weeks. After this period, you will become the owner of a plastic card with your individual member number of the bonus program.

Points: variety and categories

Usually itโ€™s quite difficult for a newcomer to understand all the features of bonuses the first time. Russian Railways rules provide for two types of points:

  • premium;
  • qualification.

The former are directly used to purchase tickets. They are reflected in the individual account, which at any time can be checked in your personal account.

Qualification is sometimes also called "loyalty points." They determine the level of the client. It can be base and gold.

You can go from the basic to the gold level by accumulating thirty five thousand points or making fifty trips in one calendar year. In this case, the passenger must travel in a compartment or wagons of a higher class.

After reaching this level, the Russian Railways client receives a lot of additional bonuses. For example, a passenger for each trip will receive more points than usual. There is also the opportunity to purchase any number of award tickets at the same time. In addition, the passenger will be able to receive discounts on the services of partners of the railways of Russia. This may be booking rooms, renting a car, purchasing vacation packages and so on.

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Bonus accrual

So, suppose you become a member of the bonus program and plan to purchase a ticket. How to get bonuses for Russian Railways tickets? Do not worry, the program will do this automatically.

However, do not forget that during the purchase process you must indicate your personal account number. In this case, the purchase will be credited and bonuses will be credited for it within a month. You just have to check the status of your account on the company website.

How to get RZD-bonus points after the trip?

In some cases, it becomes necessary to add bonuses in manual mode. This is done in your account in a special tab. It is noteworthy that those passengers who at the time of the trip were not participants in the loyalty program can also exercise this right . But from the day the trip ends, no more than four months should pass.


For those who plan to accumulate bonuses, it is very important what their value is in relation to the ruble. Indeed, in the future it will be for points that you will purchase award tickets.

Remember that one bonus point equals three rubles thirty-four kopecks. You can save them for any time, however, if you have not made a single train trip in two years, then all the accumulated bonuses will simply burn out.

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How to buy a ticket for bonuses?

Like everything in this Russian Railways program, buying a train ticket is a very simple process, and it does not take much time. If you think that you have already accumulated a sufficient number of bonuses, then you can start processing the travel document.

To do this, go to the Russian Railways website through your personal account and select the necessary route. After that, be sure to enter your individual number under which you are in the program, and the password. You will see a table where the ticket price will be indicated in bonus points. However, keep in mind that you can only get a ticket in a compartment or higher-class wagons.

If you have enough points to buy a ticket for the selected route, then you simply make a purchase by clicking on the appropriate button. After the ticket you can pick up at the railway ticket office.

Pensioners in the program "Russian Railways-bonus"

Many elderly people are interested in how to get a RZD-bonus card? For retirees, it is also available, but on a common basis. There are no separate benefits and discounts for them. However, people who receive a pension can use a different way to accumulate points than travel.

For example, anyone who has issued a Russian Railways Alfa-Bank debit card for everyday use can receive bonuses for any purchase. This is very convenient, because we all pay daily in different public places with a plastic card. Now, with its help, bonuses can be accumulated on the account, which are easy to use for the purchase of an award ticket.

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Great offer for students

Young people are characterized by constant movement around the country, because they want to travel, go to visit friends or relatives, or go on vacation to work in another city. But all this requires money, in which students of higher educational institutions are usually constrained.

How to get RZD bonus for students? And how beneficial is it for them? In fact, it is very beneficial for students to become participants in the program. After registering on the site and receiving a personal number, they get the opportunity to buy tickets on domestic routes at a discount of one fourth of their total cost. In addition, students can use a variety of affiliate programs, which are presented in large numbers on the site.

The only condition for participation in the program for students is the presentation of a certificate from the educational institution confirming that the young man is studying full-time.


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