Who is a hummingbird-like insect?

Walking through the forest edge or admiring a flower bed on warm summer evenings, you could witness an unusually amazing sight: a hummingbird flutters over a flower. But, as a sane person, you immediately reassure yourself: these birds are not found in our latitudes. So is it an insect that looks like a hummingbird, or is nature still crazy? What miracles do not happen!

hummingbird-like insect

Amazing Hummingbird Insect

And if you happen to see such a miracle, then you should know that you met a butterfly of the family of hawks, which number more than a thousand species. They are also called Yazkans. Indeed, this hummingbird-like insect is easily confused with the Australian bird. The butterfly’s body is very powerful and quite large. Hogwarts are considered the best flyers among Lepidoptera. They can reach speeds of up to 50 kilometers per hour. They feed on flower nectar, hovering in the air above a flower. Hogwarts are spread all over the world; they live in the tropics, and in Siberia, and in the Crimea. And although these butterflies are considered nocturnal insects, they can often be met during the day. As mentioned above, their main food is nectar, but there are also instances that eat nothing at all, since their proboscis is underdeveloped. And, therefore, this species of hawks does not live long, after mating and laying eggs, butterflies die. The appearance of the butterfly birds is very beautiful, and, by the way, the caterpillars are no less beautiful. As a rule, they are very large and brightly colored, and a horn is visible at the rear end of the body. If you take such a caterpillar in your hands, it shrinks and begins to twitch from side to side, trying to scare off enemies. And some are also piercingly squealing. Let's get acquainted with the individual species of these wonderful butterflies.


hummingbird-like insect photo

In South and Central America, the largest representative of hawks is found - antaeus hawk. Indeed, this insect, similar to a hummingbird (photo is presented in the article), can be confused with a bird - its wingspan is about 18 centimeters. The color of the butterfly is indeed “bird” - gray-brown with yellow patterns on the sides and along the edge of the wings. They fly all year round, the benefit of the climate allows. Anthea caterpillar is very large, in a yellow-green strip.

Oleander hawk

This butterfly is extremely beautiful! The wingspan is relatively small - 100-158 mm. The body and wings are covered with a complex pattern. So a butterfly is easier to hide. The insect flies from July to October. It lives in Africa and Asia, rarely found in Europe. Caterpillars feed on oleander and periwinkle. And although these plants are poisonous, hazardous substances do not accumulate in the body of the insect, which makes it defenseless against predators.

hummingbird-like bug
Brazhnik "dead head"

You must have met this butterfly more than once. You can recognize it by the frightening pattern on the chest in the form of a human skull. Actually, because of the mentioned image, it got its name. Every spring, this hummingbird-like insect flies to us from Africa to breed, but the butterfly hibernates in its homeland, as our winters are too harsh for them. Flies from July to October. Lives nearby potato fields. It feeds on flower nectar and simply adores honey. Therefore, it often flies into bee hives for a treat. Feed plant caterpillars are nightshade.

Hummingbird-like winged beetle

Yes, sometimes they are still confused with bugs because of the impressive size and sounds made. Here are such amazing hawks: they squeak, love honey and impersonate birds. And how much more unusual nature keeps in itself!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23380/

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