Spitting cobras: description and photo

What are spitting cobras? What kind of life do such reptiles lead? What do they eat and how do they breed? Is it possible to keep a spitting cobra in captivity? All this will be discussed in our publication.


spitting cobra

There are several varieties of snakes that differ in their ability to defeat the enemy with toxic substances at a distance. These include the following reptiles:

  • Big brown spitting cobra.
  • Central Asian red cobra.
  • Collared cobra.
  • Black-necked cobra.
  • Black and white cobra.

Spitting mechanism

cobra photo

Spitting cobras, photos of which can be seen in our material, shoot poison through curved channels that are located in the teeth. Such openings are able to open as soon as necessary. The toxic substance is produced from the channels due to the contraction of special muscles on the snake’s neck. It is here that the glands are located, which make up the supply of toxic substances.

After departure from the mouth of the cobra toxic substances are able to reach the target at a distance of up to three meters. As the results of special studies show, such snakes have the ability to accumulate poison, the volume of which is enough for several tens of “shots” at a time.

The described mechanism is observed in African spitting cobras. The Central Asian variety is also capable of firing poison over a considerable distance. However, in this type of toxic substance shoots out of a special hole under the tongue, in the lower jaw.

The main purpose of the protective mechanism is the ingress of toxic substances into the eyes of the enemy, whether it be a beast or a person. Having found danger, the cobra raises its head and holds the target in sight. Then there is a spit, which is directed slightly above the head of the enemy. Having reached the destination, the poison in a short time leads to clouding of the cornea of ​​the eye. The result is often the complete blindness of the victim. Moreover, toxic substances irritate the skin, causing the destruction of its structure.

Sometimes spitting cobras make mistakes. But this happens infrequently. The reason usually becomes a good reaction from the potential target. In some cases, cobras take for their eyes the shiny elements on a person’s clothes.


black-necked cobra

Spitting cobras, photos of which are presented in the article, often prey on small reptiles. The prey of such snakes are toads and lizards. Occasionally, small rodents, birds, and other snakes are victims of poisonous creatures.

Having captured prey, a spitting cobra injects a powerful toxin into her body. The snake does not release the victim immediately. The predator continues to hold on to potential lunch until it ceases to show the slightest sign of life. After immobilizing prey, a spitting cobra swallows it whole.


The peak of mating season in spitting cobras occurs in the middle of winter. After mating, the female lays eggs, which she lays around April. Up to 15 embryos can form at a time. Eggs are laid in places where the abundance of dry leaves and grass is concentrated. Sometimes reproduction of offspring occurs in the spaces between large boulders. Some species equip the nest using plant debris for this purpose.

Spitting cobras never leave masonry unattended. During this period, such reptiles become especially aggressive and dangerous to others. They fearlessly attack any living creature that dares to approach the place of masonry. In this case, the snakes do not pay any attention to the size and nature of the enemy.


big brown spitting cobra

Spitting cobras are able to survive in the most atypical conditions. Often, such snakes are caught in their natural habitat for captivity.

For such reptiles, a rather spacious terrarium is required, with a size of at least 120 centimeters in length, as well as 50 centimeters in width and height. Of particular importance for the cobra is maintaining the optimal temperature. The air in the terrarium should be warmed up to indicators of the order of 25-28 ° C. At the same time, the animal must be provided with plentiful drink, which is served in a flat bowl.

The substrate may be a mixture of peat and sand. In order for the cobra to be able to hide, stones, driftwood and tree branches are placed in the terrarium, live plants are placed in pots.

Relationship with man

These days, spitting cobras are in great danger. Such reptiles often occupy territories in which a person conducts economic activity. Fearing deadly poison, people deliberately exterminate these snakes, without thinking about whether such actions are rational in a particular situation.

Among other things, a person is engaged in hunting for such animals. The goal is the extraction of snake skin, as well as valuable poison. The latter acts as an indispensable ingredient for the production of antidotes and drugs.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23381/

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