Can I restore my birth certificate through Public Services?

Internet technology greatly simplifies life in the modern world. With their help, you can order food, make various purchases and even arrange some of the state and municipal services. For example, get a cadastral passport or an extract from the Unified State Register of Enterprises, order a foreign or civil passport, check the queue for kindergarten. All this now does not cause trouble.

Things are somewhat different with situations in which you have to recover documents. It is far from always possible to use the Internet in order to implement the task. Today we will try to find out whether a modern resident of the Russian Federation will be able to restore his birth certificate through the State Services. What kind of portal is this? And how is the mentioned document restored?

restore a birth certificate through public services

About "Government services"

First of all, get acquainted with the "State Services". Recently, it is known to almost every resident of the Russian Federation.

This service is a means of providing state and municipal services. On the corresponding website, citizens can:

  • order documents;
  • receive data on citizens, organizations and real estate;
  • track the readiness of documents;
  • to pay taxes;
  • restore a number of papers that are important for modern people and companies.

Almost all state and municipal services are allowed to fill out using the mentioned page. But is it possible to restore the birth certificate through the "State Services"? How is such a task implemented?

About the grounds

By law, any lost document in Russia can be restored. And a birth certificate is no exception. It may be reissued if the previous copy of the paper:

  • has been spoiled;
  • stolen;
  • lost.

The basis for the implementation of the task is to submit the application in the established form to the registering authority. Also, a duplicate certificate is issued only after the presentation of a certain package of documents. About it will be told later.

restore adult birth certificate through public services

About recipients

First, itā€™s important to understand who is eligible for the duplicate. It is impossible to restore the birth certificate of a stranger. This fact will have to be taken into account and remembered.

Recipients (and applicants) in solving the task may be:

  • the person in whose name the birth certificate has been issued (adults);
  • close relatives of the deceased;
  • legal representatives of a citizen.

As already mentioned, outsiders can not demand the restoration of someone else's birth certificate. This is possible only when issuing a power of attorney from one of the previously listed people.

Where do they give out

Will it be possible to restore the birth certificate through the State Services in Russia or not? In order to fully answer this question, it is important to understand which bodies are involved in the design and issuance of the document.

So far, such functions are assigned to the registry offices and the MFC, respectively, in the listed organizations it will not be difficult to implement the idea. And what about State Services?

This service is also in great demand. A duplicate of the certificate can indeed be issued at the State Services. This practice is not very common so far, but it does occur.


Recovering an adultā€™s birth certificate through Public Services is just as easy as with children. The main thing is to remember that such a solution has a number of significant advantages. Which ones?

restore the birth certificate through public services

They usually include:

  1. No need for a personal visit to the registration authority.
  2. Paperwork without queues.
  3. Having detailed information about the upcoming process.
  4. Ability to pay for services from home. Also, non-cash payment can be attributed here. It is he who is in separate demand.
  5. The delivery of services on time.
  6. The presence of contact information of all organizations with which the citizen deals.

Of course, the biggest advantage of restoring a birth certificate through Public Services is the saving of time. Under certain circumstances, an idea can be realized in just 10-15 minutes. There is nothing difficult about it!

Underwater rocks

Nevertheless, if citizens decide on such a step, they will have to pay attention to some features of the operation. To restore a birth certificate through the "State Services" will not be able to everyone and not always.

The thing is that to use the portal you must have an active profile. Normal registration on the service is not enough - you will have to wait some time to verify the accuracy of the information.

Typically, the activation of the questionnaire takes about 14 days. Therefore, it is necessary to register at the "State Services" in advance. Otherwise, the restoration of the birth certificate will be impossible with the help of the mentioned service. The applicant will need to fully apply to the registry office in order to implement the idea.

Step-by-Step Recovery

Now consider the service we are interested in in more detail. How to restore a birth certificate through Public Services? To do this, follow a small guide. It will tell you what to do at one or another stage of filing an electronic application.

You can restore your birth certificate through public services

Instructions for ordering a duplicate of the document under study looks like this:

  1. Register on the "State Services". As we have already said, a citizen must have an activated profile in order to receive the service we are interested in.
  2. Log in to the portal.
  3. Go to the section "Public Services".
  4. Select "Family".
  5. Mark "Need to file ...". In the list that appears, indicate "application for a duplicate birth certificate."
  6. Download the finished form to your PC.
  7. Fill out the application and upload it back to the State Services using the appropriate button.
  8. Click on "Next".
  9. Choose a registry office in which you want to receive a document. Usually, citizens either come to the body that originally issued the birth certificate, or apply at their place of residence.

That's all. Now it remains only to wait for a notification about the readiness of the document. At the appointed time, you must come to the registration authority and pick up the finished birth certificate. Recovering through the State Services the mentioned paper is actually much easier than it seems!


At this stage, important points of the procedure do not end. It will be possible to restore the birth certificate of a deceased relative through State Services in 10 minutes. But at the same time, the citizen will have to pay the state duty for the operation.

The amount of payment changes from time to time. In 2017, the production of a duplicate birth certificate will cost 350 rubles. Payment can be made directly on the Gosuslug portal. This is done at the time of submitting the application in the established form.

After notifications

What to do after the applicant receives a notification on the readiness of the document in the "Personal Account"? You will have to follow certain instructions.

restore a birth certificate through public services Moscow


  1. Form a package of papers required to restore a birth certificate. Through the "State Services" only an application is submitted. Nobody frees people from paperwork.
  2. At the appointed time, come to the registry office and present documents.
  3. Get a birth certificate.

As a rule, you can come at any time during the work of a particular registry office to obtain the corresponding duplicate.

Documents for certificate

What kind of papers will be required to restore an adult's birth certificate through Government Services? Exactly the same as when contacting the registry office for this service.

A lot depends on the circumstances. If a person restores his testimony, then he will come in handy:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • base documents for changing the last name / first name / patronymic (if any);
  • receipt of state duty payment.

This is usually enough. If you need to get a duplicate of the birth certificate of a deceased relative, then a citizen will be required to:

  • documents confirming kinship (preferably);
  • power of attorney (if any);
  • applicant's identity card;
  • death certificate;
  • a fee paid.

But that is not all. Usually, youā€™ll think about how to restore your birth certificate through the State Services (in Moscow or any other city - itā€™s not so important), or you personally have to deal with children's documents.

restoration of a birth certificate through public services

If you need to draw up a duplicate of the mentioned paper for a minor, then you will need:

  • passport of the legal representative of the child;
  • marriage / divorce certificate (if any);
  • receipts with fees paid;
  • adoption documents (if any).

All this is presented in the registry office. Without these papers, the issuance of a certificate will be refused. And this step is completely legal.

Registration term

Through "State Services", a birth certificate can be restored. This has already been said. Moreover, we got acquainted with the application process for processing the request in detail.

How fast is a duplicate of the mentioned paper made? Typically, the waiting period varies from 1 day to a month. Because of this, many try to personally apply for a duplicate birth certificate. Indeed, sometimes employees meet the applicants and produce a document in a few hours.

In any case, it will take no more than 1 month to wait until the paper is ready. It is for this period that it is recommended that the population orient themselves.

The role of registration

It is clear how to restore a childā€™s birth certificate. Through "State services" this operation is carried out without much difficulty. In particular, if the applicant has an activated profile on the service. Otherwise, the use of the portal will be impossible.

Does the applicantā€™s registration play a role? Not really. You can get a duplicate birth certificate in any region of the Russian Federation. But if you apply for a service in a region where the document was not originally issued, you will have to wait longer for it to be ready. But no more than 30 days.

Accordingly, when working with the State Services, registration does not play any significant role. This should be remembered by every citizen.

restoration of an adult birth certificate through public services


Now itā€™s clear how the restoration of the birth certificate through the State Services takes place. This operation requires a minimum of time. There is no paperwork as such.

Ordering a duplicate birth certificate is one of the simplest service options. The mentioned algorithm of actions works equally well in all regions of the Russian Federation. And you should pay attention to this.

However, many still prefer to order duplicate birth certificates on their own. This is a personal matter for everyone. In any case, issuing a birth certificate (copy) through the State Services will no longer be a hassle!


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