RWP confirmation: list of documents, description of the procedure and recommendations

RVP confirmation is a mandatory procedure for all foreign citizens who live in Russia with a temporary residence permit for more than 12 months.

What is RVP and why confirm it

A temporary residence permit (or RVP for short) is a document that allows foreign citizens to live in Russia for up to 3 years, freely enter and leave the country an unlimited number of times, work, study and, if they wish, run their own business. The status of a citizen with RVP is temporary. It cannot be renewed as a residence permit. A citizen of a foreign state with RVP is not entitled to any benefits or pension.

Twice for the entire duration of the SAR, a citizen must visit the Central Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (until 2014 the organization was called the Federal Migration Service) and file a notification about his residence in Russia and the existence of his means of subsistence.

RWP Confirmation

After the issuance of the SIA, the migrant agrees to live within the region in which he was issued a permit, and annually submit a notification of confirmation of the SIA. In fact, a migrant by his appearance informs the migration service about his stay in the region and his well-being. A tear-off coupon, which a foreign citizen receives after confirmation, will be necessary for him to apply for a residence permit.

Terms of circulation and consideration of documents

After 12 months from the date of assignment of the RWP, the migrant must submit a notification of confirmation of his residence in the Russian Federation. A citizen of a foreign state has exactly 2 months to contact the appropriate authorities. This period may be extended if the applicant has unforeseen circumstances, in connection with which he was not able to apply to the relevant authorities. If such a situation arises, the applicant has six months to solve all his problems and submit a notification. In addition to the traditional package of papers, the applicant also provides documents confirming the existence of special circumstances that prevented him from appearing in the Central Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

rvp confirmation notice

Documents are reviewed on site. An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs’s GUMV looks through the papers with the applicant, so a second visit is not required.

Where to go

Notification of confirmation of residence on the RVP is submitted to the GUMV of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the city at the place of registration. Consequently, the applicant applies either to the department of the Central Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in which he was issued with a temporary residence permit, or, if the migrant has changed his place of residence, at the place of the new temporary registration.

RVP Accommodation Confirmation Notice

Important! When changing the place of residence, the migrant is obliged to inform the GUMV of the Ministry of Internal Affairs about this and officially receive a new temporary registration. Change of registration is possible only within the region in which the migrant was given RWP. To move and receive a new temporary registration in another region, a migrant must similarly apply to the relevant authorities and submit an application for the transfer of his documents to another region, indicating the reasons that prompted him to do this.


The employer will need the following package of papers to confirm RVP:

  • copy and original of the passport (internal or international passport, depending on which document you received the RVP);
  • filled-in RVP confirmation form;
  • tax return or income statement in the form of 2-personal income tax.

Some departments require the submission of TIN and notarized translations of passports.

Confirmation of residence by RVP

The certificate in the form 2-PIT must be for the last year or for the period of official employment of the applicant. Salaries should not be lower than the minimum subsistence level in the region. An employee of the authorities must make sure that you have work, even if not the whole of the last year, and that you will receive and will receive sufficient wages.

If the migrant has children or other dependents, his income should be enough to cover the cost of living in the region of each of them.

Notification Procedure

The procedure for confirming residence in the RVP is as follows:

  1. The applicant takes at the place of employment a certificate 2-NDFL about his salary and taxes, which are calculated from it by the employer.
  2. The applicant fills out a residence notification form and prepares a copy of the passport with a note on RVP and temporary registration.
  3. The migrant appeals to the department of the GUMV MVD.
  4. An authorized person checks the submitted documents, confirms the acceptance of the papers by the migrant by signature and seal, and transfers the voucher to the applicant.

rvp confirmation sample

Traditionally, the applicant must personally apply to the department of the GUMV MVD with his documents. However, it is allowed to transfer papers of confirmation by the spouse or spouse if all the necessary data is available in the notification and signature of the applicant.

Do I need to file a notice for the child

Confirmation of the child's RVP in Russia is mandatory. For persons under the age of 18, parents, guardians or official representatives file a notice with the Ministry of Internal Affairs’s GUMV. You can take a sample of the confirmation of the military registration in the department of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (there is a photo of the form in our article). The document is called “Notification of confirmation of the residence of a foreign citizen or stateless person in the Russian Federation”.

In addition to a certificate in the form of 2-NDFL or a tax return, written consent is submitted for the maintenance of the child by his parent or guardian. The funds received by the parent should be sufficient to support two persons: themselves and the child, based on one living wage for each region.

Requirements for filling out paper for a child in all departments of the Central Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs may differ.

Valid fill options:

  • the notice is filled in on behalf of the child, and the column “about not employed” or the address of the educational institution where the child is studying is written in the column on work;
  • the form is filled in on behalf of the parent indicating “for a minor”, ​​the address of the parent's place of work is written in the column on work;
  • the form is filled in on behalf of the child, in the column “work is dependent on ...” and the name of the parent.

What to do if a migrant is not employed

Officially, every foreign citizen with the status of RVP is required to have a job in order to live in the territory of the Russian Federation. If the applicant is not documented anywhere, he can submit an extract from the bank about the existence of an account with a sufficient amount of funds in order to confirm to the RVP so that he can freely support himself with interest on this amount.

In some branches of the relevant authorities, an extract from the bank is accepted with funds that total 12 living wages in the region.

RVP confirmation form

A certificate from the bank is not an official document to confirm the RVP. The employee of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has the right not to accept her. You should find out about this nuance in advance in the department of your city: whether the certificate is a confirmation or not.

Full-time students, people with disabilities and senior citizens are exempted from submitting a certificate of employment. Instead, they must prepare the relevant documents proving their status: a certificate from an educational institution, a certificate of disability or a pension certificate. If their income is not enough to cover 12 living wages, their RVP will not be canceled. Like other foreign citizens, they are also required to provide a copy and original passport and a completed form.

What will happen if you do not file a notice? A migrant who did not submit a notice of residence in the Russian Federation on time will face a fine of 2 to 7 thousand rubles.

Who may not file a notification

Persons who do not plan to continue to reside on the territory of the Russian Federation and are not going to apply for a residence permit may not give a notice. In this case, they should leave the territory of the Russian Federation in the near future after the planned confirmation of the RWP.


Some tips for migrants with RWP:

  • how you will confirm your income for the year, you need to think immediately after obtaining a new status;
  • proof of residence is a traditional procedure for migrants with both RVP and residence permits, so before obtaining citizenship without it, think about your official income again;
  • open an account or deposit with a bank long before a notice is given;
  • you need to find out about the possibility of confirming your income by deposit in advance in the department of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of your city;
  • confirmation by deposit is an unofficial way of confirming income; you do not need to prove to the employee of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs about your rights.


Confirmation of residence and employment is submitted by all adult foreign citizens with a temporary residence permit. The deadline is 2 months. You should contact the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of your city.


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