Ground floor - a way to increase the area of ​​the house

Progress affects almost all aspects of our lives, and the architecture of suburban or private houses and cottages was no exception. More recently, in most cases they built small one-story houses, today already 2-3 floors in a private house is a common option. But often the area is not enough, and the number of storeys can not always be increased. In this case, the basement is built. This is the level of the building, the floor of which is located below ground level (zero mark).

basement is

What premises can be located in the basement?

Since the windows at this level are small, it is desirable to make living quarters at the upper levels. Basement - this is most often:

  • technical facilities (boiler room, laundry, boiler room, etc.);
  • facilities for games or sports (billiard room, gym, etc.);
  • sauna and pool.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main drawback that makes you think twice about whether you need a basement or not is the high cost of its construction. You need to pay not only for digging a foundation pit, but also for removing and disposing of land. Then you need to rent a lifting equipment for laying blocks and floor slabs, take care of a good drainage system and high-quality waterproofing. To all this is also added equipment for convenient access to premises located in the basement. And the stairs take up quite a lot of space on the ground floor and are expensive.

basement calculation
Yes, the problems are serious, but also the advantages are considerable: additional square meters of area are not superfluous. It is also an opportunity to remove all technical rooms from the upper (residential) floors, making maximum use of levels that are comfortable for living. In addition, the appearance of the houses on a high base is very presentable. And if the building plot has a strong slope, then the basement is almost the only way out. An experienced developer will take into account all the features of the terrain and beat them.

Ground floor calculation

First of all, it is necessary to conduct geodetic studies on the site. Only by their results, experts will be able to say whether it is possible to build a basement on this site. Only then can you pick up one of the finished projects available in construction companies, or order the development of a new one.

Calculating the basement is not an easy task. Therefore, you need to trust specialists with significant experience in this matter: the basement walls are the foundation for the whole house. An error or an error in the calculations is unacceptable!

basement of blocks
The complexity of the work carried out during the construction of the basement requires the use of a team of highly qualified builders. To reduce the construction time, you should build a basement of blocks. This requires a fairly large material cost: the blocks are expensive, and even for their installation you will need to hire a crane. But such foundations are the best solution when installing the basement: they are reliable and durable. They are used in 80% of cases. The remaining 20% ​​comes from atypical projects: from brick, concrete, natural stone, etc. Their development and calculation is an even more complicated process, and only masters with vast experience can make them in a high-quality manner.

Whether you need a basement in your house or not, you decide, but such buildings look great.


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