Writer Jack London: quotes and aphorisms

Jack London, quotes and aphorisms from the literary works of which are still widely used to this day, is a cult American writer, famous for his life-loving works. The leitmotif of almost all of his novels and stories is the love of life and the deadly struggle of the main characters with natural or other obstacles.

short biography

Jack London, quotes from the books of which can make up a whole collection, was not only a writer, but also a public figure, moreover, he was a socialist. It is worth noting that London was the second largest publisher in the Soviet Union among foreign writers. The first place belonged to H. H. Andersen.

jack london quotes

Jack London (01/12/1876 - 11/22/1916) was born in San Francisco, California. From an early age he had to work hard, as the family lived in poverty. In 1893, he got a job as a sailor on one of the schooners, which went to the shores of Japan. In the same year, he published his first essay "Typhoon off the coast of Japan."

In the late 90's. Jack London, under the influence of the general "gold rush" went to Alaska in search of gold. Returning, he decided to devote himself to literature. During his short life, he managed to write a very large number of works on quite different topics, although one general idea passed through all his work.

Quotes and aphorisms

Jack London is constantly quoted, almost all of his works are disassembled into aphorisms. Among the works that are most often parsed into winged phrases include White Fang (1906) and Love for Life (1907), but they will be discussed below.

But other works written by Jack London have quotes popular with people. One of the most famous among them is: "I know that I have come a long way and go still far, but I will get to the goal, even crawling, but I will get." It is taken from the semi-autobiographical work of Jack London, "Martin Eden" (1909).

The catch phrase from the writer’s story “Courage of a Woman” (1901), which reads: “I was still young and knew little Yankees, was also quite pleased. How did I know that boasting and talkativeness were the main sign of weakness, and those who capable of real things, hiding their mouths. " This expression is especially relevant today, therefore, in our century, it is returned to it more and more often.

Jack London, "Love of Life." Quotes

The story "Love of Life", first published in 1907, so impressed the leader of the October Revolution, V. I. Lenin, that he not only spoke well of him, but considered him his favorite literary work. Not surprisingly, back in Soviet times, the book became a storehouse of quotes.

jack london love of life quotes

In a small work written by Jack London, quotes are taken literally from every page. Here is one of the most famous, taken from this work: "I ask you about one thing: love me and believe in love."

The most repeated phrases from this story also include: "A man who does not value life is looking for ways to die." This catch phrase makes people understand that every person should have a goal or a dream in life, otherwise there is no sense in such an existence, and a person begins to lose interest in prolonging life.

Jack London, The White Fang. Quotes

Jack London probably has no better-known work in the world than White Fang. This story, written in an adventure genre, has become truly legendary and iconic. A lot of adaptations, millions of fans of this work in all corners of the Earth and a sea of ​​aphorisms taken from there, are clear evidence of this.

jack london white fang quotes

Quotes from this story are known to almost any adult. Just recall this replica of a character named Bill: "Wolves are terrestrial sharks."

Another famous phrase left for the reader by Jack London is: "Hunger and rage, as a rule, go shoulder to shoulder." But this is not all, often quoted by fans of his work and followers of the phrase.

Here is another world famous quote: "Love owned them - a feeling even more severe and cruel than hunger."


Jack London, whose quotes survived his creator for a century and will exist for a very long time, wrote so penetrating and touching stories that sink deeply deep into the soul that he still remains one of the most sought-after writers.

jack london quotes from books

The love of life and the constant struggle of a person with various problems, hunger, the elements and other barriers fill his work with deep meaning, vitality and hope. His works demonstrate to readers that a person is capable of everything, only in our own abilities to control fate, and no matter how much nature or anything else hinders us, we only decide what the final outcome will be.

No wonder Jack London was considered one of the most popular writers not only in the United States, but also in the Soviet Union - two completely opposite mentalities. In his work there is no place for politics, in them there is only man and nature, feelings and actions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23398/

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