How to apologize to a friend so that she must forgive?

All the guys know that girls are the most moody, unpredictable and touchy creatures in the world! You never know what she’ll pout next time: I didn’t look, I said something, I forgot to give a compliment, etc. A man can make a thousand mistakes and not pay any attention to it. But the daughters of Eve are not like that: they notice everything. So there is nothing surprising in the fact that every day many of Adam's sons wonder: "How to apologize to a girlfriend?"

What was she offended by?

Before starting to apologize and express remorse for the deed, it would not hurt to find out what, in fact, you were guilty of this time. And act according to the situation. By the way, the option when the young lady is offended at all is unclear what happens to be very common ... But in this case, you still have to apologize, if, of course, the girl is dear to you.

how to apologize to a girlfriend

Often, girls can simply pretend to be offended. Then they are able to find fault with any trifles. Thus they test their boyfriends to see how they will act and what they will do. Perhaps your lady is simply not confident in herself or in your feelings and is eager to confirm that she is loved. This is the easiest option. She will forgive and become, as before, sweet and affectionate as soon as she is convinced of your feelings for her.

But if you really did it — you were late for a date for a long time, rude or, God forbid, not looking at her pretty girlfriend too delightfully — then you will have to be patient and show remarkable imagination in order to earn forgiveness. The most difficult case is your betrayal, but even this can be solved if you know a few win-win ways to beautifully apologize to a girl.

Repentance must be sincere

Remember the basic rule: no matter what you do, your repentance must be absolutely sincere and not cause any doubt in the girlfriend. Even if misconduct is miserable (in your opinion), it’s best to ask for forgiveness as if you had at least a few deadly sins behind you. No irony or understatement! The girl must understand that you really value relationships and are afraid to lose her. This is the main point that you should pay attention to when deciding "how to apologize correctly."

how to apologize

Your pride is absolutely inappropriate here. In this case, your task is to receive forgiveness at all costs, and, as you know, to achieve the goal, all means are good. Remember, and better practice: honest, open, pleading forgiveness look; flowers (the bigger the better) and the upright "Sorry." The plea for forgiveness must necessarily be seasoned with assurances of fiery love. And there is no need to regret the colors: girl’s ears love to listen to such confessions. In principle, if your sin was indeed microscopic, then this will be quite enough. If not, then we continue to study the question "how to apologize to a friend" further.

More romance

All women love romance! It doesn’t matter how old your girlfriend is, at heart she still feels like a fairy princess who deserves the most incredible deeds from her faithful knight. And it's really great! Because it makes it possible to earn forgiveness even for very serious misconduct.

how beautiful to apologize to a girl

How to apologize to a girlfriend using romance? Yes, very easy! Poems, serenades under the balcony, inscriptions on the asphalt in front of her porch - it all works, and how! The most extreme-minded cavaliers can dare to do something more thorough. Classics of the genre: write her name on some very large object (the CHP pipe fits perfectly). Do not worry, it was a joke.

Take advantage of such a convenient service as home delivery of flowers. This helps especially if the girl refuses to communicate with you. Don't want to talk? Well, it is not necessary! Send her a bouquet of beautiful roses every morning with a note inside, in which, of course, there will be words of love and supplication for mercy. And as soon as the beauty deigns to change anger to mercy, you can consolidate the success of a romantic dinner with candles. The fortress will fall!

The worst case

How to apologize to a friend if you cheated on her, and she somehow found out about it? In this case, your action really deserves punishment, so get ready to suffer. The girl needs time to recover from the shock and again begin to trust you. Be patient, for it will be a long time ...

how beautiful to apologize

You can use all of the above tricks, but no romance can replace in this case a frank, long and painful conversation. Try to explain why you did this, and most importantly, try to convince her that this will never happen again.


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