The hand of the king - a high position in the country "Seven Kingdoms"

The names of the hands - right hand (right) and shuyts (left) came to us from the Old Slavonic language and are considered anachronisms. In colloquial speech, they do not have a walk, sometimes they are found in literature (for example, in the cursed kings trilogy by Maurice Druon there is both the “right hand of the king” and “the mighty hand”) and belong to the “high style”.

The meaning of the right hand in real life

king's right hand
However, the term “right hand” is very common in religion, where it plays a significant role. In the Christian religion, the right hand symbolizes strength and power and is often called the right hand of the Almighty. In addition, it means south, while the schuiz indicates north. In antiquity, in life and in religion, the right hand was given great importance: at a meeting, demonstrating a good attitude towards a person, they were given a right hand to him - a sign of friendship. An important guest was seated on his right hand, she was also raised up (to God) with an oath. It is often mentioned in holy books and prayers. This term is present in sayings, sayings, proverbs. So, if they want to talk about just retribution, they say “the right hand of the Lord”, and if they want to note the giftedness of a person, they say that the right hand of the Most High touched him. By the way, there is a novel, opera and a film by Georgian masters called “The Hand of the Great Master”.

Second life of the term

King's right hand is

As noted above, in everyday life this phrase was rare, much more often it is replaced by the synonym “right hand”, that is, the first and main assistant, the second “I”. Rarely it was found for the time being.

In 1996, George Raymond Richard Martin, who is called the American Tolkien, begins to release such a popular series of novels called “A Song of Ice and Fire” that becomes the basis for the script for the film “Game of Thrones”, moreover, a browser game with the same name is released. George Martin himself receives a bunch of awards, and Time magazine puts him on the list of the most influential people in the world. “King’s right hand” - this is the name of the second most important state post in the fantasy country “Seven Kingdoms”.

Historical personalities

Throughout the saga, this responsible post was held by many heroes. All of them are fictional, but the real story knows many examples when the right hand, or the right hand of the king, completely replaced the king with cunning or personal virtues, leaving him with court intrigues and balls. For example, Richelieu or Biron. Obviously, the author endowed his heroes with the features of specific statesmen of this magnitude.

When fiction overshadows reality

Since the advent of the fantasy genre in foreign literature, Western consumers of this kind of creativity have completely mixed up surrounding reality and fiction. In directories, along with specific biographies of real people, the same biographies of literary kings and commanders are given. Often a footnote is not even made indicating that the hero is fictitious. For example, the biography of Eigon I Targaryen (the Conqueror) indicates where and when he was born, with whom he fought, and what exactly he introduced the position of “Hand of the King”. Actually existing William the Conqueror in the same directory is devoted much less lines.

king's right hand who is it
The first Right Hand in George Martin’s novel was Eigon’s brother, Oris Baratheon. Then this position (sometimes for decades, sometimes for a very short time) was held by people who were trusted by the ruling dynasty - members of the royal family, noble lords or powerful knights. In real history, commoners have also been right-handed - Menshikov, the vizier Ibrahim under Sultan Suleiman. Based on both historical facts and those described by the American science fiction writer Martin, we can conclude that the “right hand of the king” is the second person in the state, often with full power.

King's right hand brooch

Appropriate Signs of Greatness and Power

Each public post has insignia. The head of state has his own symbols of power, and the King’s right hand has them. The brooch, which is a regalia in this work, is very effective, and most interestingly, it crossed the screen, entered our reality, and you can buy it, measuring 75 x 30 mm and costing 445 rubles.

The very work of George Martin is huge, it contains 72 chapters with a prologue, each of which is dedicated to some ruler. A simple listing of chapter titles will take more than one sheet. There is an encyclopedia “Songs of Ice and Fire”, where absolutely all the heroes are described, and where you can find out in detail: The hand of the king - who is it?

Incredible popularity

The series, which was released in 2011, received positive reviews, and was recognized as the best drama series (Emmy Award), the works of the actors were awarded the Emmy, Hugo and Golden Globe Awards. The approach to creating a multi-part “masterpiece” was incredibly serious: even a new language - pre-Thracian, was invented for the film. The historical time in the book, series and toy corresponds to medieval Europe. One article summarizes the essence of the work - "everyone is dead." It is very sad, because some heroes evoke great sympathy and compassion at a certain level (there are no absolutely positive subjects in the "imperishable"). And, as has almost always happened recently, around this work, as well as around, say, “Harry Potter,” its society of fans has formed.


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