Almandine (stone): description and properties

Almandine is a stone with a number of unique qualities. This kind of pomegranate is quite common in the world and is widely used in jewelry.

almandine stone

Specialists appreciate this stone for its deep expressive color, radiance, and unprecedented strength. But at the same time, almandine also has a very reasonable price.

Color, transparency, asterism

Almandine is a stone whose photo eloquently testifies to its beauty. Not without reason since ancient times this gem adorned church utensils and attire of clergy. This stone can have any shade of red: from pale pink to almost black, like expensive wine. Some almandines are incredibly similar to rubies, and sometimes it is simply impossible to determine the ownership of a stone without special examinations. Even an experienced jeweler will need equipment. It is not easier to distinguish almandine from some other varieties of pomegranate. And all because of the huge number of colors this stone can be painted on. The hue is due to the amount of impurities, mainly iron.

almandine stone photo

Almandine, which has transparency, is of considerable value. But opaque gems can only be used in arts and crafts.

If a ray of sunlight hits a faceted almandine crystal, a glow will appear above and around the stone. No other pomegranate variety has this effect. An equally rare phenomenon is asterism. In almandine, it is very pronounced, even on opaque cabochons luminous stars are clearly visible.

But the main characteristic of almandine is its unprecedented hardness. Ruby is only slightly superior to him. Grenades are significantly inferior in this.

A small historical background

The gem was first described by Agricolla in 1546. But people knew him long before that. The ancient Greeks associated the almandine with the goddess Demeter, who patronizes the harvest and fertility, as well as with Hestia, under whose care there was a sacrificial fire and a home. Since then, almandine is considered the stone of two elements: earth and fire.

almandine stone properties

The name of its gem is due to the ancient eastern city of Alabanda - a major center for the sale of jewelry stones. It is believed that skilled jewelers inhabited Alabanda, however, according to one version, the city was only a “transit point” at which several trade routes crossed.

Place of Birth

Almandine is a stone that is mined today in several countries of the world. The most valuable today are considered gems from Sri Lanka.

Large deposits are also found in Brazil, the USA, Madagascar, India, Karelia, Austria, and Finland. As you can see, geography is very vast.

In recent years, the Karelian field is considered unpromising. Today, work is suspended. The tender for the extraction of almandine remained unclaimed and continues to wait for its buyer.

Physical and chemical properties

How does formal science look at almandine? The stone, whose properties could not remain without the attention of scientists, is described in detail by them.

almandine stone magical properties

Almandine has a density of 4.3 g / cm 3 and its hardness reaches 7.5. Gloss of almandine is resinous, glassy, ​​with pronounced asterism. The gem can be cherry, raspberry, purple, brown-red, burgundy black. Cleavage is imperfect.

Magical properties

From ancient times, people believed in the power endowed with almandine. The stone, whose magical properties in ancient times no one doubted, often became a companion of travelers, traders, warriors.

Charms from this stone were worn to avoid poisoning, wounds, diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory system.

Like any other garnet stone, almandine is associated with the sexual sphere. But unlike, for example, pyrope, he is not responsible for violent passions, but for deep feelings, understanding and harmonious relations between partners. This stone strengthens feelings and protects marital fidelity.

Almandine heals

Its blood-red color led to a belief in the defense of life. The crusaders wore amulets of almandine, wishing to avoid wounds. Today, specialists in the field of traditional medicine use the life-giving energy of almandine for the same purposes - to heal wounds and burns, relieve inflammation, speedy regeneration of the skin, and accelerate recovery after surgery.

garnet almandine stone

Almandines are precious stones that can cope not only with bodily, but also with spiritual ailments. They will help to overcome fear, anxiety, insecurity, and depression. Jewelry with this type of pomegranate normalizes sleep, stabilizes the emotional state. It is perfect for anyone involved in spiritual practices.


Today, astrologers believe that almandine is the stone most suitable for those born in winter. The gem is especially favored by those born under the sign of Capricorn.

Jewelry with almandine is often chosen by people engaged in the study of exact sciences, such as mathematics and astronomy. But at least astrologers and healers seers give preference to him. Almandine helps to reveal secrets, accumulate knowledge, find truth hidden from others.

Almandine jewelry

Jewelers use many types of cuts for this gem. The oldest and one of the most successful is the “saucer”, in which its characteristics are revealed in the best way. But this is far from the only type of decent cut. Today, the shape of a heart, rhombus, oval is very popular. Especially large gems with complex faceting, the craftsmen sometimes even set it in high-grade gold, creating real masterpieces.

Found in jewelry and polished, rather than faceted almandine. The stone may not have perfect transparency, but in this case jewelry is created from it, not jewelry, complementing it with silver and jewelry alloys.

almandines gemstones

Stone care

Jewelers are advised to store jewelry with almandine in separate boxes. This rule applies to all stones with high strength. Especially faceted (and not just polished) almandine crystals can easily damage many other precious stones, pearls, and even some metals.

As with most gems, almandine is detrimental to prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and high temperatures. It is better to choose a dark storage place. From time to time, jewelry with this gem needs to be washed under running water - this will help the stone to clear itself not only of the dust mixed with the traces of sweat, but also to dump the energy load.

With careful use, these stones will please with beauty for many years and can serve faithfully for several generations.


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