Aerated concrete house: the pros and cons of construction

Many would like to build a house with their own hands, and sometimes a dream remains a dream because of the lack of the ability to realize it. It can be material difficulties, psychological prohibitions, but there are people who simply do not have information on how to do this. But at the present time there are many options for how you can build a house with your own hands at optimal cost. And this construction will not only save money, the creative process will be carried out here.

aerated concrete house pros and cons
The house will be much warmer and more beautiful simply because the owner’s soul is involved in the construction process. Everything will be done qualitatively, since he and his family will have to live in it. It remains only to make some efforts when choosing building materials in accordance with price and quality. Only the owner himself can combine his desires with the opportunity to get a quality result. Therefore, it is to such people that we suggest studying this material. The real possibility of making your dreams come true is a one-story aerated concrete house. The pros and cons of such a construction will be discussed below.

It is necessary at the beginning to determine what aerated concrete blocks are made of . They are made from environmentally friendly materials (cement, filler, aluminum powder, lime, water).

aerated concrete house Price
Aerated concrete house: pros and cons when choosing building materials

“What to build a house from?” - This is the main question that arises after the decision to create their own housing. The modern market offers bricks, foam blocks, gas blocks, stoves, wood. The advantage of aerated concrete blocks compared to the first material:

  • gas blocks - an environmentally friendly product;
  • a wall of such material is 5 times lighter than a brick one, respectively, the foundation is made easier, you can use a tape;
  • the price of one block is higher, but on the whole cubic capacity, compared to brick, construction will be cheaper.

There is a drawback: aerated concrete is not moisture resistant, but if you properly equip the drainage system, window drains and necessarily good drainage under the foundation, then the pluses compensate for this minus.

one-story aerated concrete house
Aerated concrete house: pros and cons when designing a heating system and energy saving

The advantage is as follows. Aerated concrete is considered a heat-insulating material, it has a high heat capacity. If you put your hand to it, then, compared with a brick, it feels warm. He holds it longer, respectively, for heating a house will require less energy than for brick or stone.

One can hardly say something about the minuses, since such a structure is very beneficial in all thermal insulation parameters.

Aerated concrete house: pros and cons in design construction

  • Positive decisions can also be noted here. It is not necessary to revet it with other material. Such a house looks very aesthetically pleasing in terms of modern construction.
  • Aerated concrete also does not crumble, is durable, it can be sawn, planed, drilled to give any shape, which is suitable for any design decisions.

Based on the above advantages and disadvantages of aerated concrete in building a house, the approach to price is changing. If the blocks themselves are more expensive than brick, then the savings are in the costs of laying the foundation, construction time is reduced, and heat is also saved in such a house much better than in those that are made from other materials. The house made of aerated concrete has very tangible advantages: the cost of construction and operation is lower than the same building built of brick.


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