Why do spathiphyllum leaves turn yellow?

Spathiphyllum is a very interesting decorative flower. Thanks to large leaves of juicy green color, as well as snow-white flowers of the original form, it will look advantageous both in the office room and in the interior of an ordinary apartment. Despite the fact that this plant is often considered finicky, caring for it is quite simple. And yet, gardeners often have difficulties associated with the fact that the leaves of spathiphyllum turn yellow. Various reasons can cause this.

spathiphyllum leaves turn yellow

The homeland of this plant is tropical countries, where it grows in swamps. Spatiphyllum attracted the attention of flower growers primarily due to its interesting flower, which resembles a white sail. Depending on the specific type of such flowers, there may be a little on the plant, and they are larger in size. There is a whole scattering of them, but then they are smaller. In the people, this flower is also called "Feminine happiness." And it is always very disappointing if, for unknown reasons, the leaves of spathiphyllum turn yellow. To understand what this is caused by, you need to delve into the features of plant care.


why leaves of spathiphyllum turn yellow

Since the flower is marsh in origin, he loves abundant watering. It is impossible to miss the moment when he begins to catastrophically lack moisture. The leaves fall down and sag helplessly, and then may even die. Drying of the soil may be one of the reasons why the leaves of spathiphyllum turn yellow . This plant also likes regular spraying. It is necessary to take into account its attitude to sunlight. Direct rays to the flower are contraindicated, they also lead to the fact that the leaves of spathiphyllum turn yellow. But he will not like the lack of sunlight, the color of the leaves will become less saturated, and the cuttings will stretch, trying to reach the light source. Therefore, to place this plant, bedside tables near the window and window sills with diffused light are best suited. Spathiphyllum is usually fed once a month, using standard flower fertilizer purchased at the store and diluted in accordance with the requirements of the instructions. Only during flowering, top dressing can be done more often (two to three times a month). But care must be taken, since an excess of fertilizers can lead to the fact that the leaves of spathiphyllum turn yellow. And another possible reason for this condition may be a flower disease. You need to carefully inspect the leaves for detection of various pests and treat the plant with a special compound that can be purchased at the flower shop. It also does not like hypothermia.

What to do?

So, when the leaves of a spathiphyllum plant turn yellow, what should I do first? Check the ground: it should not be dry or too wet. If the flower is flooded so that root disease begins, you will have to transplant it, removing the black roots and smearing the cut with activated charcoal. If too much fertilizer has been added to the ground, rinse when transplanting the roots with water and use a different mixture. If direct rays of the sun hit the spathiphyllum, you need to carefully cut the damaged leaves and rearrange the flower. And finally, if he gets sick, only systematic treatment will help.

spathiphyllum leaves turn yellow what to do

Spathiphyllum is an undemanding flower, but nevertheless it is necessary to take into account the conditions to which it is used in the wild. And then he will please the hosts with lush greenery and lush flowering.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23418/

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