Fallout 4: The Molecular Level. Walkthrough Tips

The game Fallout 4 has a large number of diverse and very exciting quests, which can be either plot or side. The storyline is the most fascinating, and there are tasks that actually amaze the imagination. This article will focus on the quest, which is called in the game Fallout 4 "Molecular Level." Here, your final goal will be teleportation to the Institute’s base - the faction responsible for the development and creation of synths, that is, androids that cannot be distinguished from ordinary people.

However, to achieve this goal, you have to go a long and difficult path. And if you have any difficulties, then you can refer to this article, since here the passage of this quest in Fallout 4 will be described in detail. “Molecular Level” is far from the easiest, but extremely exciting and important for the future completing a task that will not only advance you further along the storyline, but also bring you closer to the opportunity to join the Institute as a full member of the faction.

Hunter chip

In Fallout 4, Molecular Level is the quest Dr. Amari gives you after completing the previous Hunter / Victim quest. As part of it, you had to go to the ruins of the Boston Institute of Technology of the Commonwealth, where you should have tracked down the synth-hunter and eliminate it, having obtained a chip. With this chip, you need to go to Dr. Amari in the hope that she can help you organize teleportation to the Institute's base.

fallout 4 molecular level

It is from a conversation with Amari that “Molecular Level” begins in Fallout 4, a task that will require a lot of time and patience from you, but will not make you bored for a second.

Conversation with Amari

Many gamers believe that one of the most difficult quests in the game Fallout 4 - "Molecular Level." Passing this task causes certain difficulties, so you can consult this guide as you progress along the quest line.

So, when you, having got the hunter's chip, turn to Amari, she will not be able to help you. As it turns out, although she is a scientist, she has never worked with such devices in her life, so she can’t do anything for you. However, it cannot be said that Amari was completely useless - a woman gives you a tip to the Underground. This is a fraction that has been fighting the Institute for many years, so its representatives may be familiar with technologies of this level. Therefore, you will need to meet Desdemona from the Underground to continue the “Molecular Level” of Fallout 4.

fallout 4 molecular level walkthrough

The quest has just begun, and all the most difficult things are ahead of you.

How to decrypt a chip?

Thus, you need to decrypt the hunter’s chip in order to continue the “Molecular Level” task. Fallout 4 is a game in which you are always provided with various ways of completing many tasks, but in this case so far everything is going quite linearly, you will have to wait for the second part of the quest to get a choice. For now, you just need to do the decryption of the chip, and this can only be done using the Underground.

If you have not encountered this faction during the passage of the game, then you will have to complete a quest line called "The Way of Freedom". He will lead you to Desdemona, with whom you can make a deal - you give her the hunter's chip, and in return she gives you his decryption. If you have already walked the “Path of Freedom” earlier and met with the Underground or even are in its ranks, then everything will be much simpler - you just have to talk with Desdemona.

molecular level fallout 4 quest

However, there is another option - because by the time you complete this quest, the Underground may already be destroyed. In this case, you will have to find the Tom Technician terminal and decrypt the chip there yourself. In any case, you get the decryption you need, with which you can further move on the plot of the game Fallout 4.

The mission "Molecular Level", of course, does not end there yet - now you need to analyze the data and find a way to build a teleport.


What needs to be done in order to complete the quest for the Fallout 4 Molecular Level game?

The underground did everything you could for you, so you need to find the mutated scientist Vergil, who is ready to analyze the data, but in exchange will ask you to bring him the serum that he himself invented and now wants to test for himself. You can spend some time to find this serum (then in a few days you can meet Vergil in the guise of a person, and he will tell you that he is now going to develop serums for different types of virus to return the human appearance to mutants).

quest molecular level fallout 4

Or to convince him that nothing will help him, then you have to shoot him after he gives you the blueprints. With their help, you can build a device that will perform the functions of a teleport and allow you to move to the base of the Institute - exactly what you wanted.

Gradually, you begin to understand more and more how to get through the “Molecular Level” in Fallout 4.

Specialist selection

So the moment has come when you can make a choice, unfortunately, it will have little effect. The essence of the choice is that to create a device you will need the help of a specialist, whom any of the three fractions can highlight. If you turn to the Brotherhood of Steel, you will receive a very experienced technician, Proctor Ingram, the Underground will be able to give you the character Technician Tom (the one on whose terminal you decrypt the chip, if the fraction is already destroyed - naturally, in this case you can not contact them for help), but from the Minutemans you get Sturges. Each of these characters will help you in creating a teleport, and only some little things that will not affect the overall plot will differ. Therefore, you can choose any specialist, depending on which one you like best and which fraction seems more attractive to you.

fallout 4 mission molecular level

Construction site

In this game you get the opportunity to build a wide variety of buildings and structures, but you have to do this exclusively on the territory of your settlements, which you create and fill with other survivors encountered during the passage. To create a teleport in this mission, you will need a lot of construction slots, so choose the settlement in which there is either a lot of space or few ready-made buildings.

fallout 4 molecular level subway

If you do not have the opportunity to build in your settlements, it is recommended to take Program Ingram as assistants, since in this case the Brotherhood of Steel will provide you with a separate site for the construction of a teleport.


So, you have drawings of the teleport, as well as an assistant who will help you in its construction. The next step is to get the elements necessary for building. Fortunately, in the workshop menu you can see everything that is useful to you in the construction of each of the four parts of the device. Among the elements you can find both fairly common, such as copper or steel, and rare, such as a military board or a biometric scanner. But do not worry - your Pip-Boy will indicate the location of all the missing elements, so that you can quickly collect them to go directly to the construction process.

how to get through the molecular level in fallout 4

Teleport Construction

When you have all the necessary elements in stock, you can start building. You need to start from the first part, from the reflector platform. After you complete its assembly, your assistant will contribute, and you will get the opportunity to assemble any of the remaining three parts. You need to build a radiator, a plate and a console in order to get all the necessary components of the device. Their location does not really matter, but there is one very important point - the emitter must be on the top of the reflector platform, otherwise your device will not function. But this is not all - the fact is that the device requires an impressive amount of energy, namely twenty-seven units. Therefore, you will need to supply your design with electricity.

Power supply

Powering the structure is the final step in the Fallout 4 Molecular Level quest. How to connect a teleport to the network? To do this, you first need to create this network, which should consist of at least three generators - the most powerful of them is capable of generating ten units of energy, so in any case you will need at least three. After that, you need to select each of the generators, enter the workshop mode and connect the wires from the generators to parts of your design. When this procedure is completed, you will be able to take a proud look at the fruits of your work - a fully functioning teleport that will allow you to transfer to the Institute's base.


The teleport is built, the power is connected, and you are ready to go to the very heart of the base of the Institute. To do this, you need to talk with your assistant, who will inform you that you need to stand at the very center of the reflector platform. He himself will take a seat at the console and will be responsible for starting the teleportation process. If your assistant is the Proctor Ingram from the Brotherhood of Steel, then the procedure will be successful and you will be teleported to the Institute. If one of the other two experts helped you, then when you first start the device, one of the power cables will come off, thereby turning it off. You will have to reconnect it, after which you will be sent to the Institute building by teleport from the second attempt. In parallel with this, you will receive a task, within the framework of which you will need to download the scanning virus into the fraction computer.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23419/

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