How to line up as a young family on land and housing?

At the moment, certain categories of citizens have the opportunity to receive assistance from the state in acquiring their own housing. However, to get this opportunity, you need to collect a certain list of documents, and then submit them to the district administration. After that, you will have to wait for certain subsidies for the program. How to stand in line as a young family and what is required for this? What documents need to be collected?

how to queue up as a young family

The program "Young family"

How to get in line and what is needed for this? Registration of young families is carried out as part of the Young Family program. Of course, the official name sounds a little different. And to be more precise, this is the subprogram “Housing for young families”, which is part of the “Housing” program.

Support in this case is provided by issuing a subsidy. To receive such state assistance, it is necessary to queue up for an apartment for a young family. In this case, the newlyweds should have their own savings. It can be a loan and even maternity capital. To confirm the right to receive a subsidy, a young family must submit a document that will be a certificate of purchase of housing in the erected house.

how to get on the housing line of a young family

What category of citizens can count on help

Since not everyone can join the queue as a young family, one should study in more detail all the nuances. First of all, it is worth finding out who has the opportunity to take advantage of such state assistance. This includes the following categories:

  1. A family in which the age of each member does not exceed 35 years. Further, the family is not considered young. It should be noted that the age should not exceed 35 years at the time of receipt of the subsidy, and not at the time of submission of documents to the district administration. There are situations when financial assistance is issued six months after the submission of all documents. Therefore, to collect all the necessary papers and submit them to the local administration should be in advance. To queue up a young family for housing, it is necessary to provide documents in time. Moreover, not only newlyweds can participate in the program. These may be single-parent families, for example, one of the parents with a child.
  2. Citizens of the Russian Federation. In this case, there are no exceptions. If one of the family members is not a citizen of the Russian Federation, then financial assistance is calculated without his participation.
  3. You can enter the line of land for a young family if a special commission has recognized it as needy. For this requirement to be valid, certain documents must be provided.

It should be noted that large families with three or more children have a clear advantage in terms of providing state financial assistance. As a rule, they are placed at the beginning of the queue.

stand in line like a young family

Who is eligible to participate in the program?

So, how to line up as a young family? First you need to clarify who can use this program:

  1. A similar right can be used by families who do not have their own residential premises, houses or apartments.
  2. Families that own a dwelling, but its area per individual member, is significantly less than the social norm, which in individual regions of the country has a significant difference. On average, this value varies between 8-18 square meters per person.
  3. If the ownership of a young family has housing, then special attention is paid to its condition. If the apartment, room or house does not meet technical and sanitary standards, then its owner has the opportunity to receive a subsidy from the state when buying a new residential building.
  4. Those families that own a dwelling recognized by a special dilapidated commission can also take advantage of financial assistance.
  5. Those families that have not received subsidies before and have not participated in other state programs can also receive financial assistance.

When queuing, spouses must provide documents to the local administration that confirm their income.

queue up a young family for housing

Who is the first in line?

Today, many do not know how to queue up as a young family and what is needed for this. In addition, it is difficult to find out who is eligible to receive the subsidy first. There are certain categories of citizens who have certain privileges:

  1. Families with three or more children.
  2. Widows, divorced and single mothers.
  3. Veterans of various military operations, as well as their families.
  4. Employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

How to get on the housing line of a young family

To get on the line, you must contact the appropriate department of the local administration. After this, you should write a statement, a sample of which is provided. The second condition is a package of documents, which should confirm the need to improve the living conditions of the family. In each region of the Russian Federation, housing regulations, as well as the required income level of each spouse, are separately regulated by legislative acts.

Since it is not so easy for a young family to enter the housing line, all documents must be collected very quickly. Otherwise, the process of obtaining subsidies may be delayed. After submitting the assembled package of documents, you will have to wait a bit. Within ten days, a decision will be made whether spouses can queue up as a young family. In some cases, the commission may refuse. If the decision was made positive, then the family will be put on a waiting list for subsidies when buying a dwelling.

line up for an apartment to a young family

Subsidy Amount

When placing on a queue, it should be borne in mind that the subsidy covers only part of all expenses when purchasing a dwelling. Moreover, the amount of financial assistance from the state depends on several indicators. For example, a young family, where there is no child, can receive a subsidy, the size of which is only 30% of the average cost of the premises. Of course, this indicator may vary. A family raising several children receives a subsidy of 35%.

As for the rest of the money, the spouses must pay it themselves. In this case, you can use your own savings, use maternity capital or apply for a mortgage.

young family where to queue

What documents are needed

How can a young family provide themselves with housing? Where to get in line and what documents are required for this? There is a certain list of required securities, which may vary depending on the region of the country. Therefore, before submitting a package of documents, you should check with the local administration what documents are required for queuing. Here is a typical list of papers:

  1. Personal documents of a citizen of the Russian Federation. This list includes: passports, birth certificates of children, certificate of divorce, marriage and certificates confirming the income level of a young family. Originals and photocopies of papers must be provided to the local administration.
  2. Documents confirming the registration of family members in a specific region of the Russian Federation.
  3. Extract made from the house book. In other words, you need to take a certificate in the passport office on the composition of the family. If the spouses live in a private house, then it is necessary to provide a home book.
  4. Help from the company that serves the house. This document should confirm that the young family has no debts to pay all payments for the services provided. This is required only in certain regions of the country. In addition, the presence of debt is not a reason for refusing to queue.
  5. The act of the survey, which should reflect the living conditions of a young family. If the house is in poor condition and can be attributed to dilapidated buildings, it is necessary to draw up a document that will confirm its unsuitability for living.
  6. To stand in line as a young family, it is necessary to provide documents that will confirm the absence of any residential premises on the basis of property rights.

young family program how to queue

What as a result

The subprogram “Housing for young families” of the target program “Housing” determines that any decision to refuse or to put the family on the housing queue is made only by an authorized body. This is carried out, as a rule, within 10 days after the filing by the needy of a full package of documents. In addition, the law gives another five days to notify a young family. It must be done in writing. However, these terms are very often violated.

Certificate Validity

If the decision was made positively and young spouses can stand in line, then a certificate is issued. It is precisely this that is the basis for spouses to receive financial state assistance when buying property in property. However, there are certain deadlines. A certificate issued to a young family is valid for only two months. You can implement it by transferring it to the appropriate bank branch to open a blocking account. There are also nuances here. Funds from such an account can only be transferred to the seller, for example, to the developer.


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