Bronchial asthma in children: treatment

Bronchial asthma is a chronic disease, an inflammatory process in the airways. In 30% of cases, it begins even before the age of ten. This disease is not easy to overcome and cure. Usually, babies with this disease are already registered with several professionals, because the symptoms appear periodically during the day and it is impossible to accurately diagnose the first examination. For this reason, asthma is always an assumption when making a diagnosis, which should not be forgotten. Typical for this disease are asthma attacks, wheezing on exhalation, intermittent speech. There is also a cough, which can be either constant or cyclical, interfering with full sleep and rest. Its amplification is characteristic at night and early in the morning.

Bronchial asthma in children: treatment with medical methods.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude factors that provoke seizures, such as smoke or household allergens. For the treatment of asthma , two types of drugs are used: emergency drugs that block the attack, and drugs for the prevention and control of the general condition of the patient.

Treatment of bronchial asthma in children involves a staged type according to this principle: the smaller the number of seizures, the less the use of drugs. It is also necessary to learn the constant monitoring of the health status of the child.

As we already said, first of all, the patient is prescribed medications that block the attack. These are bronchodilator drugs taken to normalize the flow of air into the respiratory tract. Due to its twelve-hour effect, they can be used to prevent and prevent attacks at night.

The next treatment item is taking anti-inflammatory drugs. Thanks to their action, it is possible to stop the inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract and bronchi.

Bronchial asthma in children, the treatment also includes the use of combination drugs. The required number and types of drugs are combined among themselves on the basis of many clinical studies, depending on the severity of the disease.

Asthmatic bronchitis is a form of allergic damage to the airways. It is mainly found in young children and preschoolers. Allergens and viruses contribute to the development of the disease. The difference from asthma is that there are no such obvious signs of suffocation. Asthmatic bronchitis treatment is similar to bronchial asthma.

Bronchitis with an asthmatic component is the most severe form of inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. Even if the disease does not develop into asthma, the consequences in any case are very serious: stagnation of the lungs, pulmonary bleeding. Bronchitis with an asthmatic component treatment implies emergency. There are many drugs that you can buy without a prescription. But in any case, you can not use any medicine without consulting such doctors as an allergist, pulmonologist, pediatrician. Indeed, for a child’s young body, even the drug that blocks the attack can, on the contrary, cause allergies and an attack of new strength.

Treatment of bronchial asthma in children can be accompanied by the use of folk remedies. But no one warrants their effectiveness. So, for example, it is advised to use nettle infusion for drinking the baby during the day. An effective way is also considered the use of mustard plasters, wrapping them, tinctures of valerian or hypericum, garlic and much more. But all this should only be an addition to the main treatment prescribed by the doctors.


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