Two-leaved minicar - forest decoration

general description

The double-leafed minicar is most widespread in mixed and coniferous forests of the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. The plant is distinguished by fragrant white flowers that form racemose apical inflorescences. Its fruits are red berries. The rhizome of the minnow has a long thin shape, which provides a fairly rapid creation of colonies. Overhead shoots develop from the roots. On the stem are two heart-shaped leaves. The two-leafed minicar, the photo of which is located below, grows in large sections of thickets, which for many years keep their location under the trees.

Double leaf


Mainik is a relative of tulip, lily of the valley and lily. At first glance it’s hard to believe, but it really belongs to such a family as liliaceae, even regardless of the fact that the structure, shape and size are very different from other species.

During its flowering in the forest, the plant stands out from the rest. Despite its fragility and miniature, white flowers always attract attention. The inflorescences that cover the double-leaf stalk have a rather simple structure. Thin pedicels branch off in all directions from the main axis. At the same time, each of them can boast of having a separate flower, in which much is peculiar. Here, first of all, it should be noted that the petals bent down are small in size, which do not cover the pestle and stamens at all. The last elements can be very well considered, because they are as if on a pedestal. The number of petals corresponds to the number of stamens and is four, while the pistil is only one.

It should be noted that the nuance is that there are no sepals in the flowers covering the plant. In this regard, botanists consider petals on such flowers exclusively as simple tepals.

Mainik double leaf photo


The period of fruit development in the plant starts after flowering. Initially, small green balls are formed at the locations of the flowers, which eventually develop to a large pellet covered with red small dots. Even later, the double leaf covering dots of the miner merge with one another and increase in their parameters. As a result, in the fall they acquire a bright red color, somewhat reminiscent of cranberry fruits from a distance, only in miniature. Eating them is strictly prohibited, because these berries are poisonous.

plant minnow


The leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow and dry in late August. At this time, the stalk remains in its place, on its top for some time the berries are stored. It lasts until the frost. For the winter, the double-leafed mainnik keeps alive only the root system, the threads of which are less than a match thick. There are also sharp small-sized buds, of which overhead shoots will spring from the spring. It should be noted that some of them will be vegetative shoots that have one leaf, and others - flowering with two familiar leaves.


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