What is a plumb line? Construction plumb: types, designs, rules of use

To facilitate the work of builders, various devices and devices have been invented. Moreover, some of them were invented several tens and hundreds of years ago. One of such useful and effective devices is the one that will be discussed in the article.

So what is a plumb line and how is it used?

Classic plumb bob

Model with cord

A simple special device allows you to accurately determine and verify the vertical position of the created object. The design of the device is as simple as possible: a load secured to the end of the cord (popular name - β€œlace”). Often in the kit is an element designed to facilitate fixing the tool on the wall.

With the help of the device, a line strictly horizontal to the bottom surface can be drawn on the wall ceiling. The price of the product is affordable for everyone, depends on the quality of the materials used, the manufacturer and the configuration. This device is easy to make with your own hands.

Device and principle of operation

To use a cord plumb elementary. A suspended weight guarantees the required gravity. The cord is pulled to determine the exact vertical direction.

The package of the standard tool under consideration includes the body, head, inserts, lace and straps. The first two parts are made of durable steel, the inserts are made of polyamide, and the trims are made of aluminum alloys (thickness no more than 2 mm).

Sharp edges and burrs are cleaned to improve accuracy. For the cord, nylon or chlorin fibers, curled into a kind of small rope, are suitable. As an alternative, analogues are used that have similar characteristics in terms of reliability, strength and elasticity.

Magnetic plumb bob

How to use?

What is a plumb line with a cord and how to use it, we will consider further.

Using the indicated device, the verticality of the walls and other surfaces is checked. Measurements are carried out as follows:

  1. The tool is fixed at the highest point of the investigated object. Some modifications are equipped with a special washer fixed on the reverse end of the cord.
  2. The puck is applied to the plane, waiting for the cessation of the weights of the weights.
  3. Then measure the difference between the test surface and the vertically stretched thread.

For some modifications, the lace is masked in a plastic case (like a tape measure). This part can be used as a support for the thread. In certain construction works, there is a need to find the specified tool in constant proximity. For this, elementary fasteners are used: nail, screw, self-tapping screw.

Having a pattern constantly in front of the eyes, the evenness of the surface is monitored during plastering or similar work.


Along with the construction bubble level, a plumb line is one of the devices without which almost all basic construction work is complete. The list of some operations:

  • checking the straightness and verticality of the walls;
  • control of the correct assembly of furniture and household appliances;
  • alignment of the brickwork.

A weight, suspended on a thread, is applied in turn from two sides, checking the distance to the cord along its entire length. It must be identical everywhere. Distance control is performed at several different points. Using the same principle, the verticality of surfaces erected from logs or timber is checked. If non-cylindrical elements are used, the difference between the rim sizes must be taken into account.

Despite all the practicality and simplicity of the device, it has a significant minus. Since construction manipulations are often carried out on the street, gusts of wind do not allow fixing the device. The problem can be solved very simply by first lowering the load into a container of water. A gentle wind in this case will not become a particular obstacle.

Plumbing Operation

What is a plumb line with a magnet?

In the previously discussed design, the cord is the weak point of the tool. He often breaks, gets confused or does not give in to one hundred percent fixation. To avoid these shortcomings, the design was slightly modified. In an improved embodiment, the thread is wound on a special spool placed inside the skeleton.

Convenience of fixation on a working object is guaranteed with the help of built-in magnets. They provide reliable fastening on any metal surface. The magnet allows you to position the tool at any height. When using the device with a tree, an additional needle is mounted in the body.

Plumb bob with cord

Laser Modifications

The vertical position of the test surface can be checked with laser plummet. The simplest representative of this category is a pointer. It is made like a trinket with a laser target pointer. There are not so many such devices focused solely on construction work. One of the modifications is a metal casing, on the pin of which is located directly a pointer.

The fixture generates points on the floor and ceiling. The leveling process occurs automatically using a special mechanism that is vaguely reminiscent of an analog of a cord plummet. Well-known manufacturers on the construction market offer devices with a range of up to 30 meters. They have high accuracy, are powered by batteries and quite expensive.

Inexpensive products of little-known firms and versions of handicraft production are widely offered in the markets. Such a tool requires verification with reliable reference instruments. One design option is a plastic case with an LED placed inside and a self-leveling system that responds to a certain degree of deviation in the horizontal plane.

Laser Professional Plummet

Electronic version

This is more likely not a plumb device, but an application installed on iPhone or Android. One of these programs has the original name, β€œHand Carpenter.” This version is not considered a professional tool, but it allows you to assess the degree of evenness of a particular surface, to determine the quality of finish, the correct installation of furniture or home appliances.

The principle of operation of such a device:

  • the application is launched and applied to the object under investigation;
  • the coordinate system with the weight shown will appear on the display;
  • the deviation is visible visually, in addition, the results are displayed at the top of the screen;
  • the error in relation to the normal system (in degrees) is also displayed.

A similar application is available for smartphones and tablets, it is called Plumb-bob. The program makes it possible to measure the distance, angles, horizontal and vertical lines. All measurement results are calculated according to the photo and the loaded parameters that you need to strive for.

Plumb in the Android application

How to make a plumb yourself?

If planned or urgent construction work is planned at home or on a personal plot, and there is no plumb line in the tool kit, there is no need to rush headlong to a specialized store. When you need to determine a straight vertical line or level the surface, a homemade analog is quite suitable.

To make a plumb, you need a reliable strong lace (its length is about 1000 mm). Any suitable item, for example, a nut heavy in weight, is taken as a load. After checking the reliability of fixing the two elements, you can begin to work. When performing measurements, hold the thread tightly and make sure that the load does not untwist. If you need to check a surface that is small in area, you can use a small cosmetic bottle instead of a nut.

The main thing when working with such a tool is not to allow the device to come into contact with the measured object. Between them there should be at least a minimum clearance.

For large-scale manipulations, an appropriate tool will also be required. Instead of a thin cord, it is better to take a thick twine, and the load will completely replace the plastic container with water. Although experts recommend using metal weights after all.

DIY construction plumb

In conclusion

Despite the development of progress, home-made or classic plummet remains the most popular representatives in its category. They are distinguished by simplicity of design. With little experience and dexterity with its help, you can get accurate readings without spending a lot of work and money. But for beginners, without the supervision of a specialist, using such a device is not recommended, since there is a high probability of errors. This is especially true in the construction of large-scale structures.

The second most popular instrument for measuring the vertical position of the surface are laser modifications. What is the plumb line in this performance, discussed above. From the foregoing, a conclusion suggests itself that its relevance is due to a simple principle of work.

Despite all the advantages, not everyone is willing to pay the price that similar versions have. It is worth noting that the error of these devices is only 0.4 mm, and well-known brands are engaged in their production, including Bosch, Spectra, Devolt, Ebon. In conclusion, a few words about electronic applications: they are convenient to use, but not all specialists tend to trust them.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23439/

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