What is legitimate action?

Legitimate legal facts, actions are permissible or desirable models that comply with the standards. There are a number of signs that they must meet. Let us consider in more detail the types of legitimate actions and their features.

legitimate actions are

Key features

There are a number of conditions under which behavioral acts are considered legitimate acts. These are mandatory features that must be present in the aggregate. First of all, the behavior should have an external expression. It cannot be described as legitimate religious beliefs, thoughts, desires of a person. Lawful actions are volitional behavioral acts committed voluntarily. The subject must have the ability to anticipate the likely consequences. Legitimate actions are socially useful, appropriate to the way of life, and in some cases necessary for the normal functioning of society, ensuring its development and stability. This behavior must be in compliance. Only those actions that do not violate the established requirements will be considered legitimate. Another important feature characterizes the subjective side of behavior. It is formed by motives, goals, the level of awareness of the likely consequences, as well as the internal reaction to them. Motivation expresses not only orientation, but also the degree of activity, intensity, independence of behavior. The subjective aspect indicates the level of legal culture, the responsibility of the individual, his attitude to social values.

legal action


Depending on the subject composition, legitimate actions can be individual or group. In the first case, it is about the behavior of an individual person. Group legitimate actions are acts of members of a particular association, characterized by a certain commonality of goals and interests. Depending on the form of implementation of the norms, behavior can be expressed in compliance, use, implementation of the requirements.

Socially active act

Such legal legal action indicates a high level of responsibility of the person. The behavior of the subject is different activity, initiative. A person seeks to fulfill the prescription of the norm as efficiently as possible, to bring as much benefit to society as possible. If we talk about the production sphere, for example, then legitimate actions are to increase productivity, discipline in work, initiative.

Law abiding behavior

It is characterized by the subordination of subjects to the requirements of norms. Moreover, the provisions of the law are applied by persons on a voluntary basis. This is facilitated by a high legal culture. This behavior is considered predominant.

legitimate actions are

Other types

Marginal behavior is considered legitimate. It manifests itself in view of the low degree of responsibility of the person. Marginal actions are on the verge of antisocial, but a person behaves lawfully in anticipation of encouragement or because of fear of being punished. People in such situations comply with the law, but do not respect it and do not recognize it. Due to the repeated repetition of the action become familiar. A feature of this behavior is the fact that the individual does not fix the normative and social significance of his acts, does not think about them. A number of scholars also highlight nihilistic actions. They have a number of features. The main signs of this behavior are skepticism, protest, and radicalism. Often nihilistically minded people doubt whether the actions of the administration of the enterprise, employees of government bodies, and other entities are legitimate. Moreover, they themselves, as a rule, do not offer any positive programs. Often nihilistic actions balance on the verge of unlawful and permissible. But at the same time, behavior does not lead to violations of the law.

are the actions of the administration legitimate

Legal activity

She acts as part of the social behavior of the individual. Legal activity involves initiative, legal, conscious activity of organizations and citizens. It is focused on the use of opportunities, the clear implementation of duties, the implementation of public, state, personal interests. Legal activity can be considered in a narrow and broad sense. In the latter case, the behavior of subjects may or may not be associated with social interests. In a narrow sense, legal activity is understood as a special form of activity of individuals, implemented with their participation in the management of public affairs. In this case, the behavior of the subjects goes beyond the limits of individual interest.

types of lawful acts


In the conditions of the formation of the rule of law, the activity of citizens develops under the influence of several factors. First of all, it is about education. It contributes to the formation of appropriate needs, value orientations, attitudes. These elements, in turn, substantially determine the choice of actions and actions. Need activates the individual, encourages him to evaluate reality, periodically pay attention to objects and phenomena that contribute to one degree or another to its satisfaction. As a result, interests are formed. They act as an important element of the socio-psychological regulation of behavior. Interests are associated with the process of comprehending the objective circumstances in which the norm is in force, the methods for the proper exercise of rights, and the fulfillment of assigned duties.

Culture and Consciousness

They also have a close relationship with legal activity. Culture in this sense has certain features. It not only reflects a high degree of legal thinking, but also the quality of activities. Formed culture maximizes socially active behavior. Legal consciousness acts as a source that provides a person’s convinced readiness to implement the norms and follow the requirements.

valid legal facts

Forms of expression of activity

Lawful behavior has a personal (subjective) and external aspect. In the first case, activity is expressed in the desire, readiness, desire of the person for activity useful in the legislative plan. The external form is determined by the objectification of this quality in lawful actions. In the framework of the implementation of legally established opportunities, activity is expressed in:

  1. Fulfillment of duties assigned to the subject by the norms. In this case, the person takes active lawful actions related to the execution of the requirements present in the legislation.
  2. Use of the rights granted. The citizen usually independently decides whether to realize the opportunity fixed by the norms or not. Permissions apply in this form of activity.

Of course, the behavior of subjects should be implemented within the framework outlined by law. The use of rights should not harm the interests of others, society as a whole and the state. An independent form of realization of opportunities is the application of norms. In this case, the general legal principles receive a certain additional impetus in the relevant decisions of state bodies.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23443/

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