Stronghold for cats: indications, instructions for use, dosage and contraindications

Ectoparasites that live on the hair of domestic animals significantly spoil the life of the pet and its owner. Even those individuals who do not have access to the street are not immune from such misfortune. Larvae and adult insects can enter the house with street shoes and human clothing. Small pests bother the animal, deprive it of peace and make it tear the skin from constant itching, thereby becoming the cause of the attachment of infectious whitening. In addition, insects can themselves be a source of the spread of dangerous diseases. To combat fleas and the like, it is recommended to use Stronghold for cats, which is worth knowing more.

Stronghold for cats - instructions

General about the drug

The release form of the agent is a drop, which is based on the main active ingredient - selamectin. In appearance, the solution is a clear liquid. A slightly yellowish tint is allowed. The advantage of the drug is that it can be applied not only to the animal’s hair, but also to furniture, carpets, and animal bedding. There are no oily substances in its composition, which compares Stronghold for cats from other similar products. Therefore, upholstered furniture and other household items will not be affected and will remain clean.

Release form

The drug is available in the form of ready-made pipettes with a solution. Moreover, the consumer can choose a different volume, depending on the needs and requirements of processing. However, Stronghold for cats is offered in pipettes containing 0.25 ml of solution, where the proportion of active ingredient is 15 mg. If the package contains 0.75 ml, then it means the product is intended for dogs. In this case, the active substance is more - 45 mg. The composition is somewhat different.

Veterinarians warn that the use of products intended for dogs, the cat can cause significant harm. After all, the percentage of active ingredients is increased. Stronghold for cats is sold in blue packages, so it is easier for the consumer to navigate in a veterinary pharmacy.

Stronghold for cats

Against whom is effective

Some breeders believe that the drug is designed only for the destruction of fleas. However, Stronghol drops for cats can rid the animal of:

  • ticks;
  • helminths;
  • other ectoparasites.

The fact is that the active substance is absorbed through the skin and enters the bloodstream. The principle of action is based on paralysis of parasites and their complete death. Veterinarians note that the drug more carefully affects the cat's body, because the instant death of insects has a detrimental effect on the pet's body. This is due to the large amount of toxins released. That is why the "Stronghold" from fleas for cats is recommended for use on weakened and sick animals. It is not forbidden to use the product on kittens.

However, the instruction strictly warns that the age of the animal less than six weeks is a contraindication. Use at this age can cause great harm to a fragile body. To protect these babies from ticks, you can use wormwood oil.

Flea treatment

Tool advantage

Many drugs that are designed to destroy fleas, ticks and helminths often have a side effect. The active substance often penetrates the brain tissue, which can affect the growth and development of the pet. "Stronghold" for cats, confirmation of this, completely devoid of this drawback. Therefore, the animal will not suffer in any way, but the parasites have no chance of survival.

In reviews, you can often see photos of cats that are applied by breeders. If the coat looks dull before processing and treatment, traces of combing are visible, then after the animal has a healthy appearance and silky coat.

But despite the complete safety of the drug, it is forbidden to use it if the cat has any infectious disease. This will further undermine the animal’s immunity and slow down recovery.


Stronghold for cats is used to kill parasites. It is applied to the withers if insects have already attacked the animal or if the pet has access to the street. For prevention, it is better to process the litter and upholstered furniture. In this case, the active substance does not penetrate the cat's body and does not harm it. If it is necessary to protect the kittens, the processing of their place of residence is required.

The drug is considered completely harmless. But it is necessary to exclude the possibility of licking it. Therefore, they are applied only to the withers. However, individual intolerance and an allergic reaction cannot be ruled out. Therefore, after applying the product, it is worth watching the animal carefully.

If the drug is designed to destroy worms, it must be borne in mind that it is active against parasites of the type of nematodes. Unfortunately, the drug is not effective against other families of helminths.

Therefore, if you suspect it is important to consult a veterinarian. Because with the incomplete destruction of parasites, the pet's health may be at risk due to the large amount of toxins released.

Stronghold for cats: how to use

Many breeders are interested in how to properly use the drug. The instruction in this case clearly stipulates all the actions. Before starting treatment, protect your hands with gloves. Next, it is necessary to carefully spread the hair at the withers of the cat and drip the solution according to the dosage. In this case, do not rub the drops or massage the treated area for better absorption. It is worth remembering that the product is intended only for the processing of wool and household items. For internal use is prohibited.

Stronghold from fleas for cats

It is important to know

The use of Stronghold for cats requires some precautions. The instruction spells out all the points in detail. So, if the bedding of an animal or other possible habitat of fleas is being processed, then the presence of children in this room is unacceptable for two hours. Also, the treated animal should not be allowed to small family members.

But the manufacturer claims that this feature relates more to the product intended for dogs, because the concentration of the active substance there is higher. However, it is better to play it safe than to have problems later. It is also forbidden to drink or take any food while working with the product.

"Stronghold" - dosage for cats

Recommendations for use

Strictly individual approach requires Stronghold. The dosage for cats should be calculated by the veterinarian based on weight and health. Any specialist will confirm that exceeding can turn the good into harm.

Only the terms are clearly spelled out in the instructions:

  • If it is necessary to destroy fleas or protect the animal from them, then the treatment is carried out once a month. It is important that the drug will destroy not only adults, but also their larvae.
  • To destroy the worms when the diagnosis of toxocariasis is accurately made, a single treatment is needed. But after that it is recommended to pass feces for analysis.
  • An effective drug for otodectosis. To do this, the auditory meatus is first cleaned, and then the agent is dripped near it, excluding ingestion.
  • Stronghold is effective against ticks. For this, the treatment is carried out in the spring. It will take a second in a month.

It is important that the drug is suitable for cats that are in position. Application does not harm the developing offspring and protects the cat from insects parasitizing on it.

Stronghold drops for cats

Advantages of the Drops

The drug has a lot of advantages. All veterinarians agree that the drops are harmless, suitable for weakened animals, kittens older than six months, lactating and pregnant cats. In addition, the following advantages can be distinguished:

  1. You can immediately destroy several types of parasites. There is no need to treat a cat from fleas with one remedy, and cause the death of worms with another. In this case, the effect on the cat's body of drugs is significantly reduced.
  2. Within a month, the animal is completely protected from helminths. However, family members are also protected.
  3. Fleas do not just leave the treated animal, but die. Therefore, there is no need for further processing of the room where the cat lives.
  4. It is not dangerous for pets and people. It is recommended to wash hands with soap only after treatment.
  5. The drug remains active, even if the animal is regularly bathed using shampoo.
Stronghold for kittens

Possible analogues

A commonly prescribed drug is Stronghold for cats. Analogues are not available, but there are similar preparations.

You can highlight:

  • "IN-AP complex for cats";
  • "Inspector Total K";
  • Advantage.

But still they have more contraindications than the remedy in question.

How much is

Of course, when choosing means to kill insects and other parasites that live on animals, price is an important component. The drug can not be called budget. However, one remedy is suitable for getting rid of fleas, worms and ticks. Therefore, the cost can be called acceptable, because you can significantly save on the purchase of various funds.

The drug is available in sealed pipettes, packaged in blisters. Moreover, the packaging may be different - containing one, three or six pipettes. It’s convenient for some to purchase packaging, while others are better off buying one. If one tube can be purchased for 300-350 rubles, then a package of three pipettes will cost 1000-1500 rubles.

Some say that the price is somewhat overpriced. However, reviews show that the purchase is fully justified. The drug will protect the cat from many parasites and relieve them if they have already "sucked".


Stronghold is often used in veterinary practice and is recommended by specialists. It is important that it can be used even on pregnant cats and weakened animals. It is especially convenient to process upholstered furniture. There are no oils in the composition, so the upholstery will remain clean.


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