Monuments of Tyumen: history and description

The ancient Russian city of Tyumen has a long and interesting history. The nature and stages of the development of the settlement were captured by various monuments of Tyumen, among which there are traditional monuments, unusual sculptural groups and installations. Also, many cultural and architectural monuments have been preserved here. Let's see what is the history of the monuments of Tyumen and tell about the most interesting local monuments.

Tyumen monuments

History of the city

The first inhabitants on the territory of modern Tyumen appeared in the Neolithic era, it was the Sargat, Kozlov and Koshkin archaeological cultures. These were semi-nomadic peoples, and the first settled settlements in this region were documented in the 13th century. At this time, there was the capital of the Tyumen Khanate. In the 16th century, a Russian prison was laid here, designed to defend the lands belonging to Tsar Fedor Ivanovich from raids of various invaders. Gradually, the city grows, except for the military come here service people, merchants. After several devastating fires, stone construction began in Tyumen in the early 18th century. In the 19th century, when the importance of the main city of the county of Tobolsk decreases, Tyumen begins to flourish. The rapid development of the city was facilitated by the construction of a railway in it. Over the century, it has become a major commercial and industrial center of the region. Many architectural monuments of Tyumen are being built, which today constitute the property of the settlement. The city expected a second industrial breakthrough during the Second World War, when several large industrial enterprises were evacuated here. A new round of development of Tyumen begins in the 60s during the beginning of the active development of oil and gas fields in the region. A long and rich history was reflected in the various monuments of the city.

Historical monuments

Famous cultural monuments of Tyumen allow you to better imagine the history of this city, immerse yourself in its atmosphere. As in any old Russian city, in Tyumen the most significant and interesting are the objects of temple architecture. Here, any tourist should pay attention to the Holy Trinity Monastery, a stone building which was erected in the early 18th century. The main cathedral is a beautiful snow-white building with five chapters and a cubic base. This unique building combines the laconicism of ancient Russian traditions with elements of Ukrainian baroque. The oldest church in the city was the Annunciation Cathedral, unfortunately, it was blown up in the 30s of the 20th century, but in the 21st century a copy was created, which is now in the square of the Deputies. A happier fate went to Znamensky Cathedral, which was erected in the first half of the 17th century. Over the course of its long life, the cathedral was rebuilt more than once, but today it has retained its original features of Russian Baroque. Of the secular buildings, the preserved buildings of the first female gymnasium of the 19th century, several merchant mansions, the building of the former Duma, and the former Alexander School are of historical importance.

Tyumen architectural monuments

Monuments of architecture

Tyumen has been built up over several centuries, and today you can see several buildings of different eras here. The main architectural monuments of Tyumen date back to the late 18th and the 19th century. The mentioned cathedrals, as well as the Holy Cross Exaltation Church of the late 18th century, the round church of All Saints of the late 19th century are undoubted monuments of temple architecture. In addition to the cathedrals, the building of the Drama Theater, built in the middle of the 19th century in the style of classicism, is of interest. In its appearance, the building resembles the architecture of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. The classic Russian manor with restored interiors - Kolokolnikov’s house - recreates the merchant life of the 19th century, the building is an excellent example of the Empire style. Civil architecture is also represented by such objects protected by the state as the house of A.S. Kolmakov, the merchant A.F. Averkiev, the store of V. Zhernakov, the house of Ushakov, the Vladimir Orphanage orphanage (late 19th century), the house of the Noble Assembly. In Tyumen, several masterpieces of wooden architecture of the 19th century have been preserved. There are later architectural monuments in the city , for example, a water tower of the early 20th century, several houses of the early 20th century in the Art Nouveau style, a round house in the style of constructivism.

Monuments to heroes

There are many monuments in Tyumen that perpetuate the memory of the heroes of various events. On the street of the Republic you can see a monument - the mass grave of the victims of the Civil War. In the post-revolutionary years, Tyumen was the site of a fierce struggle between the White and Red armies. During these events, many civilians died. The first obelisk in their honor was installed back in 1927, and in 1967 a monument to the sculptor V.I. Belov appears. Also in the city in 1957 a monument was erected to the fighters of the revolution on Alexander Square. As in many Russian cities, the monuments of the Tyumen war enjoy special respect. This is a monument in honor of the rear workers, created by a group of artists led by A. Medvedev in 2010, and a bas-relief in memory of the soldiers who died in World War II, on the Historical Square. Also in the city there is a monument to a scout, Hero of the Soviet Union Nikolai Kuznetsov, erected in 1967, a monument to a paratrooper soldier, a monument to dead police officers.

History of Tyumen Monuments

Monuments of the Soviet period

In almost all the cities of the former Soviet Union, a monument to Lenin stands in the central square; in Tyumen there is one too. He appeared here in 1979. A large 9-meter bronze sculpture was created by architect Gavrilov. In Soviet times, the already mentioned monuments were erected to the victims of wars, to the rear workers. In the park of railway workers, you can see several sculptures of the same time period. The memory of the heroes of various events was traditionally immortalized in a place that in 1987 was called the Square of Heroes. Here is a monument to soldiers who died from wounds in the hospitals of Tyumen, a monument in honor of the Mother mourning for the dead warrior, several memorial signs. In 1968, the Eternal Flame memorial in honor of the heroes of Tyumen was opened on Historical Square.

Monuments of the war of Tyumen

Monuments to citizens of the city

After perestroika, monuments began to be erected more actively in the city, perpetuating the memory of the inhabitants of the city. Today, the monuments of Tyumen, the photos with the description of which occupy more than one page in the guidebook, are of particular interest to tourists and local historians. In 2006, a monument to the pioneer of Tyumen oil, Yuri Ervye, appeared on Republic Street, who worked for many years in the city and was the first to scientifically substantiate the prospect of developing local oil deposits. In 2008, a monument to A. I. Tekutiev appeared on the boulevard of the same name. At the beginning of the 20th century, he was one of the largest entrepreneurs and donated large sums for the improvement of the city. The sculpture was created by artist A. Antonov and architect M. Belik. In 2014, a monument was erected in honor of another major philanthropist, merchant N. Chukmaldin, on his behalf boulevard. In 2004, a bust of B. Shcherbin, a prominent political figure of the Soviet era, who did a lot for the development of Tyumen, appeared in the city. In 2009, a monument was erected to a geologist, a German doctor and scientist V. Steller, who participated in Bering’s Kamchatka expeditions and died in 1746 in Tyumen.

Monument to victims of repression

In 1997, the monuments of the city of Tyumen were enriched with another - a stone in honor of the victims of the repressions of 1937-38. The place of erection of the monument was not chosen by chance; in the 30s there was a mass grave of victims of executions. Today, a birch grove grows here, in which a large granite stone with a marble memorial cross and an inscription was laid. Also in the city there is a commemorative plaque in honor of special migrants - victims of repression, and a commemorative sign in honor of those shot in the 30s.

Tyumen monuments photo with description

Monument to St. Philotheus Leschinsky

The main monuments of Tyumen are dedicated to Soviet people, the only monument in honor of the church figure appeared in 2007. The monument to Hierarch Filofei Leshchinsky is erected in the square opposite the Holy Trinity Monastery, the founder of which he once was. The initiator of the monument was the city hall. The author of the sculpture was the architect A.F. Medvedev, who won the announced competition for the best project. The sculpture depicts a saint walking through the altar arch in a hood and with a rod; he is greeted by representatives of the Cossacks and peoples of the North.

Monument to the First shipbuilders

A bright sculptural group in honor of the First Shipbuilding Plant in Siberia replenished the monuments of Tyumen in 2010. It is located on the embankment of the Tura River and is a group of two figures: engineer Hector Gullet and merchant of the first guild I.I. Ignatov. An engineer in the mid-19th century was the organizer of a mechanical plant in Tyumen. This enterprise was the first in Siberia among those who switched from artisanal to industrial production of ships. Ignatov, a merchant, invested personal funds in the creation of a plant, the opening of a power plant and the first public elevator in Siberia. The performer of the sculptural group was the Yekaterinburg Art Fund, the name of the author is unknown.

Tyumen cultural monuments

Unusual Monuments

The city has many interesting sculptures and monuments that enliven and diversify the urban landscape. In 2010, a sculptural group appeared in honor of the Great Kamchatka expeditions on the Tura embankment. The center of the composition is occupied by the figure of V.I. Bering, whose two expeditions passed through Tyumen. In 2014, a small corner appeared in the city in the Pharmacy Garden with the figure of G. Rasputin, who, according to legend, was treated in a local hospital after being wounded in 1914. The sculpture was created by artist V. Zolotukhin, tourists and local residents are happy to take pictures in a chair next to Rasputin. In 2010, a monument to a dog (Tyumen) appeared in Central Park, which is designed to remind residents of the city that they need to love all animals, especially the disadvantaged. The sculpture is also a piggy bank in which you can lower the money that will go to help homeless animals.

monument to mother in tyumen

Monument to Mom

In 2010, a very unusual monument appeared in the city. The monument to mother in Tyumen was invented by representatives of the Central District Council, a place was allocated for him in the park near the perinatal center. The author of the sculpture was the artist P. S. Starchenko. The monument depicts a sculptural group, the basis of the composition is the figure of a woman in late pregnancy, she is surrounded by happy children. At first, the author wanted to portray a happy father next to him, but it was decided that the pope was worthy of a separate monument. Soon, in one of the squares near the cinema, a monument appeared in honor of his father, so that justice was respected.


Some monuments of Tyumen are an adornment of the city and a reminder of ordinary people, also on the streets and squares there are many interesting sculptures that evoke a smile and are traditional places for photo shoots. At the entrance to the city, guests are greeted by the composition "Flying Tyumen", which symbolizes the wives, sisters, mothers of the Decembrists, who did not give them hope. The unusual sculptural group “What the Motherland begins with” was established in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Tyumen region. She perpetuated the memory of those who died in all wars and conflicts. Behind the figure of a boy in his grandfather’s greatcoat is a wall with photo frames where Tyumen can insert photos of their dead relatives. On the territory of Tyumen University you can see an unusual sculpture "St. Tatyana", which is the patroness of Russian students. Opposite the circus is the sculptural group “Trio”, depicting three famous clowns: Oleg Popov, Pencil and Yuri Nikulin. And in the city there is an unusual sculpture "Plumber", the composition "Globe", monuments to Aibolit, Janitor and Postman.


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