How and where to x-ray the dog?

Any owner who cares about the health of his four-legged pet regularly visits a veterinarian with him for scheduled examinations. But in life sometimes unforeseen situations happen when the animal suddenly becomes ill and he urgently needs to provide qualified assistance. In such cases, it is very important to remain calm and not to panic. After reading today's article, you will learn how and where to x-ray the dog.

In what cases is this procedure necessary?

It should immediately be noted that in some cases it is almost impossible to establish an accurate diagnosis without x-rays . Using this research method, many diseases can be identified, including obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract, osteomyelitis, fractures, osteosarcoma and other pathological changes in the skeleton.

x-ray dog

The veterinarian who examined the animal gives the x-ray direction to the dog. As a rule, this occurs if there is a suspicion of fractures, tumors or obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract.

What equipment is used during the diagnosis?

In most modern clinics of veterinary medicine, the latest models of devices are installed. Thanks to the use of digital equipment, it is possible to obtain high-quality images that are clearly visible both on film and on the screen.

where to x-ray the dog

Pictures taken using this technique can be stored in the clinic or transmitted to the client. Thin settings allow you to make the most high-quality images on which the smallest details are clearly visible.

What diagnosis is x-ray used for?

This technique allows you to accurately determine the type of fracture and assess the degree of damage to adjacent soft tissues. Due to this, the risks of internal bleeding, inflammatory and putrefactive processes developing due to bone fragments can be minimized.

x-ray dog ​​cost

Mandatory x-rays of the dog do with fractures of the ribs. In such cases, this diagnosis eliminates the subsequent appearance of pneumothorax, often leading to the death of the animal.

Also, this technique is used when there is suspicion that the pet has swallowed a dangerous object. Pictures will accurately show the presence or absence of a foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract of a four-legged friend.

Among other things, an x-ray of the spine of the dog makes it possible to predict the likelihood of paralysis in injuries of the ridge or skull. Also, this type of research allows timely detection of oncology and serious diseases of the lungs or heart. With the help of contrasting supplements, you can establish the true causes of damage to the joint bags, malfunctions of the stomach or kidneys.

Is pre-training required?

Except in special cases, when contrast agents are necessary to be administered into the hairy patient, no additional manipulations are necessary. Before the procedure, they do not feed him and make an enema. This allows you to eliminate possible interference and get a clearer picture.

dog spine x-ray

In rare situations, when an x-ray dog, the cost of which varies from 600 to 1500 rubles, is prescribed during aggressive, nervous or too active behavior, the animal is given general short-term anesthesia. But this happens extremely rarely, since most owners are able to independently keep their pet.

How safe is this diagnosis?

Many pet owners are convinced that an x-ray dog ​​is harmful to the health of their pets and is extremely reluctant to consent to such a study. In fact, everything is somewhat different.

X-rays are short electromagnetic waves, characterized by increased intensity and degree of penetration. It is these properties that make it possible to “enlighten" the animal’s body through and reveal all invisible changes.

Those who believe that an x-ray is harmful to a dog should understand that low radiation is usually used for such a diagnosis. Moreover, its effect is so short-lived that it simply is not capable of causing serious harm even to the smallest animal.

For example, in the process of X-ray examination of the lungs, the dog is exposed to a dose of radiation that is equivalent to that which would have been obtained in five days under the influence of natural radiation. Therefore, this diagnostic method cannot cause the development of any serious pathologies. In addition, fluoroscopy is always carried out using special protection.

But the refusal to perform the study can lead to more serious consequences. Since as a result of such an ill-considered decision, the veterinarian will not be able to timely identify health problems of the four-legged patient and prescribe the correct treatment.


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