How to get a visa to Greece? How much is a visa to Greece made? How to get a visa

Greece is known for its history, favorable climate and magnificent nature. She is also distinguished by hospitality and cordiality. Often, looking at beautiful advertising photos of Greece, you dream of finding yourself in this most beautiful place on earth. Everyone would like to visit this country. And the question naturally arises of how to get a visa to Greece. This will be discussed in the article.

Greece is one of the countries that have accepted the Schengen agreement. This is a reliable fact. As a result, a prerequisite for visiting Greece is a Schengen visa. It is a significant document. Nowadays, obtaining a Schengen visa to Greece is not a big problem. There are several ways to resolve this issue. If you decide to do this personally, then get ready to make some efforts. This will be described below.

In the beginning we decide what visa is needed in Greece

If you want to visit this country as a tourist, then obtaining the specified document will not take much time. First you should contact the Greek Consulate, which is the highest authority representing this country in Moscow. Documents are usually sent there if it is necessary to obtain a long-term visa or to apply for residence permit materials.

But most people want to visit Greece as a tourist, to see the ruins of ancient temples with their own eyes, but someone can pursue other goals, because this country is famous not only for its resorts. Many seek to get there to buy a wonderful fur coat, to take part in the so-called "fur coat".

Greece is a multifaceted country that can surprise and charm. And visiting her at least once is imperative. The government of this country understands the genuine interest of Russians in their homeland, going towards foreigners. As a result of this, it helps in every way to draw up the necessary documents. To simplify and accelerate the process of obtaining a visa, special centers have been opened in large regional cities. They work on weekdays and do not require prior marking. The submission of the necessary documents takes place in a live queue. So, back to the question of what kind of visa is needed in Greece. To do this, you must first find out the types of data documents.

Popular types of visas

  1. Single and double entry visa. It is issued for a period of 45 days. This is considered the initial step in obtaining visas of various kinds. It is usually called a tourist visa. On it you can visit the country within the specified time. As a rule, it is used once or twice.
  2. The next view is the Schengen multivisa. Validity of this document is 6 months. You can get this visa only if before that you have issued a tourist visa, at least one. Without observing this condition, attempts to obtain a multivisa will most likely have a negative result. This document gives you the right to stay in the country continuously for 90 days. This visa has one very nice plus. It lies in the fact that it gives you the opportunity to visit not only Greece, but also all countries that have signed the Schengen Agreement.
  3. The next type is a transit visa. Her term is also limited to 6 months. Its difference is that it is suitable for citizens who regularly visit Greece. A person who wants to use this type of service, in order to prove their intentions, is required to provide tickets confirming the fact of visiting the country. Also, before obtaining a visa, you must specify the payment documents or a voucher confirming the availability of the booked room in the hotel, or in another place. Result - the number of days spent in Greece is summed up. This will be considered the total number of days spent in the country. The question of which visa is needed in Greece has been resolved. We go further.

How much does a visa to Greece cost?

When you submit a package of documents to the visa center for the use of the services of this organization, a certain fee is paid in cash. This amount is not fixed. In each city, the cost of the service is different. On average, in Russia it is 1000 rubles. The price depends on the size and status of the city. In Moscow, the cost of the service will be equal to 1200 rubles, in a city with a small population - about 900 rubles. The price of the visa itself also depends on its duration. For example, a tourist will cost you 160 euros (up to 15 days) or 200 euros (up to 30 days).

Getting this document

One of the important questions is how to get a visa to Greece? First, we’ll clarify the list of documents. It is quite voluminous. This is the peculiarity of such a document as a visa (Greece). The requirements in this case will be as follows.

  • Of course, the presence of a foreign passport. No way without him. In addition, the document must be valid. Within 3 months after the end of the trip, two blank sheets for a Schengen visa must be present in it. This is important in this case.
  • If you have previously been the happy owner of Schengen, and you have preserved your old passport as proof of this, be prepared to present it as well. This is also a prerequisite.
  • Nowhere without copies. This is the motto of our bureaucrats. Provide copies of all completed pages of your passport with personal data. You need to make them in 2 pieces.
  • Obligatory is the provision of an internal passport and a copy thereof.
  • The application for a visa to Greece, which you will receive to draw up the indicated document, is filled out using the English alphabet. This is important to know. The signature on the questionnaire must be put by you personally and match the one in the passport.
  • Photos in the amount of 2 pieces in size 3x4 must be color. The background in this case should be white. When ordering them, be sure to specify for which document they will be required. The employee of the respective salon must be aware of the requirements for this type of photograph.
  • Persons who decide to travel on their own, saving on the services of a tour operator, must necessarily submit a document confirming that the hotel room is still reserved. If you are an advanced user and have completed all operations using the Internet, then take a printout from your bank account or any other financial document confirming your expenses.
  • If you decide to ride all countries at once, and Greece is only an intermediate point, then be prepared to provide tickets confirming your entire route. You must also show your final destination visa. If you use the services of a tour operator, then you should have his invitation, as well as a voucher with all the necessary regalia and signatures. In this case, it is necessary to provide copies thereof. And there should also be a letter of request for the receipt of the specified document from the Russian tour operator.
  • What kind of certificate for a visa to Greece do I need? Approach this question no less responsibly. Make sure that it is on letterhead and is made in accordance with the established model. If you work with an individual entrepreneur, then ask him for a document confirming the state registration. A copy of this material will be sufficient. This is important. If you are a private entrepreneur yourself, then you will need copies of documents such as a certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurs, a document for registering an enterprise with a tax account, and a tax return. As for work, that's all.
  • It will be enough for school-age children to provide a copy of the birth certificate, certified by a notary. Also in this case, a certificate from the school is needed. Students also need a copy of the test book. Inquiries must be made in accordance with established standards. Usually, the address of the educational institution and methods of communication with it are indicated there. The certificate must have a stamp. Be sure to also have the signature of the head, or of the person replacing him.
  • Pensioners should provide a copy of the pension certificate. You must also provide a specific financial document. He must confirm that there is regular income in the form of a pension, and his receipt is systematically carried out. This citizen must have at least 20 thousand rubles in his account. This is a certain guarantee of its solvency.
  • Mandatory and necessary condition for obtaining a visa is medical insurance. This is important in this case. We all know that the medical care system in foreign countries is fundamentally different from the Russian one. If in our country an injured person can still receive at least some kind of treatment absolutely free of charge, then in countries with a Schengen visa the cost of this procedure will cost you a tidy sum. Therefore, so that the long-awaited vacation does not become a ruinous event for you, be sure to take out insurance. It is usually included in the price of a tour package. That's just the range of services offered is small. You can independently study this issue or consult with knowledgeable people. Then, for a small fee, significantly expand the range of services offered. After all, there is nothing more expensive than your health, and caring for it should be the first priority when choosing medical insurance.


We sorted out the list. As you can see, there are not so few documents. After reading this list, you involuntarily think about whether or not to ask the agency for help. After all, a person whose life is not connected with documents can easily get confused in this heap of papers. If you do not know these requirements, you can make a lot of mistakes, fraught with unpleasant consequences. For example, due to an unfortunate misunderstanding, the period for obtaining a visa will be delayed, as a result of which the date of the long-awaited vacation will be postponed or it will have to be canceled altogether. Therefore, in this case, you must contact the appropriate agency. There, for a fee, qualified specialists will tell you how to get the above document, how to fill out a visa application form in Greece. With a special desire, they will do everything for you. As a result, obtaining a visa to Greece will be easy for you and without hassle.

The service of submitting documents to the consulate is provided by accredited travel agencies. It can also be done by proxies holding a notarized power of attorney and a Russian passport. If desired, you can independently carry out this procedure. However, professionals know better how to get a visa. In solving this issue, they will render you invaluable service.

How to apply for a visa to Greece for a child?

Children in this case are full participants, and no less documents are required for the child. First of all, this is a birth certificate and its notarized copy. For a child under 14 years old, parents need to write a statement with their own hand indicating all the data about themselves and their children. They must also give a written commitment that they will travel with the whole family and on a strictly agreed date. If it is not possible to establish the whereabouts of one of the parents, then it is necessary to contact the police with an application for the loss of family ties. After that, the staff will issue you the relevant document. It will be a legal basis for not providing a notarized statement of one of the parents.

There is also another important point. It consists in the fact that if one of the parents died, then a copy of the death certificate is attached when submitting documents. It must also be certified by a notary.

Rejection reason

This fact also should not be ignored. One of the common reasons for refusing a visa is to fill out an application form incorrectly. Many people, unfortunately, can’t correctly execute it on their own, because in this case there are many nuances and pitfalls that are well known to professionals - people for whom the preparation of such documentation is a daily affair and does not cause any difficulties. Systematic work with the relevant papers brought their ability to correctly and competently fill and check the necessary materials to automaticity. This is an indisputable advantage for people who decide not to complicate their lives with endless documents, but devote the remaining time to preparing for the vacation, enjoying the feeling of awareness of the approaching long-awaited vacation. For this, you only need a visa. You can see a sample of it at the appropriate consulate.

How long will it take?

How much is a visa to Greece made? This is the next equally important question. The answer to it is pretty simple. If you do not take into account the time that you spend on collecting and processing documents, then the average duration of a visa from the moment you submit your application will be 5-7 business days. This is a short time. However, many are wondering: how to get a visa to Greece even faster? About it further.

Visa to Greece urgently

Life brings us surprises. And such a pleasant event could be a trip to Greece. How to get a visa, quickly and without any problems to draw up the necessary documents? The staff of the corresponding center will help you with this. In this case, the application for a visa will be considered in record time. After quite a short time, you will become the owner of the desired print. Instead of endless queues, nerves caused by incorrect documentation, you will devote the days remaining before the holidays to shopping. After all, you need a lot of new and beautiful things so that your vacation is filled with beauty and charm and is remembered for many years.


After reviewing the above, each citizen can gather a lot of useful information for himself in answer to the question of how to get a visa to Greece. This will not require much work. If you just want to - and a trip to Greece from a dream will turn into reality.

Also, this article describes how much a visa is made to Greece. As mentioned above, if you want to save your time, you should contact specialists in this field. They will help you in collecting the necessary documents, will help fill out all the relevant materials. In a word, they will take all the difficulties upon themselves. A visa is issued to Greece in St. Petersburg (in St. Petersburg), in Moscow, in Novorossiysk in other cities where there is a corresponding consulate.


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