Why do cats need a mustache? What is a cat's mustache called?

Mustaches are possessed not only by representatives of the cat family, but also by many other animals, such as dogs, rats, beavers, raccoons, etc. It is interesting that for rats, whiskers mainly perform the function of touch, and beavers and seals need them to search food underwater.

why do cats need a mustache

A beautiful and long mustache is the absolute dignity of every cat. With the appearance of a little furry friend in the house, children are often interested in: "Why do cats need a mustache?" But even adults are not always aware of their true purpose.

Often, a child strives to play a “cat hairdresser” and trim his mustache to his beloved pet. But what will be the consequences of such a game? Can a cat have a mustache? What function do they perform? How necessary are they? Why do you need a cat mustache? Let's try to answer these and some other questions.

Also among many questions, the question of how cats are called mustaches is also common. Cat's whiskers have a scientific name - vibrissae (vibrissae from lat. Vibrate, oscillate) or as they are also called "tactile hairs". They are very flexible, thickened and long formations, the roots of which lead to the region of blood vessels and nerve endings. Vibrissas are dead formations similar in nature to ordinary hair. The average length of a cat's mustache is about 6-7 cm.

Feline mustache in the Guinness Book of Records

The longest mustache for a cat was recorded by the Guinness Book of Records. The record holder was the Maine Coon cat, who lives in Finland, nicknamed Messi. The length of his mustache reached 19 cm.

Mustache reflects the mood of the pet

what is the mustache for the cat

In the direction of the mustache, you can easily determine the mood of a representative of the cat family. If the mustache is directed forward, the animal is clearly excited and shows curiosity. On the contrary, pinned ones are evidence of aggression. In a dormant animal, the mustache is in a relaxed state.

Mustache: briefly on the main thing

Let's figure out what a cat mustache is for?

It is known that in a kitten, which is in the stage of embryo, vibrissa become the initially developing hairs. This state of affairs is not accidental and it is explained by the fact that it is the mustache that primarily helps the baby to establish contact with the environment in which he is surrounded.

The whiskers send nerve impulses that are recognized by brain cells. According to the same scheme, the visual function of the eyes is carried out. Summing up these signals, the cat perceives the surrounding world.

To answer the question of why a cat needs a mustache, let's recall how graceful an animal it is. Her grace and maneuverability are also achieved thanks to vibrissa. It is the "tactile hairs" that allow you to feel the direction of the air currents, which is of considerable importance during the jump, at the time of the fall and during normal movement. Information received by vibrissa helps to avoid unnecessary injuries.

The cat mustache is known to be very sensitive. For this reason, touching them is not too pleasant for the animal.

why does a cat need a mustache

A mustache is able to provide data that cannot be obtained using other senses. The difference between vibrissa and ordinary hair is that vibrissa go much deeper into the fabric than simple hair. As mentioned earlier, "tactile hairs" have many nerve endings, so the animal receives a lot of information about the world.

Mustache helps to navigate in space

Scientists, being interested in the question of why a cat has a mustache, found that with the help of vibrissae the animal is perfectly oriented in the space surrounding it, regardless of the time of day. Vibrissa are the organ of touch and are located in the cheeks, lips, above the eyes, as well as on the legs. Thanks to them, the cat recognizes various objects without physically touching them. Mustache allows you to determine the presence of obstacles on the way in complete darkness, which greatly simplifies the movement at night.

Vibrisses inform the cat about whether she can get into a narrow opening. And also help to navigate in an unknown area. Thanks to the mustache, the animal will never get lost and will always find its way back. Each of us has heard stories about how a cat ran away and returned a few months later. Or about how she found her owners who changed their place of residence. Mustache is a kind of "compass" for the animal.

Mustache - hunter's weapon

why do you need a cat mustache

So, arguing on the topic “why do cats need a mustache”, one cannot but mention that vibrissae are involved in the hunting process. With their help, you can easily recognize even a slight movement of production. A cat is a predatory animal and prefers the dark for hunting. A mustache allows you to obtain the necessary data about your future victim and with the necessary accuracy to complete a lightning striking leap that will not leave the prey the slightest chance of salvation.

Everyone knows that a cat is able to rid a house of rats, mice and other small rodents. When an animal, having caught prey, carries it in its teeth, the tips of the mustache monitor the condition of the victim (whether it is killed, or attempts to resist it are still possible).

Mustache: structural features

Feline mustache is arranged in four rows of 12 pieces on both sides. The movement of the two upper ones occurs regardless of those located below. The base of the vibrissa falls on the surface layer and has good blood supply for the reason that the root of the blood tendril is located in the blood vesicle, also called the sinus or blood lacuna. The branches of the facial nerve are connected to the vibrissae, and the striated muscles provide their movement. Thanks to the vibrissae, the cat will notice even the smallest fluctuations in air.

Is it possible to trim a cat's mustache

the longest mustache in a cat

The information presented above characterizes the functional feature of the vibrissa, thereby explaining why the cat has a mustache, and explaining their need. Given that the cat needs a mustache to maintain balance and a good orientation in space, trimming them is not strictly recommended. Without them, the cat is capable of experiencing serious discomfort and confusion.

It is believed that in the division of the territory of the cat is able to strip his mustache of his opponent. And she does this so that the rival feels weak and defenseless. An animal that doubts its own strength will easily give up its position, admitting defeat.

When considering information on the topic "why do cats need a mustache", it is important to mention that there are breeds with insufficiently developed "tactile hairs" or with their complete absence. Such animals need constant guardianship by humans and in the wild, unfortunately, will not be able to survive.

However, many could hear about veterinary circumcision of a mustache. Indeed, this practice exists and is used by veterinarians. Use it in situations if the area of ​​germination of vibrissae has been affected. Cutting a mustache in veterinary medicine helps to carry out disinfection treatment and exclude the possibility of bacterial infection.

There are cases when blind cats perfectly managed information obtained using vibrissae. Therefore, to cut off a cat's mustache for the participation of an animal in an exhibition or through the fault of a momentary childish whim is impossible. Even if the cropped mustache does not lead to the death of the animal, it still leaves a significant imprint on the self-awareness and quality of life of your cat.

Brittle mustache. What to do?

Is it possible to cut a cat a mustache

Having received the answer to the question of why a cat needs a mustache, you can understand how important they are for a small predator. However, the mustache in the animal may break. If the hair bag has not been damaged, the mustache can regenerate. Sometimes the damage is random. Systematic damage and loss of mustache can be due to the following factors:

  • The wrong diet, and therefore the cat's body is deficient in calcium and other vitamins.
  • The appearance of worms that eat beneficial substances, because of which the animal also lacks calcium and other substances.
  • Fungal diseases.

To establish the true cause of injury and loss of mustache will help a specialist veterinary clinic. He will also prescribe the necessary course of treatment and offer a diet rich in vitamins and minerals.

Responsible for those who tamed

what cats have called mustache

The decision to have a pet implies a great responsibility of a person for the life and health of the animal. Having decided on such a serious step, it is necessary to ensure the animal comfortable living conditions and carefully monitor the state of his health. Your favorite will appreciate the attentive and affectionate attitude towards him, giving in return his devotion and love. From communicating with your pet, you will certainly get a lot of joyful emotions and a sea of ​​good mood.

After reviewing the information about why cats need a mustache, explain to the child what important role they play in a pet's life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23460/

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