How to make an original rose bush from beads?

Roses are beautiful and delicate flowers, the most beloved plants of most women. It is always a pleasure to receive as a gift a bouquet of lovely pink creatures fluttering from any movement. What girl does not dream that these amazing flowers were fragrant all year round in her apartment. It turns out that you can very easily make a bush of roses from beads with your own hands.

rose bead bush

We select material

For work, you should take the beads of the desired color (pink, white or red) for flowers and green for leaves. You also need a thin wire, acrylic varnish, floss thread (preferably green) and a basket. You can also use pearls and paper flowers to decorate.

Weaving a bush of roses from beads: buds

Making a beautiful and original product easier than you think. If you know well the French technique of beadwork, then the work will be a pleasure. First, all the structural details must be performed separately, and then connected. Let's start with making buds. For the inner circle, you need to string five beads on a fishing line, stretching them in five loops, the next circle - another five beads, fixed right next to the previous row. The third row is five petals made by French technology, each made of three arcs of three beads. Now we carefully form the buds, tightly twisting the petals together.

roses from beads master class

Weaving a bush of roses from beads: leaves

Now you need to make leaves from green beads. We carry them out with French technology, like the buds, only from the middle of the design do we begin to reduce the number of stringable beads. The leaves will need to be fixed at the base of the buds. For these parts we carry out small products. To decorate the rose bush from beads, make the leaves larger. It remains to combine all the details so that our lovely plant comes to life.

We collect roses from beads

We will complete the weaving workshop by describing the correct connection of the parts of the structure to make a beautiful rose bush. Take several pieces of long and thin wire, twist them together and wrap a thread of floss, pre-dripping glue. This will be the trunk of our design. We fasten the buds and leaves evenly onto a long wire, creating natural bends. It remains to "plant" the bush in a beautiful wicker basket or a pot filled with plaster. We close the product with cellophane so that the gypsum does not leak. It remains to wait until the gypsum freezes to see the final result.

master class roses from beads

Decorate a bush

We start decorating our product. Gypsum can be filled with green beads. This will be the weed for the plant. The barrel can be covered with beautiful acrylic varnish to hide small pieces of wire and revitalize our cute design. Add paper flowers and you can smell a real rose. That's all. Now you yourself can arrange a real master class for your friends. Roses from beads, or other flowers, such as lilies or tulips, can be made using similar technology. The main thing is a little imagination, a creative approach, patience and a passionate desire to learn. Decorate your apartment with this tree or give it to a friend - she will definitely appreciate your creation.


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