Cat Food for Sensitive Digestion: Overview, Species, Features and Reviews

When a small kitten is weaned from mother's milk and begins to give the first lure, digestion features may appear. Poor appetite, vomiting, stool disorders, dull hair and other troubles can be an indication that your animal has a delicate digestive tract.

How to help your furry friend? How to feed such a pet? How to choose the right cat food for sensitive digestion? What is the difference between expensive and cheap pellets? We will try to give answers to all your questions.

cat food for sensitive digestion

How to understand that a cat has a special stomach?

If your fluff has problems with the digestive tract, it is simply impossible not to notice. Too eloquent are the various symptoms:

  • frequent vomiting
  • changeable appetite;
  • diarrhea and colic;
  • regular refusals of food;
  • flatulence;
  • terrible fetid odors from the tray;
  • difficulty in defecation, feces dry and lumpy.

If you notice one or more regularly recurring symptoms, then your pussy requires special attention and care. To alleviate the condition of the animal, it is necessary to feed it with cat food with sensitive digestion. Reviews of cat owners indicate that a properly selected diet in 85% of cases helps to solve nutrition problems without visiting a veterinary clinic.

The correct feeding regimen also helps to improve the condition of the animal. A cat is not a dog. Two meals a day in the morning and in the evening are not suitable for her. But keeping a cat bowl constantly full is also impossible. The best solution is feeding the animal 3-4 times a day. And kittens up to 12 weeks old are offered food up to 6 times. Only in this way the animal will form the correct metabolism and digestion problems will become minimal.

dry food for cats with sensitive digestion

We teach your pet to eat right

Even if your puffy has no problems, it is better to start complementary foods using wet cat food with sensitive digestion. As the kitten grows and its teeth develop, food begins to be replaced with dry food. Note! In no case should you give both dry and wet food. So you risk spoiling the stomach of even a healthy cat. Dry and wet food is digested in different ways and the digestive system of a kitten simply won’t know how to work. Each feeding should consist of only one type of feed. In addition, the pussy should always have access to plenty of clean, cool water.

What food to prefer?

Most often, cats and kittens with "special" stomachs are very picky about food. Therefore, cat food for sensitive digestion undergoes special control and is repeatedly tested for “eatability”.

Like healthy cats, it’s very important for pets with tender stomachs to get enough protein. So it’s best to select feed so that this element is natural in them.

The calorie content of cat food for sensitive digestion, which you will give the kitten, should be higher than that intended for adults. And by weight, the young feline should eat more. Most often, all parameters of proper feeding are indicated on the pack.

digestible cat food reviews

Economy Feed

Veterinarians and breeders generally do not recommend giving animals cheap cat food. For sensitive digestion, it is nutritional quality that matters. Budget options, unfortunately, do not have such advantages. They use preservatives, a large amount of salt and harmful additives, chemical flavors and flavor enhancers. Instead of meat, bone meal and various residues, offal are used for the manufacture of inexpensive pellets.

Such food is harmful even to perfectly healthy cats. What can we say about pets with sick stomachs.

If you still decide to treat your pet with such food, you can give preference to the following:

Whiskas special sensitive

One of the most popular feeds thanks to television commercials. It is very inexpensive and refers to the mass-market products. Contains very few natural ingredients and is unlikely to benefit your animal.

Cat Chow Special Care Sensitive

One of the best options among inexpensive feeds. According to the manufacturers, it was specially developed for animals with a sensitive food system. The composition lacks beef, dairy products, soy and wheat. Due to this, the digestibility of food is significantly increased.

the best food for cats with sensitive digestion

Premium feed

For cats with sensitive digestion, dry food should be at least that way. Premium feed will not bring much benefit to the animal. But then, at least it won’t do any harm. In premium feeds, there are also a fairly large number of flavorings and other chemicals. But real meat is also present in them. Although, not much. If you do not want to poison your pet with a cheap surrogate, but you don’t have money for expensive brands, premium quality feeds will do just fine.

Hill's Science Plan (Sensitive Stomach)

Hills cat food for sensitive digestion is one of the most popular. Rich in more or less natural ingredients, contains natural meat. The composition also includes vitamins and essential amino acids. It is relatively inexpensive, available at pet stores.

Royal Canin Sensible 33

Another fairly popular brand. The composition contains meat and a special vitamin complex. The price is affordable.

cat food hills for sensitive digestion

Super premium feed

If you are not sorry for the money for your pussies and you want him to eat right, pay attention to super-premium quality feeds. They practically do not contain preservatives, amplifiers and dyes. But the composition includes a lot of meat and other natural ingredients, as well as a large amount of vitamins. Special rulers for delicate cat stomachs have the following trademarks:

  • Brit Care Cat Lilly Sensitiv.
  • Leonardo Adult Grain - Free.
  • Josera SensiCat.
  • Eukanuba Intestinal Formula.
    digestive cat food with sensitive digestion

You rarely find such food in a regular pet store. And in supermarkets they can not be found at all. You can easily purchase such products in online stores specializing in pet products.

Feed holistic

Crackers of this quality are the best food for cats with sensitive digestion. Such feeds are very expensive and you can usually find them only in online stores. But their composition is almost 85% natural. You will not find corn, bone meal and wheat in such granules. Your cat will receive really high-quality and balanced nutrition.

Holistic class feeds are made using special technology. The granules undergo minimal heat treatment. Due to the fact that such granules are as natural as possible, they are absorbed by the body of the animal almost completely. The cat eats them less and quickly saturated. So in the end it turns out not so expensive.

The most popular are:

  • GO Sensitivity Shine.
  • Innova Cat and Kitten.
  • N&D Natural And Delicious.
  • Grandorf White Fish & Potato Adult Sensitive.

Is it possible to give “special” cat other food?

If your pet has a gentle stomach, and you managed to choose the right diet for her, do not indulge her with any supplements. A casual treat or a bust with a complex of vitamins can only exacerbate the problem. The only exceptions are products and preparations that your veterinarian has prescribed.

High-quality, correctly selected feeds contain everything that is necessary for the cat's body. It is normally balanced, have the right combination of phosphorus, calcium and other minerals. If additional complementary foods are added to the animal’s diet, the delicate balance may be disturbed. This will nullify all your nutritional efforts.


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