Well cleaning. Well Cleaning Methods

If there is a well in the suburban area, then this is an excellent alternative to centralized water supply. Such a source of water can solve the problem with watering and provide the house with life-giving moisture. However, preventive work must be carried out from time to time, only then will the well be clean, and its work in good condition.

Causes of pollution

well cleaning

To perform such manipulations, you can use one of many methods. The fact that prevention is required is indicated by a less intense pressure of water. This is followed by stagnation with gurgling and the subsequent release of turbid liquid. After that, the system usually stops working. Well cleaning should begin by identifying the cause of contamination. Irregular operation, construction and drilling errors, and much more can lead to such troubles. Aquifers sometimes change direction, and the cause will be natural.

If the structure is devoid of protective mechanisms, then more debris will fall into the mouth. Sometimes the reason is the lack of maintenance and improper operation of the pump. There are two main types of wells, the first have a straight hole, the others have a filter. But the well can be cleaned of contaminants by blowing, pumping or rinsing.

Cleaning wells with a straight bore will be more convenient, as it is possible to lower the equipment to the bottom, eliminating the risk of siltation. With regular use, any well will become clogged sooner or later. If you want to independently release it from pollution, it is best to use pumping.

Method number 1: use of a vibrating pump

sand cleaning

You can clean the wells using a conventional or special pump that is used for contaminated water. With it, you can pump out a mixture of sand and silt, as well as small-fraction stones. A pump is installed at the bottom, and the debris caught there enters the nozzle and passes through the pump. It is recommended that clean water be passed through it from time to time. If the case is excessively heated, this indicates the need to leave the equipment to rest. Using the Malysh pump, it is possible to clean a standard well if it is not deep, as the equipment can be lowered by 40 meters.

Method number 2: use the bobbin

artesian well cleaning

Well cleaning can also be carried out when the blockage is negligible. If the drilling was shallow, then you can use the bailer. In other cases, its use is ineffective. With a depth of 30 meters or more, it will be necessary to use a winch, but this method requires a lot of effort from two men. The bailer is a piece of pipe on a wire rope with a net. The tool sinks to the bottom, and then rises to 0.5 meters, then drops sharply. Fluid is accumulating inside. There is a metal ball in the cylinder, which in a few seconds rises and falls, closing the hole. This procedure must be repeated several times, and then raise the bellow and clean it of sand. To simplify the work, you can use a tripod. For one such manipulation, about 0.5 kilograms of sand will fall inside, this allows you to find out how quickly the well becomes clogged.

Method number 3: mechanical cleaning

sludge cleaning

Sand is also cleaned when drilling was carried out to a considerable depth. In this case, mechanical cleaning is considered the most effective way, where you need to use two pumps running in parallel. The deep one, equipped with a lower water trap, is located at the bottom of the well. He will lift up pollution and silt. Paired equipment will supply water to lift sediment under pressure. In order to achieve positive results, the fluid drain hose must be shaken and make sure that the amount of contamination is not too large. If the concentration of sand and sludge is too high, then the equipment may fail. When the owners clean the well in the country, it is important to choose the right pump, its parameters will depend on the depth of the water. If this parameter is more than 10 meters, then you should stock up with a vibrating pump.

Method number 4: use a fire truck

well cleaning methods

This technology involves the use of a fire hose, through which water is supplied under pressure. Using this technique, cleaning is done in 10 minutes, but this method can be not only expensive but also dangerous. Pressure can cause damage to system components and filters. You can resort to such a technology with severe pollution.

Method number 5: use of airlift

sludge and sand cleaning

An artesian well is sometimes cleaned with the help of an airlift; work will be carried out on the basis of the Archimedes law. In fact, a well is a vessel with water, into which a water pipe is placed. Compressed air is supplied to its lower part , which makes it possible to form a mixture of foam and air. A column of water will press on the pipe from below, and after the process begins, it must be controlled, you will need to ensure that the water in the well does not end. The lower part of the pipe will be practically on the sand, it will be lifted and absorbed by the water pipe along with the water. The task of the master will be to monitor the water level. Small stones and dirt will be absorbed by the pipe, being pushed to the surface.

Post-Drill Cleaning

well cleaning in the country

When considering methods for cleaning wells, you should remember that you will need to perform this manipulation immediately after drilling. Installed filters will not be able to trap small particles, from which water becomes turbid and becomes unsuitable for human consumption. Depending on the depth, the process after drilling can take from 10 hours to several weeks. If the arrangement of the well was carried out by specialists, then they will have to flush the system on their own. When drilling with your own hands, you can use a compressor with a capacity of 12 atmospheres or more. Among other things, you will need several pipes that are interconnected and installed in the well. Their diameter should be smaller compared to the diameter of the well so that some space remains between the products and the walls.

The upper part of the pipe must be strengthened with a rope before starting work, since under high pressure the structure can be pushed up. A vacuum adapter is put on the pipe, which is fixed with screws. The compressor is pumped up to the highest pressure, and then the compressor hose is put on the adapter. After the equipment is involved, air has to be let out inside. This procedure is repeated several times. If it was not possible to achieve the desired purity using air, you can replace it with water using the same pipe system with an adapter. To do this, use a large barrel, which is installed next to the compressor. It is filled with water. The fluid is pumped with a compressor at maximum pressure into the well. You need to be careful, as dirt and foreign objects can fly into the master. Work should not be completed until the container is empty. Cleaning the well from silt and sand in this way should be carried out until the annulus ceases to throw out dirt.


If you will clean the well from sludge using a submersible pump, it is best to use equipment with automation. Only then the device turns off when all the water is pumped out.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23469/

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