Sambury - cherry-sized berry

More recently, an exotic, little-known berry called sambery has appeared in our front gardens. Often confused with blueberries, paying attention to some external similarities. But in fact, she is a close relative of tomatoes, sweet peppers, physalis and potatoes. Sambury is a berry belonging to the nightshade family. Her healing and dietary properties are now appreciated in Russia.

sambury berry
This species was bred by a well-known breeder at the beginning of the 20th century. Having crossed two different wild nightshade, he got the expected result - unpretentious, large-fruited, green giant. Brushes with berries of 10 pieces in each gracefully hang from a tetrahedral stem. He called his brainchild a sun berry. Sambury blooms and ripens constantly until the end of autumn. You can use it only completely ripe.

Having received from the ancestors a high yield, unpretentiousness in cultivation, an unusual taste, sambury - β€œSoltsna berry” - gradually began to conquer space in the post-Soviet garden plots. Fruits the size of a large cherry, similar to small tomatoes, are used by housewives to make jams, preserves or toppings for baked pasties. Sambiri berry (photo above) is successfully harvested for the winter. Before canning, to get rid of the taste inherent in nightshade, it should be scalded and allowed to stand for about 5 minutes.

sambury berry how to grow

Many gardeners, although they learned that there was a delicious samberi (berry), do not yet know how to grow it. Also, few specialists are familiar with the proper care of her. It is known that a seedling cultivation method is used. Sowing is carried out in prepared land from February to April. When steady heat occurs, it is planted in open ground at a distance of 70 cm from each other. This cultivated nightshade reaches 1.5 meters in height. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied sparingly. Ripening brushes press the plant to the ground. It is necessary to prevent contact of the fruit with the soil. To do this, it is enough to lay boards or mulch it with dry straw, humus, and last year's sawdust. You can tie the stepsons to the support in the same way as tomatoes.

The fruits ripen gradually, as in tomatoes. Harvested until the fall. In total, from the bush it turns out about a bucket.

Sambury is a berry that is tolerant of the first frost. When they occur, you need to not let the plant bloom and set the fruits anymore. This accelerates the maturation of an existing crop. Such manipulations are worth starting in September.

sumberi berry photo

If whole sambury bushes are picked before the onset of frost and stored indoors at about 20 Β° C in limbo, you can eat the fruits for a very long time. Ripening gradually over several months, they will delight with their unusual taste.

Sambury is a berry that can be consumed in large quantities, completely non-toxic, although it belongs to the nightshade family.

Since the plant is annual, the seed material will have to be harvested every year. It is better to take it from the first brushes, which are the largest and multiple. This is a guarantee that the next season will please a plentiful harvest.


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