Dry cat food - features, types and reviews

After the dry food appeared, the owners of cats and veterinarians were divided into two warring camps: opponents and supporters of such fragrant crisp granules. Inveterate cat owners often prefer dry food, being confident that such a product contains the necessary amount of trace elements and vitamins for their pet. Not the least role is played by the fact that the prepared granules relieve the owner of the daily need to cook animal food. After all, how much easier it is just to pour a little feed into a bowl than to specially boil meat for a cat or cut fish. Today we will take a closer look at what dry cat foods are, and also present a rating of such products.

Production technology. Raw material preparation

The first step in making dry cat food is choosing raw materials. This moment is very important, since it depends on it to which class the final product can be attributed. Any manufacturer who takes his work seriously and cares about the consumer strictly adheres to all requirements regarding the source products. Moreover, these are not some abstract requirements, but specific figures that determine the amount of certain vitamins and minerals for a certain type of feed.

Is dry food harmful for cats and cats

The final product must be balanced and must undergo laboratory tests. If certain rules exist, then in no case should they be violated. Some manufacturers, for example, can easily replace one fish with another, without taking into account the amount of protein, which is absolutely unacceptable. Of course, slight deviations are possible for each parameter, but when releasing high-grade feed, this moment is monitored very closely.

Mix making

After receiving the initial ingredients and checking for compliance with all parameters, the production process itself begins. It is worth paying attention that for each type of dry food for cats, the production line is configured separately, and a certain amount of one or another component is also taken. This is a responsible and rather laborious process, since a balanced feed implies a clear dosage of ingredients.

Best Dry Cat Food

All components are ground by means of a special mill until, as a result, they take the given dimensions. Then the particles fall into the mixer, where they mix well. The milled dry mixture passes into another container, where it is moistened, and then enters the feed mixer to mix completely. Next, the thermal treatment of the composition takes place, in which harmful bacteria and microbes die, and useful trace elements remain intact.

Humidification and drying

At the next stage, the mixture is moistened with hot boiled water. The resulting porridge under high pressure is fed into a meat grinder, where the feed takes a certain size and shape. Further, the obtained granules are dried and useful microorganisms are sprayed onto them, which have a beneficial effect on the digestive system of the animal. Then add special fat with vitamins C and E, which contribute to long-term conservation.

Packaging of the finished product

At the final stage, dry cat food is packaged in packages on which the process and production date are affixed. Now the product is being sent to retail outlets where consumers are already waiting for it. If all the rules are observed, then the finished feed can be stored in packaging for up to a year or more.

Dry cat food rating

Unfortunately, many manufacturers do not knowingly indicate the presence of preservatives in the composition of the product, and this affects both the quality of the feed and its shelf life.

What components does dry food contain?

Many experts argue that any prepared food, regardless of whether it is frozen, canned or dry, can not improve the health of either a person or an animal. Food should be not only fresh, but also varied. After all, it is clear that feed that has undergone multiple heat treatments and has been stored in packaging for a long time cannot compete with natural food.

Unfortunately, many, even the best dry cat foods, do not contain the right amount of minerals, vitamins, fats, proteins and carbohydrates. However, such products often contain all kinds of inedible fillers, food and slaughterhouse waste, heavy metals, pesticides, sugar, herbicides, artificial colors, pharmaceuticals, preservatives, as well as flavoring synthetic additives.

What are the pitfalls

Unfortunately, today many manufacturers, trying to be competitive, release feed from the cheapest raw materials. Using computer analysis, they select the ingredients so that the finished composition meets at least the minimum dietary standards for cats. When choosing food for our pet, we, of course, look at the packaging, namely the composition of the product, after which we make a comparison. However, not all so simple.

Dry cat food reviews recommendations

For example, some proteins may be less absorbed by animals or not absorbed at all. In addition, it is impossible to compare the amount of crude protein on the label without taking into account the moisture content of the feed. This can only be done by comparing the can and dry product.

Opinion of veterinarians

Not sure which one is best for dry cat food? Listen to what the veterinarians say. Often, experts position products such as cat fast food, considering it as unacceptable as crackers or chips. In addition, if you constantly feed your cat exclusively dry food, he may be diagnosed with urolithiasis, which is not so rare. In fact, if you choose the right product, sometimes you can give it to your pet, but at the same time he must receive natural food rich in all the components necessary for the body.

The benefits of dry food marked by cat owners

Here is some of them:

  • It does not spoil for a long time, which makes it possible to buy it for the future.
  • No cooking required.
  • Dry granules cleanse the animal’s teeth.
  • Product availability, because you can buy it even in a regular supermarket.

Cons of dry food

Most often voiced are:

  • The same type of menu.
  • It is addictive, so many animals do not recognize any other food.
  • A poor-quality product can provoke the development of diabetes and urolithiasis in an animal.
  • High content of harmful chemical components.
Dry cat food reviews

Is dry food harmful for cats and cats? It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally. Some advocate for such a menu for their pet, while others are against it. In any case, the owner of the four-legged purr is the final choice. However, veterinarians advise carefully choosing a manufacturer that produces only the best dry cat food.


Dry cat foods, reviews of which were reviewed above, are presented in a wide assortment. It is sometimes difficult for pet owners to decide on the optimal menu for their pet. To facilitate the task, it is worth considering the classification of such products and highlight the best cat foods:

  • Cheap feed of economy class. These brands include: Felix, Friskies, Kitekat, Oscar, Meow, Whiskas. Despite the fact that manufacturers actively advertise their products, veterinarians still do not recommend buying such products for cats, as they replace meat with soy, and also add various sweeteners, dyes, flavor enhancers and other harmful components.
  • Mid-priced feeds are slightly more expensive than the previous ones, however, they do not differ much in quality. They include the same soy, as well as various stabilizers and preservatives. The following brands can be noted here: Gourment, Sheba, Purina.
Dry cat food which is better to choose
  • Expensive products include products whose manufacturers try to maintain their reputation by observing all the rules and regulations. They produce their products, as a rule, from good and high-quality raw materials. Premium classes include: Nutram, Matiss, Hills, Royal Canin, Bozita. Veterinarians noted that these foods are quite suitable for feeding cats and cats, because, in addition to natural meat and cereals, such foods contain the necessary vitamins.
  • Dry cat foods, reviews and recommendations of which are the best, are holistic-class products that are used by breeders in elite nurseries. Here you will not find any flavor enhancers and preservatives, so veterinarians position such feeds as the most useful.

Useful Tips

We all know that cats are quite finicky animals, with their own tastes and preferences. For example, a pet can gobble up cheap food on both cheeks and not tolerate the elite. Let's look at some useful tips regarding the content of a furry home creation:

  • if you took a cat from the nursery, then ask the seller what product the animal was fed;
  • when purchasing a new feed, do not take it too much, perhaps your choosiness will not be to your taste at all;
  • note that dry granules can dye the snow-white coat of a cat, but this is a temporary phenomenon;
  • try not to frequently change the brand of feed, as a new product can lead to an upset stomach or allergies in the animal;
  • if you give the cat dry food, a bowl of clean and fresh water should be placed near it.
The best cat food

Dry cat food rating

According to reviews, consumers prefer:

  1. The first place is occupied by feed, which is recommended for exhibition animals. They are distinguished by the optimal combination of vitamins and beneficial ingredients. Also, they do not have harmful components, since the product itself is based on high-quality raw materials. Such foods include: Meowing heads, Wild cat, Orijen, Acana, 1st choise, "ZooMenu".
  2. In second place are food, which will be useful even for cats suffering from allergies and stomach upsets. The composition of such products does not contain dyes, chemical preservatives, flavor enhancers and corn. They are distinguished by a high content of meat proteins and meat flour. Of these feeds, the following brands should be distinguished: Summit, Taste of the wild, Porcelan, Holistic Blend Perfect.
  3. The third step is occupied by feed from selected meat and first-class cereals. However, there are some drawbacks: very small granules, unpleasant color and smell. These products include: Safari, ProPac, Leonardo, Gina Elite, Royal canin.
  4. Next are feeds that are not recommended on an ongoing basis, since they can contain offal and meat of uncertain origin, as well as chemical additives that can lead to allergies and stomach cramps. These include the following brands: KirAmore, Perfect fit, Katinka, Purina one, Oscar, What You Need!
  5. In the last place were the feeds, which included a large amount of vegetable proteins, as well as chemical additives that provoke urolithiasis and allergic reactions: Happy Cat, Friskies, Kitekat, Meow!, Terra Cat, Pan-Cat.

As you can see, there is a lot of choice, you just need to decide and find the most suitable food for your pet.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23479/

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