The world is the opposite: what cannot be done in space, and also what is necessary for stability within the ship

The most common answer to the question of what cannot be done in space is to hang yourself. Indeed, breaking your life this way will not work, as well as doing many other things familiar to man. The reason for this is the lack of gravity (gravity) in space. Any objects in space lose their mass and stability in space, known physical laws cease to act.

Bans and Impossibilities in Space

Enumerating what cannot be done in space, it should be noted right away - we are talking about the space inside the ship, and not outside it. In open space, a person can exist only in a spacesuit, and even then not for long. Without protection, outer space painfully kills in 10-12 seconds.

Among what cannot be done in space, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Walk, lean on, crouch, fall and lie down. In space, only one way of controlled movement is available - leisurely flight. Due to the lack of gravity, objects, living and nonliving, lose their mass. The astronauts carefully sorted by their feet (set the direction) and sleep in the air, fastened with seat belts. What cannot be done in space is sudden movements. It is not recommended even to sneeze, because a sharp exit can give unnecessary acceleration.
    what can not be done in space
  2. Get steam (boil water). Due to zero gravity, layer mixing does not occur. That is, only that layer of liquid is heated that directly contacts the place of heating.
  3. Spill liquid. Water or any solution in space turns into an independent body, which is in its own movement towards something (a wall, expensive equipment or the face of the nearest astronaut). Therefore, all the vessels on the ISS are closed, they drink water through special pipes, and they go to the toilet through special equipment. Similar rules apply to all kinds of aerosols.

What needs to be done in space

The most important thing that cannot be done in space is to stop straining the muscles of the body. Zero gravity has a bad effect on the human body, leading to atrophy and the inability to move in conditions of gravity. So cosmonauts every day should devote at least 1 hour to physical exercises. Regular exercises reduce the rate of weight loss, but do not completely relieve weakness. The astronauts, returning to Earth, undergo rehabilitation.

what can not be done in space

In addition, during the flight there is a loss of bone mass - the tissues literally "dissolve" due to the lack of gravity. To support the body and the immune system, astronauts are required to take special complexes of drugs.

The second nuance associated with being on a spaceship is a sensitive sense of smell. In those on the ISS, due to a rush of blood in the upper body, perception is greatly aggravated (by 30% or more). It is noted that astronauts perceive even the lightest aroma as a sharp stench. Therefore, flight organizers make sure that the food, supplies and equipment for the space station are odorless.

Cosmonauts themselves should not use odorous substances (perfumes, deodorants, fragrant soaps, ointments, etc.) and are required to monitor the level of perspiration. Clothing and underwear have pads made of antibacterial tissue, and there is a shower for cleansing on the ISS.

Another danger that can destroy a person in space is associated with a mental state. Guaranteed protection against depression and sudden tantrums does not exist. To reduce mental instability, astronauts are required to observe the regimen - get enough sleep in cells with an imitation of night (blackout) or with a mask for sleep, regularly take water and food (600 grams per day), and also alternate their work and sports.

In general, space is defined as an aggressive environment, much more dangerous than highlands or desert. Man is not evolutionarily adapted for existence outside the Earth, and for those in space the probability of death (including sudden) increases tenfold.


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