Sable fur: photo, description. The fur of the marten and sable is the difference. Sable fur products

Sable is a valuable fur-bearing animal similar to a marten. This animal is widespread in the forest and forest-tundra zones from the Pacific Ocean to the Ural Mountains. Sable fur is highly regarded by lovers of true luxury. Beautiful, silky, magnificent - in a word, just a dream of every lady.

sable fur

Sable fur. Main characteristics

So, more details. What is sable fur? Its skins are from 15 to 50 centimeters long and from 12 to 30 centimeters wide with various colors. It varies from light yellow to almost black, depending on individual and geographical variability.

In general, the marten and sable fur are very similar to each other. The difference in places of their joint habitat is minimal. However, sable fur is more silky, soft and thick. In addition, the throat spot of this animal does not enter his chest. Its shape is oval or round.

marten and sable fur difference


Thus, it becomes clear how the marten and sable fur are different. The difference, although small, is still there. But sable fur itself also has certain differences. It is divided, for example, into 4 groups. The colors of sable fur influence this.

The first type includes the darkest shades - from dark brown to black. The color of the fluff is gray-blue or dark blue, monophonic along the entire length of the hair.

The second type is brown. The remaining hair of the fur is dark brown, and the fluff is brown on top and gray-blue at the base.

The third type is brown hair, medium in darkness. Chestnut spruce and gray-blue down at the base with light brown tips are its distinguishing feature.

And the last, fourth group is the lightest fur. The remaining hair has a light chestnut color, down - gray, bluish at the base, with sandy tops.

sable fur photo

Fur is divided into groups and ridges and depending on the removal and form of dressing skins. What does it mean?

The first group includes four ridges - Kamchatka (lush, thick, coarse fur), Yakut (more silky average height), Sakhalin (short rough awn) and Amur (small, with short hair growth). These skins are removed using a stocking. The edit form is round.

The second group is the Barguzin ridge. The fur of these skins is very silky, lush and thick. Take off their tube. The edit form is rectangular.

The third group is the Yenisei (medium height, magnificent, rough fur) and Tobolsk ridges (coarse, thick hair). The skin is removed using a tube. The edit form is half-length.

And the last group includes three ridges - Minusinsk (dense, silky cover with a short awn), Altai (lush, a tear curled from above) and Tuvinian (not dense, with high hair). The skins are also removed using a tube. The edit form is long.

Twice a year…

In a word, a good variety is sable fur. The photo of the animal, at the same time, also indicates that the animal molt twice a year. In winter, his color is uniform, light due to the many downy hair. The tail is the same color as the back. Only at the tip of the color darkens slightly. But how does sable fur change in the summer? The photo shows an animal with a low and rare cover. There is practically no fluff on it. The color of the fur is generally darker than in winter.

how to distinguish sable fur

Depending on the time of year, skins are divided into several groups. The fur, as already mentioned, of course, is different. In winter, for example, the skin of the first grade is removed from the sable. The fur on it is fully formed - shiny, thick and tall. In late winter, it turns out to get the skin of the first grade with an average defect. The awn on the sides begins to thin out a bit, and the hair grow dull. In autumn, summer and spring, the cover on the skin already shows clear signs of overriding. Ost tarnishes even more and thins on the sides and nape. By summer, the fur is already too low. He grows up about half in mid-autumn. Well, second-class skins can be obtained in early winter. The fur on them is quite high and thick.

Stage number one

Where does it all begin? Before you get products from sable fur, of course, you must first remove the skin from it. To remove the tube on it, you need to make a cut from the middle finger of one hind paw along its inner side to the finger of the other. The tail is cut along the underside from root to tip. The skin is removed, starting with the hind limbs. The carcass is suspended in a variety of ways, the edges are pulled down. As a result, the skin is removed from the front legs and head. In conclusion, the lips and nasal cartilage are trimmed.

When skinning a stocking, the first cuts are made on the head. The carcass is suspended behind it. The skin is fully pulled together. No cuts are made on the paws. At the very end, a tail is cut along the lower surface.

sable fur colors

Editing Features

The next steps are the coiling and degreasing of the resulting skin. Do not forget that in order to obtain beautiful quality products, sable must be carefully processed. The types of fur affect the selected editing method. The rules for each ridge should be selected the most suitable. The following designs are most often used.

For editing skins taken off the tube are the rules of Elkov. They give them a rectangular shape.

Equally popular is the use of Ignatov's design. These rules give the skin a long shape. They, in turn, are divided into three types (65, 60 and 55 centimeters in length and, respectively, 10.9, 10 and 9.2 centimeters in width). The width of the slats is 2.5 centimeters, the thickness is 1 centimeter.

To edit the skins removed by the stocking, the rules of the oval design are used. Thanks to them, it is possible to achieve an oval shape. The design is also made in three rooms. Length - 48, 40 and 32 centimeters, width - 12, 10 and 8 centimeters.


How do you want to see sable and mink fur for the consumer? Of course, quality, without any defects. However, this is completely impossible, because animals are produced in one of the two most effective ways - they are shot from a gun or all kinds of airplanes are used. Both options, of course, spoil the fur. Shotguns leave marks of lumbago, damage hair with bullets and shots, fur is stained with blood. In addition, no one is safe from breaks from a hunting dog. Airplanes also lead to some defects. For example, to the absence or damage of the paw and fur.

Skins can also suffer if they are removed and processed incorrectly. Given the considerable cost of this fur, hunters need to be very careful about the processing process. That is, in no case do not allow the formation of gaps, incorrect cuts, drafts, etc.

sable fur products

Choose a fur

So, we go shopping. How to distinguish sable fur from the huge variety presented today in store windows? When is the best time to do this?

Regarding time ... If your wardrobe still lacks a fluffy fur coat, spring is the time for such a purchase. The cost of furs just falls in specialized stores and at various fairs. It is even more practical to make such purchases in the summer. However, in the hot season, not many want to try on furs.

Now more about the sable. This "king of furs" can be recognized without much difficulty. Luxurious and expensive - he will be the first to attract the attention of beautiful ladies who want to look chic, feminine, charming. This fur was considered a real jewel from the time of ancient Russia. Under the Tatar-Mongol yoke, he even joined the tribute on a par with gold. Sable fur was necessarily present in the festive attire of the boyars and princes. His status did not change over time. Sable fur coats and collars in the Russian Empire showed the size of the state of their owners. Thus, do not doubt that you will see this fur right away. Brilliant, rich, soft and thick - without the admiring glances of others, he does not remain.

Beauty and sophistication

In a word, sable fur is just the top of grace and charm. Its description, in addition to beauty, also speaks of wear resistance. It is worn well and for a long time. Together with the skin, the hairline is very tightly connected, so do not doubt that the fur will begin to shed after the first season of socks. In terms of wear resistance, sable takes the fourth place among its “brothers”. Only otters, beavers and fur seals are ahead of him. Moreover, to maintain its brilliance and beauty, the sable succeeds with virtually no additional care. In any case, you will be satisfied with such a purchase.

By the way, the most expensive and, accordingly, the most beautiful is considered to be the Barguzin sable. A rich dark brown color with many "gray" hairs allows you to give it a special shine. The Yenisei sable looks a little more modest. There are much fewer “silver” hairs in it, and the main color looks lighter. The cheapest fur (as far as you can talk about it) is the so-called Canadian sable. Although experts are most often used to claiming that such an animal does not exist in nature. The marten and sable fur are very similar in texture. Differences, as mentioned above, are not so many. Therefore, the marten is simply painted, posing as a sable. Of course, there is no absolute guarantee of the accuracy of this statement. However, this could explain the relatively low cost, and, as experts assure, dubious quality unusual for this fur.

Fear is also worth acquiring products from the "cellular" sable. Animals that are bred in captivity are much less valued, as the quality of their fur is incomparably lower.

sable fur

The main "experts"

And now another question arises: "Which manufacturers of sable fur coats should be purchased?" The main "experts" in this animal are Italy (HB furs, Mala Mati, Vinicio Pajaro), Russia ("Second Fur", Brodski, Claudia).

Well, of course, in no case should we forget about the famous Russian fur designer in the West - Elena Yarmak. It is she who is called the “queen of the Russian sable.” Many stars acquire her creations. After all, these are in fact real masterpieces.

By the way, she does not do advertising with her fashion house in her speeches with every phrase. She just gives practical advice to customers. The company must have a good reputation, and fur - a certificate. In this case, you will certainly be satisfied with the purchase.

How to wear?

And finally, the last important nuance. How to wear a sable fur coat? Most stylists state: "Highlighted casually, passionlessly." That is, you should not show your head proudly, trying to make it clear to others that you are a happy owner of precious fur. This is already clearly visible.

I would like to note one more important point. Sable has been valued since ancient times. Rich people's wardrobes necessarily contained fur coats or coats with chic collars. Today, many wealthy people are trying to comply with the very lifestyle that they think once existed and form the so-called new Russian aristocracy.

Today, many people comment on various outfits of representatives of pop, film, etc. with the words "clumsy" or "vulgar." Surplus of diamonds, gold and furs, of course, many "hurts the eye." However, it turns out that it has always been so. Wealthy people have previously tried to demonstrate their status through clothing. However, one should not forget that the ostentatious high cost of the outfits, the abundance of precious furs, proudly worn on the shoulders, often distinguished not nobles at all, but merchants and merchants. Therefore, even today, a sable fur coat, like all other luxury goods, should not be worn with the message “look how fashionable I am”. Naturally, you will catch the eye of many. And someone will even envy you. However, most intelligent people just laugh at you.

In a word, you should not focus on your expensive fur coat. You need to behave simply and without unnecessary “window dressing”. True connoisseurs and connoisseurs will appreciate this luxurious fur in any case. All the rest will just turn their attention to how natural and, at the same time, you look beautiful.

To summarize. Sable fur coat is a magnificent luxurious thing. Fur is valued not only for its beauty, but also for the fact that for a very long time it continues to maintain its appearance. And it doesn’t matter at all how long you bought a model - a short fur coat or a long “beauty” on the floor. In any case, it will look rich, beautiful and feminine.

Sable fur is delightfully attractive in itself, so your fur coat will not require any additional decorative elements. For the same reason, it is almost impossible to find painted models. Skins for sewing a fur coat can be located both longitudinally and transversely (and even diagonally). These wardrobe items are a sign of good income, elegance, style. Do not doubt that this outerwear will serve you not only so that you do not freeze in frosty winters. It will become your decoration, creating a bright magnificent unforgettable image.

By the way, not only fur coats from sable, but also other accessories have long been incredibly popular. Beautiful appearance, amazing luster, excellent thermal insulation characteristics - all these are the main advantages of this fur. Its natural beauty and unique texture contribute to the fact that sable is the only one of its kind used by designers in a natural way. The immutable attribute of famous fashion houses will always attract the attention of women. Fur coats, hats, gloves, handbags, boas, collars ... Sable fur makes it possible for ladies to feel beautiful, luxurious, elegant and desirable. In a word, gives them a fairy tale!


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