Radiator Royal Thermo: models, reviews

If we talk briefly about the geographical affiliation of Royal Thermo brand radiators, it can be noted that they are of European origin. Factories whose activities are focused on the manufacture of products of this brand are located in Italy. There is a representative office in Russia. That is why some models are Russian, others are Italian.

Therefore, it can be argued that this product is partly domestic. And the price of such devices will be slightly lower, which is important for some consumers, and especially for those who want to replace all radiators in an apartment or house.

Why choose Royal Thermo?

royal thermo radiator

In the first case, we are talking about the Revolution and DreamLiner models, while all the rest relate to Italian-made products. For 50 years, technology has been constantly improved, heating appliances have acquired more outstanding parameters. Today, they are almost perfect devices in terms of design and efficiency. Research does not stop to this day, materials and designs are constantly being improved. This allows you to achieve results, because over the past 10 years, the company received three patents for the invention.

Technology Reviews

royal thermo radiators reviews

An aluminum battery has many advantages. Buyers choose these devices for the reason that they are notable for their insignificant coolant capacity and low weight, heat up quickly, are easy to install and have an attractive appearance. However, everyone knows that this metal is quite soft, as well as chemically active. This, according to customers, and limits the scope of such devices.

If you have a Royal Thermo radiator in front of you, then it can be argued that they are made using a slightly different technology, it involves the addition of magnesium and manganese to an aluminum alloy. Such a solution increases uniformity and strength, which consumers cannot but like.

Mentioned materials make the metal more ductile. An additional find of the company is the addition of titanium to the composition. He, according to customers, increases the reliability, ductility and durability of products. As a result, it is possible to achieve uniformity of composition, increased heat transfer, unchanged characteristics, which does not depend on temperature. In addition, according to customers, the products are quite durable.

If we talk about plasticity, then with its help you can implement quite complex curved lines that become the embodiment of technicians and designers. The Royal Thermo radiator has an improved composition, which is used for the manufacture of bimetallic “shirts”. Buyers especially emphasize that these batteries are cast.

Royal Thermo Aluminum Radiator Reviews

radiators Price

No matter how outstanding the characteristics of the alloy, water with an aggressive environment in domestic networks can corrode it. In order to reduce corrosion in relation to the aluminum alloy , Royal Thermo sections undergo a two-stage treatment, in which zirconium and fluorine are used.

The latter substance is characterized by high chemical activity, however, upon contact with aluminum it is able to create water-insoluble compounds. Zirconium has been used for a very long time, this technique is used in the manufacture of equipment for the chemical industry. All this allows you to create a protective film on the surfaces of the sections. After staining is carried out, which also consists of two stages. First, the Royal Thermo radiator is dipped in a bath to paint all surfaces, after which powder dye is sprayed.

Consumers like the fact that manufacturers use this technology, because it allows to achieve high adhesion of the surface with the paint layer. Even with mechanical damage, chips will be minimal, and the coating will not deteriorate further.

Reviews on the technical specifications of Royal Thermo aluminum radiators

royal thermo heating radiators

According to customers, the Royal Thermo radiator made of aluminum is capable of operating at a rather high pressure within 24 bar, the hydrogen activity of the coolant varies from 7 to 8.5 Ph. Consumers choose these batteries also for the reason that the temperature of the coolant can reach 110 ° C, as for suspensions, then they can not be more than 5 μg / l.

The oxygen content should not exceed 20 mcg / L. Water hardness should not be more than 7 mg * eq / L. According to users, such batteries can only be used in closed systems where heating is provided with a closed expansion tank. If we are talking about centralized heating, then buyers are advised to carry out work on their own water treatment.

Reviews of Infinity radiators from the manufacturer Royal Thermo

bimetallic radiators royal thermo

Royal Thermo radiators, reviews of which will be useful to read before visiting the store, are offered for sale in a variety of Infinity. In this case, we are talking about devices that are characterized by increased thermal power, this feature, as buyers emphasize, is provided by the presence of additional ribs located on the collector vertical tubes. They have a verified and non-linear shape.

This model has another unique development, which is expressed in the plug located at the bottom of the section. It is not welded. Buyers emphasize that the new production technology does not involve the use of welding, this increases the reliability of the joints. These Royal Thermo radiators, reviews of which should help you make the right choice, were developed by one of the best technical design bureaus.

The fins of the ducts have a special design, it differs in a curved front panel. Consumers argue that this contributes to an increase in air convection and the speed of heating the room. The increased thermal power is complemented by the non-trivial appearance of the device. Customers choose these batteries for the reason that they belong to the class of design radiators.

Reviews about Indigo radiators from the manufacturer Royal Thermo

royal thermo radiators 500

These Royal Thermo heating radiators have an unusual convection direction, in which a certain amount of flow rushes to the window. The thermal curtain in the end, according to customers, is even more effective. In this case, cold air is almost completely cut off from the window. As a result, it is possible to achieve mixing of layers of air with different temperatures, and the temperature in the room becomes more uniform.

Such Royal Thermo aluminum radiators have a patented shape. The power of one section, according to consumers, is quite large and amounts to 204 watts. The warranty from the factory lasts for 10 years. If technical specifications are important to you, then you should pay attention to the center distance, which is 500 mm.

PianoForte Bimetal Radiator Reviews

royal thermo aluminum radiators

This model is offered for sale in several varieties, in one the front panel is recessed from below, in the other from above. If you combine these options, you can achieve an interesting effect. Such bimetallic radiators "Royal Thermo" can be purchased in any color.

Buyers like that the devices are presented in two types of sizes, which are characterized by the interaxal distance, it can be equal to 350 and 500 mm. In the production, injection molding is used, which, according to customers, guarantees a reliable connection of the two metals. The warranty of the enterprise can last from 10 to 15 years. However, it applies only to those devices, the installation of which was carried out by specialists.

Reviews of BiLiner Bimetal Radiators

Choosing a radiator brand Royal Thermo Biliner, you get a device that has a non-linear front surface. In this case, the device has a lower part bent inward, while the upper one is slightly bent. Customers like that this form was developed taking into account computer studies of the movement of warm air flows. This makes it possible to ensure that 50% of the heat is given off by radiant energy, while the rest is formed due to convection.

Royal Thermo - 500 mm radiators - these are devices that have an appropriate center distance. However, this characteristic is not the only one that you should pay attention to when buying a heating device. For example, the BiLiner model is also available for sale in the BiLiner Inox version. These two types of devices differ in that the first is based on steel, while the second is stainless steel.

The cost of radiators

Radiators, the price of which is quite affordable, are offered for sale in several varieties. If we are talking about the Optimal-350 / l model, in which the water volume is 0.27 l and the power is 155 W, the price per section will be 250 rubles. If you have an Optimal-350/4 model with a power of 620 W and a water volume of 1.08 L, then the price will be 1000 rubles. The cost increases to 1,500 rubles., If we are talking about the Optimal-350/6 model, in which the power is 930 watts, the water volume is 1.62 liters.


The radiators described above, the price of which is known to you, are also offered for sale in the safety version of Trend. Such models are suitable for homes where there are children among family members. All lines on the products are rounded, they do not have sharp corners. Collectors of this type are made of stainless steel, which makes them resistant to aggressive coolant substances. You can use heating appliances in centralized networks and individual systems.

But for central heating, Revolution Bimetall, which are characterized by increased heat transfer, achieved through additional fins, is suitable. The heat transfer at 70 ° C is 168 W, while the operating pressure reaches 30 bar. The burst pressure is 200 bar, but the pressure test is equivalent to 45 bar.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F235/

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