Toys and games for a baby of 7 months. What a child can do at 7 months

One of the most important and special periods in the life of parents and the baby is the first year of the child's life. This time period is characterized by a huge number of events that will never happen again - the first smile, the first laugh, the first tooth ...

Every month, the child not only gets older, but also acquires new skills. Parents not only observe the most interesting process from the side, but also strive to help the baby in its development. One of the most important stages in the development of an infant is considered the age of 7 months. During this period, the baby learns to communicate with people around him, tries to play the first word games with mom and dad.

That is why many newly minted parents are interested in which soft toys up to a year are best to choose for exercises with the baby. What needs to be done and why not? How to develop a baby in 7 months? More on this later.

What a child can do at 7 months

games for baby 7 months

We will answer each of the questions above in turn. First of all, you need to know what a child can do at 7 months. At this age, the baby already has quite a lot of different skills. It is worth listing the main ones:

  • able to crawl fast enough in all directions;
  • studying or already knows how to sit down independently;
  • able to get up, holding on to a support;
  • can easily change the position of the body from a sitting position (for example, from a sitting position, the baby can lie on its back or tummy);
  • learns or knows how to take an extra step.

At 7 months, the cognitive-speech development of the child also undergoes serious changes. The kid is already responding to the actions of adults and their mood. In addition, the baby carefully observes the events around him and tries to react in his own way to them. At this age, a small child begins to be actively interested in other people, to contact with them, using gestures and babbling. It is at 7 months that the baby begins to play various games with adults: “Ku-ku”, “Ladushki”, “Crow-Beloboka”, etc. In addition, the baby begins to realize its affection for loved ones, tries to get attention by whims or tears, responds well to praise. By this age, a small child knows a few words: “mother”, “father”, “woman”, etc., reacts to the word “no”. Every day the baby becomes more interesting, pleases parents with new skills.

How to develop baby in 7 months?

what games to take a child at 7 months

Parents can help their child learn about the world around them. During this period, various outdoor exercises, finger games and classes for the development of speech activity will be useful for the baby. In the development of the baby, “smart” toys will help: a baby piano, a xylophone for babies, a drum, mallets, etc. Common household items: spoons, pots, food containers, are ideal for playing with a small child.

What toys are suitable for a baby of 7 months?

toys up to a year

Rubber toys will be ideal subjects for occupations with the child of 7 months. Teethers for teeth will not be superfluous. Indeed, in most children, the first teeth begin to appear in the period from six to eight months.

Musical soft toys will also help parents diversify their baby’s leisure. The baby can crush toys, conduct tactile studies. Thus, he will have an understanding of the concepts of "soft-hard." Soft rattles with dried fruit bones inside are ideal for developing fine motor skills.

When the child is 7 months old, parents can think about buying a tumbler and a pyramid. It is best to give preference to pyramids from cups. They will be useful not only when assembling toys, but will also be needed for further games in the sandbox. In addition, the use of such pyramids minimizes the risk of injuries and bruises.

You can try to show your baby the simplest tricks. As a rule, such funs lead babies to utter delight. You can use clockwork toys that will contribute to the development of a child of such quality as observation.

Musical toys

how to develop a baby in 7 months

Toys of a musical type will also have a beneficial effect on the development of a small child up to a year. For games with a crumb fit:

  • Piano and other multifunctional music centers with many different sounds and bright buttons.
  • A hammer with pegs in a stand made of plastic or wood.
  • Musical soft toys.
  • Rattles, rattles, etc.

At this age, you can give the baby a drum for testing. For games with crumbs, even the most ordinary pan, spoon or ladle is suitable. Audiobooks will not be superfluous. Although many experts in the field of child development insist that it will be better if the child is read by parents.

Educational games for children 7 months

educational games for children 7 months

We will answer one of the most popular questions. What games for a 7 month old baby are best used in practice? Classes that develop the ability to navigate in space will not be superfluous. For these purposes, fit:

  • household items and household items;
  • toys on a string;
  • wheelchairs, clockwork toys.

Very interesting for kids is the game "Ku-ku". As a rule, the baby during this fun smiles or even laughs in a voice. "Ku-ku" helps to improve the ability of crumbs to communicate with others. Games for a 7-month-old baby with pictures showing objects familiar to the baby will be useful.

Specialists in the field of child development at this stage in the development of the baby recommend using various objects to develop the tactile sensations of the child, as well as fine motor skills. For these purposes, balls, cubes, cones, balls on a rope are suitable.

You can play simple games with a small child up to a year.

  1. "Where is mom?" - A game that will help the baby distinguish between relatives and close people externally. In addition, repeated repetition of names will contribute to the development of speech skills of the baby.
  2. "Where is Lala?" - an exercise with which the baby learns to navigate in space, and also gets the skill to find an object that an adult periodically rearranges to a new place. It is best if all the actions of an adult will be accompanied by words and explanations.
  3. "Where is the light?" - A game for a baby of 7 months, which causes a majority of babies a real storm of emotions. The essence of the game is that the baby needs to find a light when turning on and off various light devices. All actions must also be accompanied by verbal comments.

Many games will help develop a young child up to a year and establish a strong emotional connection with him.

Finger games

Finger games for children of 7 months are one of the best activities. They are very useful for the development of fine motor skills, intelligence and speech. The big advantage of such games and exercises is the lack of the need to use additional tools.

For seven-month-old babies, games can overlap with massage movements. This brings additional benefits to the baby's body. Many parents are interested in what games to occupy a child of 7 months. It is very important that these games are interesting and lure the child. Adults need to utter words as clearly and melodiously as possible. With a crumb, you can play the game "Woodpecker", during which the right hand depicts a woodpecker, and the left appears in the form of a tree. Mom or dad (or another adult) pronounces the following words:

Woodpecker hollows: "Knock! Knock! Knock!"

The whole day in the forest stands: "Knock! Knock! Knock!"

Parents need to understand that finger games should be systematic.

What exercise is good at this age?

Physical development is of great importance for the normal and full life of an infant of seven months. Squats will be very useful for a child at this age. They favorably affect the development of the abdominal muscles of the baby. Crawl skills development games will be very useful. You can play catch-up with your baby, or you can enthrall a young child with an interesting and colorful toy.

Develop active baby speech

what a child can do at 7 months

An important role is played by games and exercises for the development of infant speech. Specialists in the field of child development strongly advise parents of a child up to a year to call their baby by name as often as possible, while experimenting with intonations. Newly made moms and dads need to try to clearly and correctly pronounce individual sounds and words. This will help the baby learn to bind words and objects together.

To focus on the development of the baby's speech, you need to follow a few tips. Starting from six months, parents need to use as many words and sounds as possible in communication with the child. It is better if these words are not very long. They need to be repeated several times in order to cause a baby’s reaction to the adult’s speech, and as a result to achieve an imitation effect.

Talk with a small child as often as possible. It is recommended during a kind of dialogue with the baby to allow him to periodically touch his mouth while pronouncing words and sounds. During walks, you can comment on all seen phenomena and objects.

It is very useful to use onomatopoeic words and sounds when communicating with a seven-month-old baby. It is they who will subsequently become the first that the child will pronounce. It should be borne in mind that onomatopoeia can be used not only to sound animals and birds, but also all surrounding objects and phenomena.

Parent Tips

musical soft toys

Newly made mothers and fathers need to be aware that all children develop differently, according to their individual "schedule." Not always everything depends on physical or mental development. Very often, everything explains the temperament of a young child, especially his character.

The task of parents is not to teach the baby a new skill or ability (everything will happen in a timely manner), but to provide support and assistance in the development of the surrounding world.

Moms and dads need to safely send the baby to explore the room, apartment or house. Do not panic and worry about the fact that the house has not been cleared, there is dust. The development of natural immunity is an important condition for normal development and a full life.

It is necessary to stimulate the baby to actively crawl, and even better walking, holding on to the support. Bright objects and toys, various rattles and rattles are suitable for these purposes. The distance by which the toy can be removed from the child should not be greater than the outstretched hand of the baby. The tips of children's fingers should touch the subject.


The first year of life of a newborn baby is a very important period not only for the child, but also for his parents. This period of time is filled with many emotions, events and new phenomena. The first six months fly by in an instant. The most interesting thing begins with the seventh month of a child’s life, because by this time the baby has already mastered a lot of skills and abilities, it is becoming a little independent. He distinguishes adults, reacts to events and phenomena in a peculiar way, seeks to know the world around him.

That is why almost all parents are asking how to develop a child at 7 months, how to help the baby in the development of basic skills and how to make the process of cognition of the world as accessible, interesting and informative as possible. Other interesting questions are worrying. For example, what educational games for children of 7 months to use.

Regular games and activities with the baby will not only contribute to the early intellectual and emotional development of the small child, but will help establish a very strong emotional connection between the parent and the baby.

For seven-month crumbs, various physical exercises, finger games, and exercises for developing speech abilities will be useful. Most experts argue that an abundance of toys does not guarantee a better mastery of skills. Most often, babies show extraordinary ingenuity and imagination and use common household items for games: pots, spoons, as well as various objects that make a loud and loud sound. By the way, the attention of a seven-month-old baby can take hold of any objects that you can rattle and make noise, and for a rather long period of time. Some crumbs are delighted with the sound of a moving stool or chair.

Even ordinary daily walks will benefit the baby. The main task of parents is to communicate with a small child as often as possible, explaining with simple phrases the essence of current events and phenomena. Particular attention should be paid to bright objects: flowers, grass, trees, etc. Animals and birds can attract attention to crumbs. At this age, you can go for a walk to the playground. Of course, the child is still too small to play with other children, but it will be very interesting for him to watch older children.


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