A child has a stuffy nose without snot: causes and treatment

Naturally, each parent loves and protects his child, because there are so many dangers in the surrounding world. And the children, they are so quick and dodgy that they can easily find problems for themselves. How often can one hear stories about children getting into somewhere, breaking something, hooligans and playing pranks. And also easily they can pick up some sore.

Perhaps every parent is faced with problems such as fractures and bruises, broken noses and foreheads. Children, by their nature, can be compared with the discoverers, the great travelers who conquered our planet during the time of geographical discoveries.

the child has a stuffy nose without snot

Because for them in this world everything is new and interesting. Often in their travels, children can weaken their bodies with temporary illnesses that they receive as a result of curiosity and carelessness.

Colds and flu, jaundice and chickenpox, bronchitis and acute respiratory infections - all this often happens with children. Among the above, there are no diseases that could not be cured, but parents still should not lose their vigilance. It is necessary to show maximum efforts, if nevertheless trouble happened. And, perhaps, one of the most common such problems is nasal congestion.


From time to time in everyday life, each parent is confronted with nasal congestion in children. Often, such a sign indicates some kind of catarrhal disease. A similar ailment is also characterized by familiar symptoms: fever above 37 degrees, sneezing, increased secretion of the nasal mucosa.

The above symptoms require immediate medical attention to resolve health problems.

the child has a stuffy nose without snot at night

Since, if the ailment is not timely eliminated, lingering complications may follow. They will entail a lot of trouble for parents. The baby himself will be especially affected. But, it happens that a child has a stuffy nose without snot, the question arises, what to do in such cases?

The main causes of congestion

In fact, if we look at the problem in detail, then there are many factors that lead to nasal congestion.

The main causes of respiratory tract disorders are: a possible allergic reaction of the baby to unidentified components, the structure of the nasal septum or its uncharacteristic changes, the undesirable presence of adenoids, polyps and other foreign bodies that clog the passages of the nasal cavity and interfere with normal healthy breathing.


What does it say that the child has a stuffy nose without snot? Similar symptoms may indicate an allergic reaction. Many parents, observing their child, note its external and internal changes.

For example, in the spring, flowering of trees enhances the body's response to pollen and challenges allergists who note a large flow of patients in this difficult time of the year. Also, pet irritation or untimely cleansing of the living room may be a mucosal irritant.

often stuffy nose in a child without snot

It turns out that it is not in vain that doctors recommend airing the rooms as often as possible, at least for fifteen minutes several times a day.

Sound the alarm immediately. Consultation with a good specialist will help identify the allergen and find ways to fix the problem.

Change in the nasal septum in a child

Respiratory failure may be directly associated with a change in the nasal septum or even its absence. Calculating this phenomenon is not so simple. Many are not even aware of such transformations. The consequence of this is a change in the nasal passages, and more precisely, their narrowing.

If a child has a stuffy nose without snot, this may indicate swelling of the mucous membrane. In this case, self-medication does not help fix the problem and clear the airways. All that remains is a way out by contacting a specialist to prescribe a surgical intervention. The operation will help eliminate the newly discovered defect.


The presence of adenoids is a frequent companion of children of primary school and preschool age. The main causes of unwanted occurrences may be previous flu infections, scarlet fever and many others. Which, in turn, causes a violation of the oral mucosa and tonsils.

Polyps in the nose

For what reason does a child have a stuffy nose without snot? Perhaps this is due to the presence of polyps. They are faithful companions of the chronic inflammatory process of the nasal membrane. They increase in volume for a long time and thereby narrow the nasal passages. Accordingly, the movement of air is disturbed, and taste buds are reduced.

Foreign body

Why does a child have a stuffy nose without snot? It is possible that the baby has got a foreign body in the nose. The location of the foreign object may vary. It can get into the passage itself or into the nasal cavity.

In case of accidental penetration of a foreign object into the respiratory tract , irreparable choking may occur. Parents should be more careful with the small elements that children play. Make sure that no small things are lost.

There are countless cases when, as a result of surgical intervention, various objects were delivered from the nose, for example, fleece, buttons, crumpled pieces of paper, small parts from designers and toys.

stuffy nose without a cold in a child

In a word, everything that can be found in the house. Therefore, you must always remember that there are excellent detectives nearby. Do not forget to remove small objects from the field of view, and it is better to tie lockers and bedside tables at all with ropes or scotch tape.

Subcooling or ARVI

If a child has a stuffy nose without snot at night, this may indicate bodily hypothermia or the initial stage of a cold. While other characterizing symptoms delay the onset of SARS. In this situation, it is also worth contacting a specialist so as not to start a cold and cause complications.

Opinion Komarovsky about nasal congestion

Why else can a baby have a stuffy nose without snot? Komarovsky will decipher any hidden message of the child’s body and give everything a reasonable explanation.

A beloved of women and a wise family doctor that arouses respect and authority among parents, the approach to the problem is quite simple, revealing to others the eyes of excessive custody of children.

stuffy nose in a child Komarovsky without snot

Creating a safe atmosphere for your child, limiting his contact with the street, the child’s immunity does not become stronger, rather, on the contrary. Dry air in the living room leads to drying out of the moves of the mucous membrane. This disrupts the natural movement of mucus, and, as a result, there is swelling of the nasal cavity, which blocks the path of the respiratory system.

Dr. Komarovsky recommends removing hyperprotection from his child and observing the necessary humidity in the room. Regular ventilation, cleaning of living space, walks in the fresh air - will strengthen the immune system of your child. It is with nasal congestion, according to the doctor, that various catarrhal diseases begin.

stuffy nose in a child without snot treatment

It is Yevgeny Komarovsky who is one of the most influential people in the field of pediatrics. After all, he can always help with advice in any life situation that is directly related to the health or upbringing of children.

Diagnosis and treatment of diseases in children

When a child’s stuffy nose is without snot, treatment should usually be prescribed by a pediatric pediatrician who will establish the cause of the disease and the methodology for its treatment, based on the functioning of the particular child’s body.

But how does this treatment come about? To begin with, the doctor will be interested in other symptoms, which at first glance are far from a cold or a cold. For example, the presence of lacrimation or itching, as these signs may indicate that the body still has some kind of disease that has not been cured.

2 years old baby stuffy nose

If there is a clear catarrhal disease, nasal preparations will be prescribed in the form of drops or sprays, which will have to “pierce” the nose. However, with such potent drugs it is worth being careful. They must be used in strict accordance with the prescription.

Also, in addition to treating the common cold (because it’s just a symptom), the doctor will also prescribe a cold treatment that strengthens the baby’s immune system and helps to overcome the disease, which often causes the baby’s nose to run without snot.

Alternative methods in the treatment of small children

But what to do when there is no access to the clinic? After all, someone lives in a rural area, where there are many, many kilometers to medical centers, and situations are difficult. For example, when the child is 2 years old and stuffy nose without snot.

You can always turn to the old proven methods of treatment that have already passed many centuries. Perhaps the most common way to alleviate the condition is a hot foot bath. It will help relieve spasm and bring a normal sleep to the child's life. After all, it so often happens that it lays its nose without a cold in a child at night, and it seems that nothing can be done about it.

Saline solution and drinking regimen

A wonderful tool is saline, with which you can clean the nasal cavity. And naturally, throughout the illness it is necessary to drink a large amount of warm liquid, whether it be teas, broths or plain water.

Diet for illness

You should also expand your child’s diet for vitamins, that is, fruits and vegetables. All the same, all these recommendations can only weaken the symptoms of the disease and last until a trip to a specialist, because if the nose is stuffed up without a cold in a child, then only the intervention of a pediatrician or otolaryngologist will help. In no case can you start the disease, otherwise you will have to be treated with more serious methods.

Little conclusion

Why is the nose stuffy without a cold in a child? There can be many answers to this question. After all, a fairly wide range of reasons for the occurrence of this very congestion. Only a professional doctor can determine the exact one after a series of examinations, otherwise it will be as in the famous saying - "One is cured, the other crippled."

Therefore, you should not engage in self-medication alone. Because it is not always effective, as parents will not be able to accurately determine the cause of nasal congestion.

It remains only to love your children and protect them from all the possible dangers that lie in wait in the world that stretches before them.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23521/

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