Duke Nukem Forever: walkthrough. Walkthrough Duke Nukem Forever: "Beehive", "Queen", "Burger Duke", "Machine Room"

Real old-school gamers remember Duke very well - this was one of the first colorful characters that appeared on personal computers. Duke Nukem is the protagonist of the eponymous series of shooters that began to appear back in 1991. Even then, the project became very loud and attracted a lot of attention, since it was one of the first first-person shooters in the history of gaming. Naturally, the developers did not stop there - two years later the second part was released, and in 1996, five years after the original game was released, Duke Nukem 3D appeared. This was the end of the series - there were still side projects, spin-offs, platform games and much more, but the original series was closed until 2011, when Duke Nukem Forever appeared. Passage of this game returned gamers to the dashing nineties, but at the same time it allowed to enjoy high-quality graphics, excellent physics - and again enjoy the rude comments of a favorite of the computer audience of twenty years ago. Even if you are not a fan of the series, you should still try this project - if current gamers are unlikely to be tempted by the pixel graphics of the original trilogy, then the last part can attract the attention of absolutely all players. And if you have any difficulties, you can always use the help of the passage.

“Duke is alive” and “Why aren't we sleeping?”

duke nukem forever walkthrough

In the game Duke Nukem Forever walkthrough begins in a typical style. The first thing you need to do is to relieve yourself, you can do it either in the urinal or throughout the toilet - as you wish. After that, go to the next room, you can draw with chalk on the blackboard. When you get tired of having fun, join the squad and learn the basics of management and other features of the game, pick up your first weapon. After this, you will have a meeting with the Emperor, during which you will be strongly thrown back by the blast wave, because of which you will separate from the detachment. Now you need to act on your own - climb the stairs, run through the tunnel and meet with the Cycloid - the fight will be difficult with him, but you will be dumped ammunition, because this is only the beginning of the game. When you defeat the enemy, go to the elevator. After watching the news, you can again show the wonders of creativity - this time leaving an autograph to your fan. When problems with the broadcast begin, go to the utility room and teach the impudent who spoils everything to you. Then again you need to take the elevator, which will get stuck one floor to your destination. Get out of the cab and use the fire escape. Once in the throne room, take a picture of the boy who climbed the throne so that he would run away. Sit yourself in his place and go down. As you already understood, in the game Duke Nukem Forever passage is divided into chapters, which are just a little more than twenty.

"Duke's Cave" and "Booster Ship"

duke nukem forever walkthrough machine room

So, in Duke Nukem Forever, the sequel begins to unfold rapidly. If in the previous chapter you didn’t have to fight at all, now you have to sweat. First, listen to what the President and the General will tell you, and then go to your first battle with the aliens. After defeating them, go to the hatch, which will lead you to the first-aid kit, which in this game is beer - it increases your stamina and reduces the damage caused by enemies. The time has come for the next battle, after which you will need to use night vision goggles to get through the pipes and exit in the next room, filled with enemies. Having dealt with them, you will need to clear your passage, deal with another group of aliens and pick up their weapons. You can get into the next room only when you collect three batteries. This will give you access to steroids that will allow you to take part in an incredibly large-scale hand-to-hand combat. Having made your way to the gun, sit down for it - and begin to conduct interplanetary fire. This perfectly describes how impressive the passage in Duke Nukem Forever is. The engine room is strewn with alien bodies, and Duke firing at their ship from a huge cannon. Aim at the cannon, which will shell the city, but do not forget about the small ships that will fly around. As soon as you destroy the cannon, one of the enemy fighters will knock you down, and you will again fall down, losing consciousness. As soon as you wake up, break out the ventilation grill and move on.

Heartbreaker and Las Vegas Ruins

walkthrough duke nukem forever

However, you should not think that the most difficult thing that can be offered in the game Duke Nukem Forever is behind you. The machine room is still flowers compared to what lies ahead. Exit to the stuck elevator and use the lever to lift it. As soon as possible - jump inside. There will be spilled liquid, which will somehow reduce you in size. Push the cart, which blocks the exit from the elevator, get into the toy car and go on the road, jumping over obstacles and dodging enemies. A door will block your road, which can be opened with a switch located above the pool table. Get on it in suitcases, shoot from rats and open a passage for yourself. Further, the race becomes even more difficult, as new opponents appear. After a while you will reach soldiers who have a magnifying installation, but in order to use it, you need to raise the gate. Look for the switch, pave the way to it and activate. Once large, pick up a shotgun and deal with the aliens. Go to the room with your own statue, turn it so that you can climb up to the floor above it. There will be total darkness, so use a night vision device. Come in the door, and then crawl into the ventilation. Jump down, replenish ammunition and carefully avoid mines. Once in the hall, fight with a flying grenade thrower, after which you can advance to the General. There you will be assigned a partner - Dylan, who is very happy to work with you. You, of course, do not care, so go for weapons and advance with the squad, fighting with aliens. When crossing the bridge, your entire group is killed, and you have to fight with the next boss - the Warlord. He is huge, powerful and armed with a machine gun. When you defeat him, it turns out that Dylan survived. As you can see, passing the game Duke Nukem Forever can bring pleasant surprises.

"Duke Dome" and "Beehive"

walkthrough duke nukem forever hive

Passage of game Duke Nukem Forever is gaining momentum, you have to confront an increasing number of aliens and other opponents, and most importantly - they are becoming stronger. Now you need to go down the sewer and get through the ruins, which will lead you to the well - through it you can rise to the surface. Get to the construction site, where there will be a lot of opponents, but there are ammunition in the container, so you should have no problems. After defeating all the aliens, go around the house and activate the switch that will open the gate for you. On the path that has opened, reach a dead end - here you will not need brute force, but quick wit. When you solve the puzzle, a passage will open for you further. You can pick up the battery and RPG. Why do you need RPGs when an alien ship appears above you - you need to shoot it down. When you get rid of the ship and the alien landing, the time has come to use the battery - turn on the crane and demolish the wall of the building to get inside the Hive. There you need to break the door and go down - there will be a lot of mucus around. Once in the hive, you will find that the aliens abducted human girls to carry their cubs in them. Duke will promise to avenge this, after which you will need to move along the hive, constantly firing off a wide variety of aliens, from small and nimble beetles to huge flying octopuses. You only need to move forward, firing, until you finish the chapter and continue walking through the Duke Nukem Forever. The hive is a rather complicated chapter, so be careful.

Queen Mother and Bub City City Duke

duke nukem forever walkthrough burger duke

Where did the passage of Duke Nukem Forever lead you? The hive is a place where aliens live and breed, and you could already see how exactly they do it, as well as how many of them are inside. But ordinary aliens, of course, are not of much interest to you. You need to deal with their queen to get rid of the root of the problem. Therefore, collect as many supplies as possible, paying special attention to grenades and missiles, since the queen is very large, so you will not do much harm to her with ordinary weapons. Once in the room with her, pay attention to the slime trampolines - you have already jumped on them in the hive more than once. But this time, you better throw grenades at them so that they fly over the queen's shield plates - so you can make her defenseless. Start shelling her from an RPG, but do not forget that it will cause help, so periodically switch the shotgun and get rid of annoying monsters. After a while, you can pathetically finish it off and go to the strip club to reward yourself for your efforts. After talking with the stripper, you will need to go in search of the three necessary items - a condom, vibrator and popcorn. Once you get it all, go back to the stripper and follow her to the VIP room to get a private show. Do not be indignant - the age description is clearly indicated in the description of the game, so it is simply forbidden for children to play this project. So, it's time to continue the passage in the Duke Nukem Forever - the Queen is defeated, so what next?

Crash Course and Burger Duke

duke nukem forever walkthrough queen

What this time prepares for the gamer in the game Duke Nukem Forever walkthrough. The alien queen is dead, which means the invasion is at an end, isn't it? It turns out that everything is not so simple. While you were having fun, something happened - and you only come to your senses in a helicopter, where they give you a brief briefing on the fact that the threat of aliens is still far from extermination. Then your helicopter is knocked out, and you find yourself on the tentacles of a huge monster. Move carefully, because falling means death. If you need to kill an enemy threatening you - stop and aim, and then continue to move. Once on solid ground, you can breathe out - now movements will be more free, but there will be even more opponents. Make your way to the machine gun installation, for which you need to sit down and start firing at alien fighters. As soon as the helicopter in which your machine gun is mounted is shaken from the enemy’s hit, jump out or fall into the abyss. Pick up the most powerful weapon in the game - this is the Destroyer. Now you need to use it to manually destroy the enemy fighter. Having completed the task, resist the aliens' attempts to abduct you. When you succeed, make your way through the thickets of tentacles to the burger. Then you need to look around and find the diminutive fluid and the back door. The door is closed, so shrink, get inside and turn off the energy, becoming large. Then again decrease and get into the ventilation shaft - having got out of it, finally become big and begin to deal with the crowd of aliens who settled in the diner. Having dealt with everyone and solving all the puzzles, you can get out onto the roof of the diner, where you will find a walkie-talkie and new weapons - a reducer. It does not kill opponents, but makes them small, but you need to deal with them right away, as they quickly return to their normal size. By the walkie-talkie you are informed that in five minutes they will arrive for you, so all you need is to hold out. The battle is difficult, but you have a reducer that will make passing Duke Nukem Forever easier. Burger Duke is a mission that requires serious preparation, as spontaneous actions will not lead you anywhere.

Desert Rally and Ghost Town

duke nukem forever walkthrough middle finger 2

Well, now you can try out the air mission that Duke Nukem Forever walkthrough offers you. Burger Duke is left behind, and now you have to fly through the desert, during which you will not be able to relax. You will need to destroy the aliens on the ground and in the air until you get to the landing zone. It also needs to be cleaned from a crowd of enemies, after which your squad will go down to the ground. You need to get into the buggy and hit the road. Do not forget to accelerate before cliffs, so that without problems to overcome the abyss. Do not be distracted by aliens and do not stop to deal with them - you can easily shoot them down, this is a very fun and enjoyable task. But at one point, you will run out of gas, and then you have to go on foot to the gas station, fighting off the monsters. At the gas station itself you will be met by an even larger crowd of aliens - when you deal with them, grab the canister and return to the car. Refuel it and continue on the road. You will find yourself in a city that was captured by aliens. I would like to drive it, but you run out of gas again. You will have to wander around the city, shoot enemies and find another canister to refuel your car again and move on to continue the passage in Duke Nukem Forever. Duke Dome, part 2 - this episode reminds precisely this mission, but only then there was no car.

“Battle on the highway” and “Top of the dam”

Everyone remembers how unpleasant it was in the Duke Nukem Forever to go underground, 2 times you had to go down to a great depth, and there was nothing to see, but there were just incredible aliens. It would seem that on the surface everything should be simpler, but everything is far from the case. Of course, there is no darkness here, and you do not need to use a night vision device, but the aliens are even larger - and they are even stronger. Now wives you need to wrestle on the road with other cars, until you run out of gas again. Make your way to the machine gun, and then deal with a huge number of enemies both on earth and in the sky. Go to the cave, explore it, and then fill it with fuel and set it on fire. You can refuel your car with the same gas and go on. There are more and more aliens, so crush them, but do not get carried away so as not to get stuck. When you get to the dam, meet with the squad, look at the crazy President and get ready to fight the crowd of opponents. Then the Warlord will reappear - attack him according to the same strategy as the first time. After that, get down the rope and go into the tunnel to continue the passage in the game Duke Nukem Forever. 1 against everyone - this is your motto throughout the process, so do not be discouraged that the squad again either perishes or remains behind.

"Boy middle finger" and "Storekeeper"

As you can understand, is already approaching the end in the game Duke Nukem Forever walkthrough. “Boy middle finger” (2 parts) - this is one of the last missions. Here you need to pick up a new weapon that freezes opponents - it will help you deal with several waves of monsters. When you are finished, the workers will let you go further. There you will need to become small and solve the puzzle in order to go further. Having made a considerable path, you can get to the magnifier and take your normal size. Move on, open the gate and fight with a bunch of aliens until the next boss appears. Run to the machine gun and fight with it to the victorious end, then move on to the lift - you need to activate it, but do not hesitate, you will not be left without company. When you rise to the very top, get ready - you will find a series of recent tasks that will complete the passage in the game Duke Nukem Forever. The Hive Part 2 is a mission that has been incredibly challenging and intense. And now a real test awaits you.

Recent missions

Here comes to an end in the game Duke Nukem Forever walkthrough. Part 1 was quite simple, but gradually the complexity grew, and now everything is very difficult. First you will need to destroy the next boss in the engine room, then again crawl through the sewers and even swim underwater. Then you will need to blow up the dam in order to eventually meet with the Emperor, the battle with which will end the passage in the game Duke Nukem Forever. (2 ) , , , .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23524/

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