Signs of October. Folk Signs of Autumn

As you know, autumn is a mysterious and choosy lady, she is full of surprises and surprises, besides she is known for her generosity on gold foliage and a whole lot of signs, tested by time and our curious ancestors. Wise great-grandfathers took their observations very seriously, paid special attention to ordinary, it would seem, natural phenomena. Thus, from generation to generation, word of mouth passed on, growing with more and more new additions, folk signs about autumn.

Perhaps for skeptics they seem to be an unhealthy manifestation of superstition, but for fans of folk art this is a real treasure, invaluable experience, a spiritual heritage that has been preserved for centuries. In addition, most of the observed signs are quite often used in the everyday life of a modern person and deserve their longevity with multiple coincidences and confirmations in practice. The second month of the yellow-yellow beauty is especially interesting for observing the vagaries of the weather and building the corresponding forecasts for the future, so the most unique signs of October are in our attention.

signs of October

Autumn - time to watch the weather

The onset of the first frosts, brought from the northern shores of coolness, the faded decoration of trees exposed under the breath of the wind, fleeing to the warm edges of the bird family - all these are distinctive signs of the autumn season. By analyzing and comparing them, we can easily wipe the nose of weather forecasters.

For example, in September, you should hold on tightly to the caftan. If the earth is often watered with rain, then next year we can hope for a rich harvest. And if geese fly off early, then they will drag the winter on the tail. Even a small child knows that a web is floating in the air - Indian summer is just around the corner. A lot of snow in November - the bread will arrive in the house, but if the foliage on the trees lingers, it threatens a crop failure, suddenly mosquitoes appear somewhere - the winter will be soft and warm.

Weather forecaster competition

The main thing is attentiveness to details, which will help everyone who wants to independently predict what tomorrow will be, the next week, month or even time of year. Moreover, in those ancient times, when meteorology as a science did not yet exist, and, accordingly, specialists studying physical processes in the Earth’s atmosphere, somehow it was necessary to make predictions. Not only the sowing results, but also personal happiness depended on this.

signs of October

Our ancestors were remarkably savvy. They managed not only to draw up folk signs about autumn, but to allocate them specifically for each calendar day for most months of the year! October is no exception.

What is a dirty guy?

The ancients called October the word "mudman." The reason is clear: the paled sun is increasingly starting to hide behind gray clouds, the sky is becoming like a dirty canvas, and the first heavy rains bring damp and slush. On the basis of changes observed in nature, the signs of the month of October were born. Experts say: if thunder suddenly appears, winter will be short and mean on snow.

If the moon is in a halo, expect a sultry summer. It is worth observing how oaks and birch trees take off their leafy outfit: in full - this means that the year will be easy, in part - winter will be fierce. And also important is the day when the cranes fly south: if on October 1 - to Arina, then already at Pokrov (14) one should be afraid of the first frost. Today’s proverbs and sayings are also widely known: “October is a dirty guy - he loves neither wheels nor snake”; “If there are a lot of acorns on the oaks, wait for a harsh winter”; "October will cover the earth - where a leaf, and where a snowball."

Do not mess with evil spirits

Are you sure that autumn comes into full right on September 1? It is worth revising your beliefs, and here's why. In the old days, the fifth day of October was considered the true beginning of the “golden” season. In the views of ordinary people, this date looked unfavorable and even mystical, because it was often accompanied by a strong gusty wind, which mercilessly torn vulnerable leaves and could easily wake a dormant unclean power, bring damage or open a source of dangerous diseases.

omens of October
It is useful to know that on this day it was forbidden to fish and eat; you should honor the memory of St. Foki - the savior of the drowning and the protector of fire. On October 5, the signs are very important and eloquent: if on Foku the birch did not get rid of the leaves, then snow cannot be seen for a long time; bird cherry with maple remained naked, which means that they submitted in winter; the aspen has dropped a leaf, so autumn has come.

For those who do not believe in the manifestations of the supernatural, it should be borne in mind that the unclean force itself is not at all interested in your opinion about it, and if you get it angry, then the consequences will not be slow in coming.

The Wedding Planner

Approximately at the equator of autumn, the last work in the fields and in the household was completed, and a serene and fun time for wedding festivities came. And the most long-awaited and revered holiday among Christians was (and still remains so) the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. The main signs of October are connected with him. This is a special date that all unmarried girls, who dream of a long and happy family life, are looking forward to.

October signs for children
They offer their prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos, the patroness of brides, with a request to help find a bridegroom, to cover their heads with their veil, that is, a wedding veil. They say that on this day the prayers of the girls do not remain unheard. There are even folk signs of October, which say: if the wind walks on Pokrov - there will be great demand for brides, and if, moreover, snow falls - there will be an opportunity to spend many weddings.

Judge winter by Pokrov

If you want to know exactly what the coming winter will be, do not rush to listen to the forecasts of meteorologists, it is better to look out the window on October 14 and take a look to see if the cranes are heading south. Fly away - it means that the snow-white season will come early and bring with it a lingering cold.

folk signs about autumn
It is also noted that what day will be on Pokrov, exactly the same winter will come to us. On this holiday, you should carefully monitor the direction of the wind. The signs of October say: the east wind will bring chilling cold on its wings, the south wind will please you with measured warmth, the west wind will give you snow blizzard, and the changeable one will surprise you with winter inconstancy.

October through the eyes of a child

To know, find, explore and compare everything that happens in the world around us is the favorite pastime of every growing child. How much enthusiasm can give your child, it would seem, the usual observation of natural phenomena. Of course, kids have absolutely no need to delve into the intricacies of compiling a national calendar, so October signs for children should still be explained in an accessible and preferably playful way. So the new one will seem more interesting and will be remembered without any problems.

It is enough to go out with your son or daughter for an autumn walk, look for a cobweb: you will find a lot - the next months will please you with warmth. And then look up to the sky, see if the birds fly high. If it’s very high - tell the kid that you’ll ride him on a sleigh all winter, because the mountains will cause snow. If the birds fly low - the sleigh will have to gather dust in the attic, there will not be enough snow.

signs of the month of October
Approximately in this way you need to formulate the signs of October for children, then the training will be unobtrusive, memorable and, if you try hard, exciting.

It's time to get a coat

For many, on the eve of the cooling, a completely logical question arises - is it time to release warm outerwear or beloved expensive furs from the captive cabinets. When exactly it is better to take up this matter, the folk signs of October will again tell. On the 21st day, when the people celebrate the birthday of Tryphon and Pelagia, it's time to check the readiness of your wardrobe for winter frosts. It’s not in vain that grandmothers still say: “Tryphon is repairing a fur coat, and Pelageya is making mittens”. So listen to the elders - you will not lose!

We care about profit

For those who want to take care of improving their own financial situation, it will be very useful to focus on the Philippine Day, which is displayed on the number 24 on the calendar.

October 5th signs
October signs will help you to predict the money profit. Rather, one of them, which is associated with the presence of snow. Wealth and financial stability can be expected only if the snow covers the damp land and does not take the time to melt. In addition, you can ensure your well-being in one simple way - to walk on the ice that day, but take this step without fanaticism: check if the pond is reliably frozen.

With a prayer for peace

National signs for the month of October are exhausted on the last, 31 day, when the memory of the Holy Apostle Luke, the mentor of icon painting, is honored. It was to him that our ancestors prayed for peace and family happiness.

national signs for the month of October
Do not be lazy that day to look for a cherry tree on the street, find foliage on it - you will have to wait a long time for snow. Although lovers of making snowmen shouldn’t be upset in advance, they will take an unbelievable amount, you will definitely pick up something suitable for yourself in the national calendar, or maybe you will notice a new one in the cycle of natural phenomena.


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