Objects of civil legal relations

The objects of civil legal relations are different tangible (including material) and intangible benefits or the procedure for their creation. They constitute the subject of activity that subjects carry out in the framework of relevant interactions.

The above objects of civil relations are often called objects of civil law. Such a formulation, in particular, is present in the Civil Code. It is known that only activity (behavior) of people can act as an object of legal settlement . This phenomenon does not include various phenomena of reality, results, for example, creative work or any things. In this regard, it is believed that behavior and activity constitute the objects of civil relations. In this case, the subject of appropriate behavior includes intangible and material benefits. Based on the foregoing, experts distinguish between objects of legal relations, the concept and types of objects and interactions.

It should be noted, however, that in reality, consideration of the behavior of participants in interactions cannot be carried out independently. In other words, research is also carried out along with it. The concept and types of legal relations are delineated in accordance with a particular regime, that is, the impossibility or the ability to perform specific actions with them that entail a certain legal result. This or that regime is established, therefore, not for benefits, but for people who perform various actions with respect to them, having one degree or another of legal significance.

Almost all objects of civil legal relations can be united by such a definition as “property turnover”. Only personal non-property values ​​(benefits) do not apply to him, since they cannot be alienated from the owners. Along with this, civil relations can be formed regarding the protection of these benefits. The definition of objects of interaction is somewhat broader than the definition of turnover.

The material goods that act as objects of civil interactions should include things, the results of the services or work performed, which have a tangible, tangible form. For example, in this category you can include the result of repairs or construction. Thus, in this sense, not only the object (thing) itself can be considered a material good, but also activity aimed at improving or creating objects (things) or providing other material services. In this regard, this category also includes services that are not accompanied by a change or the creation of something, but which form a certain useful effect. For example, this group also includes services for transporting people, storing something, etc. Thus, all of these items are united by their economic nature, which characterizes them as goods for which civil registration is objectively required.

In this case, it is necessary to distinguish things that have the commodity form of objects of the material world and other material benefits, for example, services, work and other actions, that is, the behavior of individuals. So, a bank deposit or share in the property of a partnership or a cooperative is not a thing, but an opportunity to demand certain behavior from obligated persons. In this regard, specific (membership, mandatory or cooperative) legal relations are formed regarding such material goods.

The intangible benefits should be considered the results of creative work (literary, scientific works, inventions, etc.), as well as a number of other objects similar in nature to them. This category also includes personal non-property values ​​that enjoy civil protection.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F2353/

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