Rinat Valiullin, "Where Kisses Are Lying". Book Reviews

The novel "Where Kisses Are Lying", reviews of which are no less interesting to read than the work itself, is one of the main bestsellers of recent years. It was written by Rinat Valiullin. This bright author, who lives in St. Petersburg, introduced the concept of “sensory poetry” into modern culture and has already released more than one fascinating work. Many of them just pull away for quotes. And it’s not at all accidental. All the characters of Valiullin speak concisely and accurately.

Writer Biography

"Where are the kisses" reviews

The novel "Where are the kisses", reviews of which we will consider today, is the second major work of Valiullin.

The writer was born in 1969 in the Republic of Bashkiria, in the city of Salavat. His parents were far from creativity and literature. My father worked at an engineering plant, and his mother worked at a construction crane. But from an early age they instilled in their son a love of reading. In the future, this served as the basis for his professional activities. Rinat began to read at the age of two. According to the stories of Valiullin himself, the first book that shocked him in his childhood was The Adventures of Dunno by Nikolai Nosov.

Immediately after leaving school, at the age of 18, Valiullin moved to St. Petersburg. He still lives in the city on the Neva. In the Northern capital, he enters Leningrad State University, but fails the entrance exams. We have to go to serve in the army.

Subsequently, Valiullin did not regret the lost years in military service. Impressions of the service formed the basis of one of his novels - "Journey to the Endless Flesh."

Philological education

After completing military service, Valiullin enters the philological faculty of St. Petersburg University. Engaged in the Spanish language department.

At the same time, he begins to engage in literature on his own, to try to write something much later, being already an adult and a mature person. His debut took place in samizdat. In 2010, his first collection of poems "Barbarism" was published.

In 2012, the publishing house "Anthology" publishes its first novel, "The Cookbook."

Features prose Valiullina

Valiullin "Where are the kisses" reviews

Valiullin’s novels immediately fell in love with readers. Including Where Kisses Are Lying. Reviews confirm this. Especially his works like readers. They are mainly distributed via the Internet. Quotes from the author’s works quickly scatter across social networks.

Its main topics are what interests everyone at all times. The relationship between women and men. Search for yourself, love, erotic and flirt. Since Valiullin studied as a graphic designer, he himself develops covers for his works.

In addition to literature, he is fond of poster painting and sports. Especially the snowboard.

Valiullin works as a teacher of Spanish at St. Petersburg University.

Early works of Valiullin

Rinat "Where are the kisses" reviews

Currently, three best-selling novels have been released by Rinat Valiullin. "Where kisses lie," reviews of which were received, perhaps the most positive ones, became his second work.

Also, from the pen of the author came out "Cookbook" and "Every silence has its own hysteria." His works are distinguished by the content of brief and succinct quotes. His characters only communicate with them.

Valiullin himself says about the language of his novels that he writes for those who like to read deliciously. He introduced the concept of “sensory poetry”. He published a collection of poems "First Breakfast", "Coffee in the Morning Sky", "Wine List", "Gourmet Poems", "Breaking Pink Glasses".

The novel "Where are the kisses"

Rinat Valiullin "Where are the kisses" reviews

The novel "Where Kisses Are Lying", reviews of which can be found on all reputable literary sites, scatters on quotes from the first pages. The main thing in it is the female soul. What a male writer sees her. All the most reserved corners of the female soul are described in detail. It is there that the writer, together with the readers, tries to find answers to questions. What does a woman want? What is she dreaming about? What is ready to go to achieve the desired?

A simple paradoxical and catchy quote from the first pages of the novel: “If you think you need to change something, then you don’t think”.

The main characters meet in very unexpected circumstances. These are attracted from the first pages of the novel Where Kisses Are Lying. Customer book reviews often begin with a description of the girl’s first meeting, nicknamed Fortune, who robs a man in the courtyard of his house. She demands money from him and gets it too simply. A man gives her a wallet with all the cash without regret and even with tangible boredom to everything around him. For a long time he did not care and did not care. Even a street robbery does not unbalance him.

Further events are striking in their originality. A man and a girl go up to his apartment to have tea. Of course, with jam.

Manifesto novel

"Where are the kisses. Paris" reviews

According to literary critics, “Where Kisses Are Lying. Paris,” about which they give generally positive reviews, this is a female manifesto. The passionate appeal of those women who dream of gaining real feelings, which they only read about in books and seen in films.

The main character of the novel speaks sharply, accurately and very accurately. Her language is so sarcastic that more than once will make the reader smile. For example, she asks not to make friends with her, because this does not develop her as a woman.

Fortune is a strong and independent woman, but even she suffers from a lack of love and attention. Once upon a time she was in love, but since then many years have passed. Feelings have become dull and forgotten.

Character of the heroine

"Where are the kisses" book reviews

As no one knows how to describe and understand the female character of Valiullin Rinat. "Where kisses lie" (reviews of the novel will make everyone read this book) this is confirmed.

The main character of Fortune has a difficult character, he can even be called heavy. She is a modern successful woman who, of course, suffers from a lack of male support and love, but does not demonstrate it in any way.

The main thing that she is afraid of is to show herself weak and defenseless. For the sake of this, she becomes a slippery path - becomes a criminal. This is her way of saying that men are not stronger than her.

Paul's character

Rinat Valiullin "Where are the kisses. Paris" reviews

Pavel is the main character of the novel Fortune is trying to rob. Rinat Valiullin describes him in great detail. “Where kisses lie,” reviews of which are of interest to all reading Russians, is a novel about a man who does not even try to hide his weakness.

It is worth recognizing that such men can be met more and more today. In this case, the author follows a different path. Ultimately, he turns the story upside down, making him wonder and admire.

Dialogues between the characters - perhaps the most important thing in this novel. They vividly demonstrate the characteristics of the relationship between the sexes. Pavel especially emphasizes that he perceives the life of a man without a woman in black and white. Loneliness is gray, dull and lifeless. The main character is sure everyone will meet his Fortune. The only task is not to miss your happiness when it is close.

In the novel, much attention is paid to the description of everyday life, but this does not in the least depress or bore the reader. On the contrary, they point to a feature that can be hidden even in the usual little things that we encounter every day. Rinat Valiullin is convinced of this. "Where kisses lie. Paris," reviews of which fully reflect the readers' impressions of the novel, claims that everyone is destined to find their great and true love.

Wealth of language

The work is rich in various artistic and expressive means. Basically, epithets and allegories. With their help, the author creates funny, ridiculous, but quite realistic situations that can happen to everyone.

Together with the heroes of the novel “Where Kisses Are Lying”, reviews of the book will convince you of this, you will easily and naturally live with the heroes for several bright and eventful days. These few days will fit a lot. Ridiculous quarrels, sudden partings, unexpected meetings and declarations of love.

What do readers say?

The novel "Where Kisses Are Lying" was very popular. Reader reviews are mainly devoted to assessing the skill of the author. Some say that one should not forget that Valiullin is a surrealist. Due to this, even the most ordinary and ordinary everyday details he manages to describe simultaneously logically and clearly, but at the same time incredibly sensual. This technique allows you to immerse yourself in the world created by the author of the work. At the same time, according to some readers, the novel should be read slowly, in small portions, comprehending every thought. Only in this way you can achieve the maximum effect - rethink your life, relationships with the closest people and representatives of the opposite sex.

At the same time, other fans of the novel, on the contrary, note that they literally swallowed it in one evening. For 4 hours and a couple of cigarettes. At the same time, they note the subtlety and delicacy of the author, especially when describing intimate scenes, which are also enough in the novel.

In addition to a beautiful love story, many managed to consider the eternal theme of masquerade in this work, people's desires to seem better than they really are. But hiding behind such masks is fraught. When you want to show your true nature to a loved one, to show what kind of person you really are, removing the mask can be quite difficult.

Many managed to consider in this novel not an ordinary love story, but a parable in which the text has a dual nature. It is possible to create such an effect with the help of a parallel narrative, "a novel in a novel."

Valiullin's criticism

Literary critics note the influence of Russian classics on all the works of Valiullin from his first works. Many experts note his desire and desire to create voluminous and multifaceted images by expanding the boundaries of words and language. In this, they see Valiullin's connection with the Russian futurists. Under the author himself, this partially confirms, calling his favorite poet Vladimir Mayakovsky.

Rinat Valiullin's style is original, ironic and at the same time intelligent. Many call him the author of a new wave in Russian prose, highly appreciate his ability to work with the text literally "one touch." Sensory, as Valiullin himself says. At the same time, there are enough critics who point out that he pays great attention to the language at the expense of meaning. Low appreciation of the actual structure of his novels.

In addition to his connection with the futurists, there is an influence on Rinat of Latin American literature. In particular, Gabriel García Márquez, Mario Vargas Llosa, Julio Cortazar. Inherent in the works of the author of the so-called magical realism, first used by these writers.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23531/

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