Which means "Advice and love!" - proverb for all times

The splendor and richness of the great and mighty Russian language can be found not only through the works of famous classics and contemporaries. Oral folklore is attractive: probably, in no other language is there such a huge number of sayings that characterize the national life and customs of both ordinary people of Russia and nobles.

advice yes love what does it mean

The chronicle of proverbs and sayings, well-aimed expressions and catchphrases created by the Russian people dates back to the 12th century from the birth of Christ. More than a thousand years have passed since then, but the relevance of folk wisdom has not faded away to this day.

How to relate to this saying

What does it mean “Advice and love!” - a favorite saying and parting words to the newlyweds? To get an answer to this question, it makes sense to pick up D.N. Ushakov’s explanatory dictionary, expand on the word “advice” and make sure that the author puts an equal sign between the words “advice”, “consent”, “friendship” and “lad” .

It turns out that the figurative expression “advice and love” means consent in family life, a friendly attitude towards each other, established life, mutual love, and so on. In the book “Proverbs of the Russian people” written by V. I. Dahl, the common expression is found in the form of a proverb: “Love and advice - there is no need,” is short and clear. The word "need" is explained as grief, that is, there is no grief.

What does the expression “advice and love!” Mean?

Each emotion of a person is expressed through its own name, and if some of the feelings can be easily identified, for example, a feeling of love, hatred, fear, then the word “advice” is rather not an emotion, but a wish, parting word.

which means expression advice yes love

Initially, the word “advice” included a collective discussion of a problem. During the dispute, a final decision was made, with which all participants agreed. So “advice and love” means a desire to live in love and harmony.

Our recent past without the insertion of “advice” was impossible to imagine. The country and the citizens living in it were called Soviet. Although, in fact, they did not advise anyone. Giving advice is the prerogative of elders and sages. Therefore, when newlyweds want advice and love at a wedding, this means that the young bride and groom all their conscious lives (if they want to be happy) should listen to the advice of their parents, grandparents, and everyone who is able to help with word and deed.

Most marry and marry for love, but after some time, many emotional outbursts fade and the desire to return to the past seems unrealistic. Even L.N. Tolstoy wrote that all happy families are alike, and each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Indeed, love makes a person calmer, more self-confident, kinder, and this makes family life happy.


From the very first days of family life, it is worth protecting each other and an unsteady feeling called "love." Actually this feeling should be studied all life. Is it really possible? And what does “advice and love” mean - the wish of happiness for a while or forever? Given that love in family life needs to be studied constantly, to desire and strive for it, this parting word is for life.

which means advice yes love

Therefore, one should not neglect the various wise wishes expressed upon entry into a new life. When asked what “Council and love!” Mean, everyone will answer as best they can.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23534/

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