Interesting facts about lions: Description. A photo

The lion is called the β€œking of beasts,” since this huge yellow cat has a truly royal grace. These are animals that, unlike their other relatives, live in families (prides). Females are responsible for the hunt, which together drive the prey, kill and call the leader for a meal. And while he is not full, no one has the right to touch food. Young females are raised together, which is a good guarantee of the survival of the species.

But what other interesting facts about lions? Why is their life so unique and what should children tell about them? This is precisely what is being discussed now.

Lion Facts

Since ancient times, the lion is the personification of strength, masculinity and courage. What interesting things you can learn about him:

  1. Of all the predatory animals, the lion has the smallest (in relation to its own size) heart.
  2. The lion has terrible claws, up to 7 cm in length.
  3. Young lions, under two years old, meow like ordinary domestic cats, and only as adults they begin to growl.
  4. Lions pursue prey only at short distances, while developing speeds of up to 80 km / h.
  5. At night, lions see 6 times better than people.
  6. Among the predatory inhabitants of the planet, in terms of number of lions, the lions occupy the second place, only slightly not reaching their blood enemies - hyenas.
  7. Having torn up the prey, the lions bite off one of the sides of the jaw a large piece of meat and immediately swallow it.
  8. The largest book with a weight of 375 kilograms is recorded in the book of records.
  9. Like all feline representatives, lions are big dormouse and can oversleep up to 20 hours a day, leaving only four hours for other classes.
  10. A lion crossed with a tiger is called a tiger tiger or ligra.
    Tiger with a cub
  11. Inside the pride, between the lions there is a greeting sign, which is expressed in the friction of the muzzle on the face.
  12. An interesting fact about lions is that their babies at birth weigh only 2 kilograms, and sometimes even less. Their eyes open after ten days, and on the fifteenth they take their first steps.
  13. Lionesses living in the pride feed and care for both their own and others' babies together.
  14. The face of a particular lion is unique in its kind, and it is impossible to identify with the physiognomy of any of the tribesmen. Her drawing is similar to a human fingerprint.
  15. An adult lion has 30 teeth.
  16. Lions will never begin to hunt for fun, and they have to kill only out of hunger.
  17. In a natural habitat, lions can live up to 16 years, and in an artificial habitat - up to a maximum of 11.

Type, family life and size of adults

These are the largest representatives of the cat family, living in separate families. Matriarchy reigns in the kingdom of lions, therefore females play the most important role in the life of a pride.

Sometimes lions are white

These big cats have sand-colored fur in order to skillfully disguise themselves on the background of the savannah during the hunt. Males differ from lionesses by the presence of a lush fiery mane. Among them are albinos.

In length, the lion grows to three meters, and the weight varies from 155 to 252 kilograms.

Females are smaller and reach about 2.5 meters, with a weight of 122-183 kg. The tail of an adult reaches 1 meter. It is known that the lions that live in the African savannah are much larger than their Asian brothers.

What do these cats eat?

Their favorite menu is the meat of wild herbivores, such as wildebeests and zebras. Often, lions conquer lunch from other predators.

Each female gives birth from one to six cubs every two years, but more than half of them die from various factors.

How many lions are there in one family?


Each pride can contain up to 40 individuals, including:

  • One to two adult males.
  • Teenage lions aged 2 to 4 years.
  • Adult females.
  • Cubs

Lionesses never leave their native pride, and nothing can cause a family to split. Older males are usually expelled so that they do not interfere with the young.

Endangered Species

The number of lions over the past twenty years has declined sharply, as people prevent them from living quietly, taking the land of their ancestors and killing them. In addition, these large cats are susceptible to the diseases of dogs living in human settlements. Often, lions die at the hands of farmers when they encroach on livestock.

Because of the human factor, the question arose about the survival of the Asian lions that live in the Gir forest.

Lion couple

But in our time there are many organizations that help restore their population. And all this thanks to intelligent people who clearly understand that other species should be treated with respect and care. You should not forget about this when telling the facts about lions for children. Any living creature on the planet has the right to life, and as long as they exist - you can not worry about the future of our children. Everything in the world is interconnected.


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