Electronic swing for babies - overview, features and reviews

The birth of a child is the most long-awaited event in the life of every family, for which the spouses are prepared in advance. A modern mother has a lot of worries and troubles: it is necessary to feed, swaddle the baby, give him a sufficient amount of time, without forgetting to carry out wet cleaning and prepare dinner for her husband. Just modern gadgets and electronic devices are specially designed and created in order to facilitate the work of modern parents, to free up time for self-employment. These devices include electronic swings. They have already managed to conquer the hearts of modern mothers and children. And how did we do without them earlier?

Children's electronic swing

About destination

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits that electronic swings bring, however, those parents who do not consider them to be essential are still there. First of all, they occupy the baby, freeing up some amount of time for his mother. She can devote it to household chores, self-care. And these are not all the benefits:

  • development of the vestibular apparatus - using an electric swing, you prepare your crumbs for travel by car, preventing motion sickness;
  • a beneficial effect on the nervous system - motion sickness positively affects the condition of the child;
  • proper development of the spine - the swing seat is designed by professional orthopedists, which helps strengthen the muscle corset;
  • development of grasping skills, visual and mental abilities - provided with bright toys, provided with a complete set.
Electronic swing

Do I need to buy?

Electronic swings for newborns, of course, do not belong to essential goods, but many modern parents have already managed to evaluate their advantages in their own experience. If you are still in doubt, pay attention to the reasons that prompt many to allocate money to buy this gadget:

  • the opportunity to free up time with mom for household chores;
  • teaching a child to discipline, combating numerous vagaries;
  • normalization of the psyche of the newborn;
  • the opportunity to free yourself from the need to carry the crumb in your arms, rock it, because the electric swing for newborns will do just fine with this function;
  • possibility of use as a highchair.

If you have not had time to purchase such a device that is so useful for yourself and your baby, be sure to visit a specialized store where you can personally evaluate it.

Varieties of swings

So, we decided on the purpose, the advantages of using children's electronic swings, it remains now to understand the design features and the varieties that are currently on the market. Of course, modern manufacturers offer a variety of models that vary in shape, color, dimensions, set of functions, which is why, when going to the store, you need to prepare. All electronic swings on the market can be conditionally divided into three main groups:

  • A stand in the form of an inverted letter P. Today it is one of the most popular due to its mobility and compactness. Such a swing can be easily folded, put into a closet, onto a balcony, and taken with you on a trip. Convenience, reliability and safety are what parents managed to emphasize. At the time of purchase, special attention should be paid to the locks - be sure to check for the presence of a lock that eliminates the possibility of spontaneous folding during operation.
  • A stand in the form of the letter L. The model is ideal for babies, providing maximum stability to the position.
  • Stand with adjusting unit. The design provides for the presence of a metal stand ring and a cradle mounted on its surface.
electronic swing babyton

All presented varieties belong to the category of children's outdoor electronic swings. They are practical and convenient, you can take them with you on trips, outings.

Overview of the most popular models

Almost all modern manufacturers of gadgets for babies presented their model of electric swings. Our task is to offer you only the most worthy of them.

Chicco Polly Swing Up

Let's start with the flagship models that have already won the hearts of parents from around the world. The products of this manufacturer are always perfect, made of quality materials, which makes it special.

Chicco electronic swing for newborns is a bestseller, according to numerous reviews. The model differs from its closest competitors in the possibility of remote control by using the remote control. It is convenient for those mummies who, having noticed that the baby is asleep, can turn off the musical accompaniment without distracting from preparing dinner. The swing is designed for children up to 6 months, able to withstand weight up to 9 kg. I would like to pay special attention to a high-quality musical selection, it really reassures the child, lulls him to sleep. The package provides for a visor that protects the crumb from active sunlight. If you are looking for electronic swings for trips to nature, this option will be optimal.

Electronic swing reviews

Impeccable quality of workmanship, the presence of removable casing - this is what all parents focus on. Yes, the model is not affordable, its average price is 10,000 rubles, but it is quite justified by its functionality and practicality.

Graco lovin hug

If you are looking for a classic model with U-shaped racks and several modes of motion sickness, we have found the best option for you. Graco - an electronic swing that will become a real attraction for your crumbs. The back has three tilt angles, which allows you to choose the optimal position for the child. The functions are thought out, which will allow not only to stay awake, but also to fall asleep in a swing.

Bright color design will satisfy everyoneโ€™s taste preferences. If you read the reviews, we can conclude that this is an excellent model in the middle price category with a sufficient set of functions.

Jetem surf

Our task is to highlight the best models of electronic swings. Reviews of modern parents largely ensure the objectivity of the review. Consider another interesting option. An inexpensive product will be the Jetem electronic swing, which can be used from birth to 1.5 years. The weight limit is up to 11 kg. The necessary practicality and mobility are provided by the folding mechanism, and the latch ensures the stability of the swing to capsize. The backrest is adjustable in two positions, providing comfort to the child.

electronic swing jetem

The popularity of this model was affected not only by the democratic cost. The distinctive features include the presence of a timer, that is, the ability to set the time of motion sickness and its intensity. As it grows and develops, the baby will strive to choose from a swing on its own, and here anti-slip legs and safety belts come to the aid of parents - judging by the reviews, they are effective, while remaining comfortable for the baby.


Choosing modern gadgets for newborns, parents are not only repelled by their interests, the ability to carve out a little time for themselves, they are interested in functionality, level of safety for the child. These options include the Babyton electronic swing. The fundamental difference is the ability to control the speed of the pendulum mechanism, adjusting it as the child grows. The kit includes a soft arc designed to fix your favorite toys that are responsible for the leisure and development of the newborn. Pleasant wiggles are accompanied by calm, pleasant and pacifying music.

graco electronic swing

Ingenuity Convertme Swing-2-Seat

At first glance, a fairly simple model of electronic swings, it differs from its competitors in slightly overpriced. And all because this is a premium gadget. Adjustable turning speed, the ability to move both horizontally and vertically, 8 tunes, a large battery capacity and impeccable quality - this has ensured the incredible popularity of this model.

children's electronic swing

The use of natural materials provides maximum comfort, which is so important for each parent. Of course, this is not the most budget option, but it costs every invested ruble.


Surely you are interested to get acquainted with the reviews of those who use electronic swings daily. So those who have tested them for at least one day can no longer refuse such a simple at first glance, but at the same time incredibly useful gadget. This is the best that the modern market could offer for newborn babies. Mommy notes that they no longer need to carry a child in their arms, lull him, each of them has more free time that they can devote to themselves.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23538/

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