Origin of the Rodionov surname: versions, history, meaning

A surname is a hereditary family name, the history of each of them is unique and individual. They were formed from proper names, names of professions, everyday life, customs, appearance, nicknames, character traits and the appearance of our ancestors.

Many people are interested in the origin of their surname. And this is far from idle interest. They want to know a kind story, lifestyle, customs and other interesting facts related to their ancestors. And the story of generic naming helps uncover these secrets. The article will discuss the interesting, beautiful and harmonious surname of the Rodion, its origin and meaning.

Generic Name Education

The origin of the Rodionov surname is associated with a proper name. Each person received a church name from the priest during the baptismal rite, which performed the main task - providing the person with personal naming. All of these names were entered in the Church name book - Saints. According to Christian tradition, the baby was named in honor of the great martyr or saint, on the memorial day of which he was born or baptized.

The origin of the name Rodionov and its meaning

The origin of the name Rodionov is associated with the church name Herodion. Often the ancient Slavs added the name of the father to the name of the baby to show the child's belonging to a particular genus, as well as to highlight the baby in society. The fact is that there were few baptismal names, and they were often repeated in order to identify a person using middle names or nicknames.

Thus, the origin of the surname Rodionov dates back to the baptismal name Herodion, or rather to its short form - Rodion. This is a Greek naming convention that translates to β€œhero” or β€œhero”.

Patron saint

Apostle Herodion and Paul

The origin of the name Rodionov is associated with the name of the saint. In Svyattsy (the Orthodox Orthodox church name), the name Herodion appeared in honor of the saint, who was among the apostles chosen by Jesus Christ.

The Apostle Herodion was a close relative of the Apostle Paul. They traveled together and preached the dogmas of the Christian religion. The apostle Herodion became bishop of the city of Patara on the Balkan Peninsula. He zealously preached and converted many Gentiles to faith. Angry idolaters conspired to attack Herodion, they beat him with stones and sticks. One of the attackers stabbed the apostle. Then the killers fled, leaving Herodion to die. The Lord lifted him to his feet and made him a saint.

Surname history

Coat of arms of the noble family of Rodionovs

The ancient Rodionovs are known, whose roots date back to the 16th century, the genus is included in the 6th part of the genealogy book of the Simbirsk province.

In the 16th century, among wealthy and aristocratic families, hereditary clan names began to take hold. These were possessive adjectives that pointed to the name of the head of the clan. Thus, the descendants of a man named Rodion eventually got the family name of the Rodionovs.

Jewish version

There are many erroneous opinions about the nationality of certain surnames. Some are considered traditionally Jewish, others German, and others Russian. Rodionov - a Jewish surname? This question is difficult to answer unambiguously. For example, many believe that typical Jewish surnames are Abramovich, Katzman, Cohen, Malkin, Rivkin and others. Surnames with the suffixes "-ich" and "-sky" are considered to be Jewish. But in reality it is most often Polish or Ukrainian clan names.

Is the surname Rodionov Jewish?

It is believed that surnames with the suffixes "-ov", "-in" are typically Russian. But in Russia there are surnames of non-Jewish origin worn by Jews: Novikov, Yakovlev, Kazakov, Zakharov, Polyakov. The mass migration of Jews to Russia began during the reign of Catherine the Great. To assimilate with the locals, the Jews took surnames similar to Russians. For this reason, it is difficult to answer the question, whether a Jewish surname or not.

The origin of the surname Rodionov: nationality. Surname prevalence

The surname Rodionov is 50% of Russian origin, 10% - has Belarusian roots, 5% - Ukrainian, and 30% comes from the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia (Mordovian, Tatar, Bashkir, Buryat). Approximately 5% of the family name is of Serbian and Bulgarian origin.

Anyway, the surname is formed from a nickname, name, occupation or place of residence of the ancestor of this family name.

The exact place and time of origin of the Rodionov surname is now very difficult to establish, since its formation lasted more than one century, this process was complex and ambiguous.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23542/

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