Guide to the game Lineage 2: how to get skills from subclasses

In order to make an already extremely interesting game even more diverse and exciting, a subclass system was introduced in Lineage 2. Thanks to this, each player in one game character can get four different professions at once. This is the first. And secondly, thanks to the pumped so-called subwoofers, you can significantly strengthen the main character with additional skills. Here we describe how to get the skills of the subclass of high five chronicles. Although in subsequent chronicles the principle has not changed much. So, in order.

How to get a subclass

Subclass Skills
In order to be able to create a subclass for yourself, the main character must reach level 75 and complete a series of quests:

  • "Arrogant search" - a quest for the right to go to Baium;
  • "Whisper of fate" - a quest to get the Star of Fate;

Next, there are two quests, one for the characters of the Kamael race - "Seeds of Chaos", and the other, for all other races - "Elixir of Mimir."

After all the quests are completed, we move to the Village of the Talking Island, we find the master Raina there and take the subclass from him. Right thereafter, skills from subclasses will also be studied.

A new subclass goes immediately to level 40 with learned skills corresponding to the same level. Having pumped a sub to the 75th level, you can take the next and the third one as well. True, there are several restrictions on the choice of subclasses. You cannot take similar races and professions, Kamaels can only take Kamaels, and no other race can take Kamaels. You cannot take the subclass of the overlord and the blacksmith.

What are subclass skills

Subclass Skills high five
After the subclass reaches 65, 70, 75, 80 levels, the main character gets the opportunity to learn new skills that increase attack or defense, and by the 75 and 80 levels, he also gets the opportunity to learn one more specific skill, depending on which subclass is selected.

In total, each subclass can provide the main character with 4 skills. And all three to 12 new skills. So, which subclasses, due to the specifics of their skills, will be more useful for a particular profession.

Skills useful to summoners or summoners

The summoners from the whole variety will find the most useful skills from the subclasses of warriors because of their increasing CP skill “Skill of a warrior”. That is, as the first sub, you can take the gladiator, spearman, destroyer, tyrant, spoiler or executioner for kamaels.

As the second subclass, you can choose one of four warriors of the defensive type or, so-called, tanks because of their skill “Knight Skill - Defense”. The third subwoofer can take a preacher, cook, dancer or singer of spells because of their skill "Caster Skill - Barrier".

Skills Useful for Healing Mages

How to get skills from subclass
Like the summoners discussed above, healers will benefit from the skills “Knight Skill - Defense” and “Caster Skill - Barrier” from subclasses of professions warriors and tanks. But unlike the same summoners, the healers will also urgently need another skill from the warriors, namely, “Warrior's skill - resistance to negative effects”.

Useful skills for warriors

If you play one of the classes of warriors and are wondering how to take the skills from the subclass and which one to do, the answer will be simple. Basically, all classes of warriors, such as gladiators, spearmen, destroyers, tyrants, etc., are similar to each other and require similar skills from subclasses.

The first useful skill can be obtained from the summoner, and it is called “Summoner Skill - Spirit”. Thanks to him, the indicators of the strength of physical attack and its speed increase. As another subclass, a knight with a defensive skill will be useful, and as a third subclass, you can take a preacher or one of the bards (a singer or a spell dancer) because of their barrier.

True, some players instead of defending the skill advise taking a subclass of an archer or a robber with the skill "Critical Chance Attack". Perhaps this has a reason, here, as they say, the taste and color ...

Knight skills

How to take skills from subclass
For tanks, without further ado, it is better to take skills from subclasses, such as warriors with the ability to "increase CP", so they can feel much more confident in the PVP battle. Preacher or bards for Barrier and Summoner due to Summoner skill. Instead of any of the above skills, you can take skills from the same subclass of warriors for attack speed. Here you can experiment.

Skills useful for magicians

The summoner with his skill “Summoner Skill - Spirit” will be suitable as the first subclass for magicians, since it will not be superfluous for them to increase the strength and speed of magic attacks. The skills of protection from tanks and a barrier from bards will also be useful. Some players prefer a barrier to resisting the negative effects of a subclass of warriors. Again, there are possible variations on the fan.

Useful skills for archers

For archers in Lineage 2, the skills from the subclasses would be nice to take from the warrior a defensive plan and one of the bards or a preacher. Skills - Knight protection and caster barrier. But as a third subclass it would be better to take a robber or a spoiler because of a very useful skill - “Robber's skill - range”. The name of this skill speaks for itself, and increases the range of the shot by +100.

Instead of one of the defensive skills, some players recommend using the summoner subclass with his skill - a spirit summoner skill to strengthen and accelerate the attack.

Useful skills for buffs and bards

Lineage 2 skills from subclasses
Regarding the question of how to get skills from the subclass, or rather, which of these skills are best for singers and spell dancers, as well as for preachers, warks and overs, that is, for classes of buffers, the same thing is perfect for everyone here set of subclasses.

This is a summoner with Summoner Skill - Spirit, a tank with knight protection, and buffs for bards, and bards for buffers with a barrier. True, some players recommend buffers to take a subclass warrior with resistance to negative effects instead of knightly defense.

Skills Useful for Kamaels

As mentioned above, the Kamael race can choose only the Kamael profession as a subclass. Berserk will suit the critical attack chance, attack speed and the barrier from the last inspector subwoofer.

The executioner is suitable for increasing the CP, dodging and also a shield from the inspector. The arbalester also chooses a skill for increasing CP, a skill that increases attack speed and caster skill, a barrier from a unique subclass inspector.

Subclass Skills L2 high five
That's basically all about the subclass system in the game, how the subclass skills of L2 high five chronicles get, and the choice of a particular subclass to a particular profession. Of course, this guide is not a set of mandatory requirements. The Line is a very flexible and multifaceted game, and it is much better if the player will approach the process individually, not blindly follow the guides, and not be afraid to experiment, to look for some of their own ways and solutions.

The purpose of this and other similar guides is to help understand the basics of the game, to sway the direction, and by what paths to move, the player must choose for himself.


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