Can cats eat sweets?

Cats live next to humans for so long that they have adopted many habits and even taste preferences. Exceptionally predatory creatures in nature, at home they begin to show interest in vegetables and fruits, as well as in baking and other sweets. Owners are usually touched by the zeal with which their pet begs candy or a piece of sugar. And of course, they cannot resist his charm. Can cats be sweet? We sort it out together.

Can cats eat sweets?

Cats like the taste of sweets

It is not true. Most owners believe that their pets, like us, enjoy sweets. But their taste buds are not able to recognize sweet food. Why? Everything is very simple, nature has made them predators. Berries and fruits, which our analyzers can evaluate as ripe or green, will also be tasteless for them.

But why are fluffy beauties so interested in desserts and can cats be sweet? Before treating your pet to culinary delights, you need to have a good idea of ​​the consequences for his health.

Why is a cat showing interest in sweets?

Animals do not possess consciousness, they do not reason, but act based on instincts. And despite the fact that our pets live in warmth and abundance, they do not have to hunt all night in search of food, they can not be redone. Instinct says exactly one thing. If food is quickly absorbed and gives a lot of energy - this is exactly what you need. Of course, sugar in this regard is just perfect food.

That's not all. Many sweets contain proteins and carbohydrates, vegetable and milk fats and other elements that are certainly useful for the cat's body. Based on this, most owners are ready to make a quick conclusion that desserts for their pet will only benefit. But you need to ask the veterinarian about whether cats can be sweet, and only after that include a new product in the pet's diet. Today we rely on the opinion of practicing veterinarians.

Can cats be given sweets?

How else to explain the craving for sweets?

Indeed, it seems strange. If their body suffers so much from desserts, why do they make so much effort to find and eat sweets? Animal nutrition experts point out the following points:

  • The reason is flavors that arouse appetite.
  • The consistency of a sweet dish may appeal to them.
  • If the pet’s diet is unbalanced, it leads to a carbohydrate deficiency. Of course, sweets are the easiest way to make up for their shortage.
  • Vitamin deficiency is another condition in which a cat tries different foods to make up for a deficiency.
  • Some cats love to eat with their owner so much that they will beg for anything.

As you can see, there are quite a few reasons. But the answer to the question of whether the cat can be sweet or not, remains the same. No, it doesn’t need a predator at all.

Is it possible to give sweets to cats?

Substitution of nutrients

Indeed, high-quality milk jelly contains the protein that a cat needs. That's just its structure is completely different. The body of an adult animal does not know how to process milk, especially cow. Move on. Sugar, entering the body, inhibits the breakdown and absorption of useful elements that are necessary for the growth and development of the animal.

Why? Because the body is lazy. He perfectly understands that he will receive energy from the candy practically “for free” without spending extra effort. As a result, you see dull hair and slow growth, constant digestive problems. Based on this, how would you answer the question posed? Can cats be sweet? Of course not.

Excess energy and home lifestyle

Why do we ourselves limit the amount of sweets? Because we know about the high carbohydrate content in desserts. When consuming them, you must observe the most active and energetic lifestyle. Most of us cannot boast of such. We have enough activity to go to the store after work. But our pets today do not have the opportunity to realize their full potential. This is especially true for cats that live in small apartments. And again ask yourself the question: "Is it possible for cats to give sweets?" Of course not.

These goodies will lead to the accumulation of body fat. This is a very dangerous condition for furry pets. It impairs the functioning of internal organs and other important systems. That is, if you give the cat sweet, then provoke his early death.

Should I feed the cat sweet?

Lack of control

As you know, one cookie or candy will not bring much trouble at all. This rule is true for us, as well as for our pets. But it is precisely this moment that causes controversy. "Is it possible to give sweets to cats in small quantities?" - Ask almost every time the owners at the reception of the veterinarian. It is best not to give at all, because you are forming the wrong eating behavior, and the furry pet will ask for what is dangerous for him.

During the tasting process, the pet does not recognize sugar and can eat a large portion, unable to control the permissible dosage of the harmful substance. As a result, food poisoning, an allergic reaction, and other adverse effects for the predator can develop.

What is going on in the body?

You need to understand how the gastrointestinal tract and other organs of a cat react to the intake of a large amount of sugar, fat, thickeners and preservatives, which we call desserts. Cats need protein and minimal carbohydrates. That is, the necessary element is replaced by a surrogate. Sugar is not only useless for them, but also harmful.

If we talk about chocolate, then it is completely poisonous. A tiny portion leads to a jump in pressure and an increase in heart rate. In large quantities, it causes intoxication and death. Sweets are especially dangerous for aging and pregnant animals. In an elderly cat, even one candy can cause itching and drooling, a sharp drop in vision. That is, the case is not at all limited to a banal allergy.

Continuing to talk about whether cats can eat sweets, veterinarians note that regular use of desserts leads to impaired renal function and urolithiasis. Do not forget that cats are prone to diabetes. And an excess of sugar creates an increased load on the thyroid gland, which contributes to the excess synthesis of insulin.

Can I give the cat sweet or not?

Sweets and immunity

And here the veterinarians do not encourage the owner’s desire to treat the pet with dessert. Such goodies negatively affect feline immunity. The digestive system, or rather, the intestine, suffers from it. And sugar acts on the body like a drug. It quickly gives an imaginary feeling of satiety, which forms addiction. The digestive system of cats is not adapted to the processing of complex carbohydrates. Regular consumption of sweets leads to early aging, impaired tissue oxygen saturation, reduced protein digestibility.

Cat and sweets

If you really want to

It seems that we have already exhaustively answered the question of whether it is possible to give the cat sweet or not. And what about those who have already taught pets to drink tea together? One thing remains - to completely exclude sweets from the diet. This will benefit you and your pet. And to make the withdrawal period easier, you can make natural ice cream without adding sugar. For dessert, prepare slices of apple and pear. Perhaps they will appeal to the cat. It is allowed to treat the pet with watermelon and melon. Sometimes offer the cat berries and honey in limited quantities. And better not to accustom him to desserts.


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