“Minerals. Treasures of the Earth ”,“ DeAgostini ”

From ancient times to the present day, the mind of an inquisitive person is haunted by the secrets and mysteries of precious and semiprecious stones. Passion for collecting today allows not only to acquire rare types of stones, but also to unravel the secrets of nature that are hidden in minerals - the treasures of our land. And also to gain valuable knowledge about their properties, which can be used in practice both in professional activities and in everyday life.

Minerals are the treasures of the earth.

Publishing House DeAgostini

In 1901, the Italian geographer Giovanni De Agostini, the creator of the Roman Geographic Institute, founded the company DeAgostini, which in 1955 transformed into a world-famous large publishing house that publishes a series of popular encyclopedic magazines. In 2004, this publishing house first presented its unique products to the Russian reader. In our country, thanks to the most interesting and colorful magazines “DeAgostini”, a lot of people are interested in them, because these publications allow not only to acquire knowledge, but also to collect collections of copies that were previously inaccessible to rarity lovers.

Magazine "DeAgostini" - "Minerals. Treasures of the Earth "

DeAgostini “Minerals. Treasures of the Earth. ”

What attracts the products of this publishing house? One of such useful and informative publications is a magazine published by DeAgostini, Minerals. Treasures of the Earth. " This weekly project appeared on the shelves of our country in August 2013 and to this day remains popular and in demand. By reading this magazine, you can discover the amazing and mysterious world of minerals, precious and semiprecious stones hiding in the bowels of our planet, reveal their secrets that have been kept for centuries by alchemists, sorcerers and shamans. In addition, not only the mystical properties inherent in various minerals are described here, but also their chemical composition, physical properties, the use of their qualities in scientific research, the classification and detailed description of each stone and its varieties.

But the most important, of particular interest to every collector, is that in each issue, in addition to the issue of Minerals. Treasures of the Earth ”and the story of one of the stones, contains the collection specimen in kind. Thus, by purchasing issues of the magazines of this series, you can collect a whole collection of amazing semiprecious and ornamental stones.

What you can learn from the magazine "DeAgostini" - "Minerals. Treasures of the earth "?

Collection “Minerals - Treasures of the Earth.”

Studying this unique and colorful publication, you can find out a lot of interesting information not only about the stones and minerals themselves, their properties and features, but also about other facts related to them. The magazine is composed of nine major major sections, each of which in itself is a separate small encyclopedia. The main ones that are dedicated directly to minerals, precious and semiprecious stones are the following:

  • Minerals. This section contains useful and understandable for the simple reader basic information about the main characters of the entire series - minerals, their characteristics and properties.
  • "Gems". This section is devoted to valuable treasures - famous precious minerals, stories, myths and legends associated with them. Here you can see unusual photos of these amazing stones, learn about the methods and get acquainted with samples of their cut.
  • "Secrets of minerals." Since ancient times, only the elect have access to secrets and secrets that hide various minerals. Treasures of the earth were used by the sages to conduct magical rites and rituals, alchemists tried to create a philosopher's stone with their help. In this section, the secrets of minerals are revealed scientifically. The world of stones is represented in accordance with their classification, history of origin and formation. In addition, scientific studies of their chemical, physical and optical properties are described.
  • "Man and minerals." Here you can learn how to effectively and beneficially interact with minerals in everyday life, relying on the centuries-old experience of using stones in lithotherapy, meditation, relaxation and energy flow control.
  • "Collection". Perhaps the most important section for lovers of minerals and stones who have embarked on this fascinating path and dream of new acquisitions.

Other sections of the magazine

Four additional sections contain no less interesting information and expand the horizons of the reader who is interested not only in the minerals themselves, but also in the history and processes of their origin, in places rich in these treasures.

  • DeAgostini “Minerals. Treasures of the Earth. ”
    "Rocks". A detailed description of the mineral composition and origin of various rocks and their human use.
  • "Fossils." In the deep past, our Earth was inhabited by many amazing living organisms that have long died out and have become inaccessible for direct study by an inquisitive reader. But photographs of their fossil remains with descriptions and interesting facts about them can be studied in the Fossils section. These facts are all the more interesting because they are often directly related to the origin of certain minerals.
  • "Planet Earth". This section tells about the formation of various rocks and the minerals contained in them as a result of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other basic geological phenomena.
  • "Where to go?". This section describes geological sites, museums, nature reserves, and other global geological assets that are directly related to minerals such as minerals - the treasures of the earth.

What is included in the magazine?

“Minerals. Treasures of the Earth. ” The stones.

Publishing house "DeAgostini" designed the issue of each magazine so that it could not only be interesting to read, acquire new knowledge and collect a collection, but also convenient to store (both the magazine pages and the stones themselves).

To do this, in the third issue you can find a gift - a convenient folder with delimiters for different categories. The magazine itself is made in such a way that it is easily divided into separate sheets that can be distributed among the sections described above, and this allows you to easily find the necessary information in the folder. Thus, individual issues are formed into a real systematic encyclopedia “Minerals. Treasures of the Earth. "

A case for storing minerals and stones is another gift the reader receives with the second issue of the magazine. It is a plastic case with cells, which is designed specifically to store the original samples of the collection.

What minerals can be purchased with the magazine?

With each next issue, the collector has the opportunity to replenish his collection with a new instance of a mineral or semiprecious stone. These authentic samples are brought from different parts of the world and are mined in deposits located in Brazil, Uruguay, India, Sri Lanka, Namibia, South Africa, Australia, Great Britain, Madagascar and other places.

“Minerals. Treasures of the Earth. ” Garnet.

There are many places on the planet where rocks are enriched with precious and semiprecious stones, contain various minerals - the treasures of the earth.

The list of semiprecious stones and minerals purchased for private collections along with each issue of the new magazine is quite extensive, and it is constantly updated with new names of various kinds. Here you can find as well-known stones, such as amethyst, rose quartz, opal, rhinestone, tiger eye, agate or citrine; and rare, little-known (especially for beginner collectors) specimens - the most beautiful chalcopyrite and lepidolite, black onyx and black obsidian, spotted labrador, a fancy desert rose, selenite, olivine, albite, cordierite and many others.

Amethyst - a semiprecious collection

For every lover of minerals, ornamental, precious and semiprecious stones, his collection is a special pride. Minerals, treasures of the earth, in a private collection can be represented by a variety of samples. And no collector will refuse to host one of the most beautiful semiprecious stones - amethyst.

This mineral is a particularly valuable variety of quartz. Its color may be purple, purple, red, pink or purple. Most often, purple amethysts are found. Color variability depends on the percentage of iron impurities. The stone has a glass luster.

“Minerals. Treasures of the Earth. ” List.

Amethyst crystals are able to withstand high temperatures, but if it is strongly heated or exposed to direct sunlight, it will lose its color. This temporary phenomenon passes, and the color returns when the stone cools.

Amethyst - jewelry stone. The highest quality specimens are mined in Brazil, Uruguay and the Urals. It is believed that this mineral helps a person to comprehend the secrets of higher spheres and universal wisdom, to develop internal hidden abilities, to approach the absolute. He helps to live in peace, to observe honesty and sincerity. Amethysts in Russia decorated the royal crowns, altars, icons and crosses of priests.


That part of the collection, which can be represented by precious stones, can also be replenished with the help of one of the issues of the Minerals. Treasures of the Earth. " Pomegranate - one of such jewelry stones, will take its rightful place in any collection, despite its wide distribution and relatively low cost.

In the understanding of the minerologist, pomegranate is a group of minerals of various shades and colors, although ordinary people often think that it is a stone the color of pomegranate juice. However, this is not so, and the origin of the name of the stone is associated with its granular structure, resembling grains of a famous fruit. The garnet group includes minerals such as pink rhodolite, orange or purple hessonite, emerald green ouvarite, light green grossular, scarlet pyrope, black melanite and others.

Gloss of pomegranates is glass, less often diamond. These minerals must be protected from contact with chemicals, heat and direct sunlight. Deposits of different types of pomegranate have been found in the USA, India, Germany, South Africa, Australia, Brazil and Mexico. In Russia they are mined in Yakutia, Karelia, the Urals, the Kola Peninsula and Chukotka.

For many peoples, this beautiful stone is considered a symbol of passion and love. Therefore, the best gifts for unmarried young girls were jewelry with pomegranate, usually with its red variety. But, in addition, garnets were considered a symbol of power, strength and will, and used to decorate the imperial and royal crowns.

Used this mineral and for therapeutic purposes in diseases of the blood and heart, headache and high temperature. And in medieval Europe with his help they defended themselves from poisons and wounds.

Blue agate

Minerals, which are a cryptocrystalline variety of quartz, are called agates. These amazingly beautiful stones, with a layered texture and banded distribution of color, are a fine-fiber aggregate of chalcedony.

Among the many varieties of agates, blue agate, or sapphirin, is considered the most popular, rare, unusual and sophisticated. Jewelers use blue agate not only as an ornamental stone, but also as semiprecious for the manufacture of jewelry. It is one of such instances that is presented for collections in one of the issues of Minerals. Treasures of the Earth. "

Blue agate stones , like all other minerals of this color, give peace, peace and a feeling of lightness. The subtle, soft vibrations of their energy inspire the knowledge of the secrets of the spiritual realms. In lithotherapy, this mineral is used to treat diseases of the throat, thyroid gland, and lingering cough. In the Middle Ages, from the bites of poisonous snakes, powdered blue agate powder diluted in water was used.

Blue agate loses its color when heated, but restores it after prolonged exposure to water. Also, color may change from exposure to sunlight or, conversely, after a prolonged stay in the dark.

Blue agates are mined in South Africa, India, Mexico, Brazil, Uruguay, Romania, China, Australia, Mongolia and Madagascar. In the United States, blue agate deposits are being developed in California, Washington, and South Dakota.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23560/

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