Baby crawling mats: model overview, selection tips

When raising a baby, its safety comes first, so as soon as the child masters his first movements, parents consider children's crawling mats for purchase. They are able to protect the little ones from accidental injuries, help to develop and provide a field for active leisure. But such products are different, designed for different purposes. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to their appearance and basic characteristics.

Children's mat - puzzle for crawling

Varieties of models

Crawling mats come in many types. Therefore, it is worth knowing their features:

  1. Children's rugs-puzzles for crawling. They have a bright design, are easy to maintain and can expand. If the baby has little free space, then you can buy a few additional modules.
  2. One-piece development mats. They have increased strength, warm and provide good sound insulation. Their design is bright, which the baby always likes. There are many elements for the game and development.
  3. Children's roll mats for crawling. A good option for the smallest. Suitable for those who need to quickly and anywhere provide their child with a place to learn crawling skills.
Children's roll mat for crawling

Consider each view in more detail.

Jigsaw puzzle flooring

Children's rugs-puzzles for crawling are the most economical and always provide the opportunity to expand the space for the active movement of the baby. In reviews, there is often an opinion that caring for such a coating is not very problematic, parts are easily washed with water. You can use any cleaning products.

Similar children's crawling mats can be used as a developing element. The kid learns to pick out the details of the puzzle and insert them into place. At the same time, a separate, completely safe design can be built from individual elements. The coating provides a flat and smooth floor, so you can play any toys on it and build houses out of cubes.

But there is a puzzle mat and flaws. Many parents give off a specific smell. However, proven manufacturers are trying to completely eliminate this moment, or the smell after ventilation on the balcony completely disappears. Experienced mothers always take rugs of the greatest thickness. Too thin quickly fail, and their level of comfort is not so great. The optimum thickness is more than 1 cm.

Crawling Puzzle Mat

One-piece developmental crawling mats

Children's crawling mats can be educational and developmental. After all, everything is interesting for the baby, so the bright colors and additional accessories always attract the child. However, not everyone understands the difference in coverage designed for learning to crawl, and only a developmental accessory. Consider their main differences:

  1. Crawling floor mats are thicker. They can be laid on tiles, laminate or parquet. In this case, the baby will be completely protected from bruises on a hard surface. Developers usually lay on a bed or carpet, they have a smaller thickness.
  2. The age of use is also indicative. If developing ones are intended for the smallest, then for crawling they are designed for ages from 5-7 months. Since that time, the child begins to actively develop a new skill.
  3. The size of the children's mat on the floor for crawling is much larger than that of the developing version. However, the functionality of the latter is much higher.
Crawling mat

The best models and reviews about them

It is important for parents that the baby should not be on a cold and hard floor. That is why a children's soft crawling mat is needed. But it is important to choose the right model so that it lasts as long as possible and interests the child. It is better to give preference to trusted manufacturers and pay attention to the thickness of the product, the presence of extraneous odors and the quality of the paint used.

Dwinguler: an option for children of all ages

The coating has quite impressive dimensions, but the dimensions of the product, the user can choose different. The most spacious mat has a length of 2.3 m and a width of 1.4 m. At the same time, parents note a decent thickness of 1.5 cm.

Judging by the reviews, the children's crawling mat is large, so the child is not cramped on it. Moms and dads claim that the product is quite suitable for babies just starting to crawl, and for children who are already 5-7 years old. Vivid pictures of various animals contribute to maintaining interest. The highlight of the rug is its ability to turn over. If the first side with pictures is intended for the smallest, then the reverse - with letters and numbers - will be interesting for older children.

Features of Dwinguler Rugs

You can choose the usual option, but a new product appeared in the manufacturer’s lineup, which was immediately appreciated by parents and kids. The cover is a musical rug where a special pencil is provided. It has a secure rounded design. If they touch the images of animals, then they make sounds. A funny melody also plays.

For the smallest, you can choose the option with sides. Thus, the baby will be in a certain space and will not crawl out onto the cold floor.

Of course, many advantages have a similar option. Many users recommend it as the first mat for the child, which can be used before school. But among the shortcomings is often indicated too high a price tag.

Crawling mat Dwinguler

Arc Models

The developing crawling mat, equipped with arcs, is suitable for children who are still trying to make the first movements. The coating is small in size, but a variety of toys that are interesting to play with are suspended on the arcs. This model is designed for the smallest children who still can not crawl away.

Parents claim that the option promotes the interest of the baby and provokes him to move forward. Seeing a bright toy ahead, the baby tries to crawl up to it. Such a product is suitable for travel, it is easy to carry it to the right place. According to the responses of mothers, the rug is always interested in your favorite child and gives an impetus to its development.

However, when choosing, it is worth paying great attention to the quality of the coating itself and additional accessories. It is important that the material is dense, lining at least 1 cm thick. All toys must be firmly fixed and not have small parts. If the accessories are removable, then this option is preferable. They can be removed for washing or suspended new ones to stimulate the child to new exploits.

Developmental crawling mat

Roll Covers Babypol

If you need a practical and inexpensive rug, then it is worth considering the Babypol model. It is a roll that can be easily laid out in the right place and removed if necessary.

Among the advantages, parents noted the ease of care. The mat can be washed or simply wiped with a damp cloth. It is important that the coating does not leak moisture, therefore, in case of unexpected incidents, the floor covering will not suffer.

However, some parents are confused by the small thickness of such products. A roll mat is usually smaller than even a puzzle. But, as practice shows, fears are in vain. Foamed polyethylene, from which the coating is made, holds heat well, has soundproofing properties. According to user reviews, it has good depreciation. Therefore, you can not be afraid of accidental falls and bruises.

The dimensions of the mat are also optimal. The length is about 1.8 m, and the width is 1.5 m. The baby's attention is attracted by colorful drawings. The lineup has a wide variety of ornaments - from familiar animals and letters to dinosaurs and numbers.

Selection options

In the children's room should be not only comfort, but also a safe environment. For this, special floor coverings are provided. But how to choose a children's rug for crawling? Not all parents understand this, so it’s worth considering a few points.

The puzzle mat is good in that it will serve the baby for a long time. After he learns to crawl, walking will replace him. Falling on such a floor will not be painful, because it is soft and well springy. If you wish, you can always increase the space needed for active pastime by simply purchasing a few more items.

The roll option is compact. It can be moved from room to room. But he will serve until the moment the child begins to actively run.

Crawling Mats

Developmental patterns are recommended for the smallest. They stimulate crawling skills, are compact and suitable for use on the floor or bed. However, the time of their use is too limited. Children quickly outgrow such a rug.

The validity of the purchase

Many parents doubt the validity of the purchase. But such coatings are considered by many to be effective and safe for ensuring the motor activity of the baby. Of course, you can crawl on an ordinary carpet or bare floor, but such an action may not be completely safe. After all, if tile or laminate is laid, then they are very hard and cold. A standard rug may contain invisible dirt, and caring for the rug is not at all burdensome and can be disinfected.

Do not forget about frequent falls. The crawling mat provides not only softness, but also excellent cushioning. It is warm, bright, attracts the attention of a child and stimulates its activity.


Of course, you can do without a crawling mat. But, as the reviews of parents show, such a device significantly increases comfort and ensures the safety of the baby while learning to crawl and walk. The main thing is to choose the best option for yourself and when buying, pay attention to the quality of workmanship, fixing additional accessories and the paint used. By the way, the quality of the latter can be checked in the store. If the picture is slightly wet and rubbed with a handkerchief, then the stains should not appear, and there will be no spots on the scarf. If the mat passed a small test, then it can be recommended for purchase.


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